

14/06/2004 10:45 PM

Dovetail Jig

I am shopping for a Dovetail Jig. Any special recommendations? Good Prices-??
Anyone want's to get rid of one ??? I want to buy one this week.

Thanks in advance for a reply!

This topic has 9 replies



in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

18/06/2004 9:35 AM

> Start cheap, you'll appreciate the really nice stuff more.

Been there many times 8=)))

I bought a Leigh on ebay for a reasonable price. Together with the multiple
mortise module. I'll be working with it on the weekend.

Thanks for all your comments.


[email protected] (Never Enough Money)

in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

15/06/2004 6:59 AM

Akeda. http://www.akedajigs.com/product_availability.html

Wood Haven has a Keller knock-off that looks nice too. The Akeda rules
on dust collection capability.....

Plus, the Akeda web page has a reasonably "fair" comparison of many
dovetail jigs.

patriarch <<patriarch>[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> rsc <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
> > I am shopping for a Dovetail Jig. Any special recommendations? Good
> > Prices-?? Anyone want's to get rid of one ??? I want to buy one this
> > week.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for a reply!
> >
> >
> What you should buy really depends on what you want to do with it. ;-)
> There are a bunch of really nice jigs, each of which has its strong points,
> and some not so strong.
> I have an Akeda. I gave away a Rockler half-blind (Porter Cable clone),
> because it drove me crazy (OK. It was a short putt. [rim-shot]) The
> Katie Jig looks to do some things very nicely. The Keller does its thing
> with admirable simplicity, but not much else. The Leigh D4 has hoardes of
> enthusiastic fans, but flexibility comes with some complexity, a multi-
> hundred page manual, and a multi hundred dollar price tag.
> And that isn't all. If you find that you are doing a good number of these
> joints, you'll start to think that having another router setup and ready,
> dedicated to dovetails is a reasonable thing.
> It's enough to drive a person to lock miter joints. Or a good dovetail
> saw, and a book by Ian Kirby.
> Patriarch


in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

16/06/2004 5:36 AM

I have a Leigh and a Stanley. Just did four drawers with the Stanley,
dovetailled front and back. Tapped them together with a mallet, fitted
them with full extention rails in the cabinet, no glue no nails.
It takes two routers and little tweaking to get the Leigh to do right.
For boxes and stuff I use the Leigh, for drawers the Stanley. No

Start cheap, you'll appreciate the really nice stuff more.

rsc <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I am shopping for a Dovetail Jig. Any special recommendations? Good Prices-??
> Anyone want's to get rid of one ??? I want to buy one this week.
> Thanks in advance for a reply!


patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

15/06/2004 6:24 AM

rsc <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> I am shopping for a Dovetail Jig. Any special recommendations? Good
> Prices-?? Anyone want's to get rid of one ??? I want to buy one this
> week.
> Thanks in advance for a reply!

What you should buy really depends on what you want to do with it. ;-)
There are a bunch of really nice jigs, each of which has its strong points,
and some not so strong.

I have an Akeda. I gave away a Rockler half-blind (Porter Cable clone),
because it drove me crazy (OK. It was a short putt. [rim-shot]) The
Katie Jig looks to do some things very nicely. The Keller does its thing
with admirable simplicity, but not much else. The Leigh D4 has hoardes of
enthusiastic fans, but flexibility comes with some complexity, a multi-
hundred page manual, and a multi hundred dollar price tag.

And that isn't all. If you find that you are doing a good number of these
joints, you'll start to think that having another router setup and ready,
dedicated to dovetails is a reasonable thing.

It's enough to drive a person to lock miter joints. Or a good dovetail
saw, and a book by Ian Kirby.




in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

15/06/2004 9:25 AM

Maybe I should buy a lock miter joint bit for the router and forget the jig's
8=). But they just don't look that fancy hahahaha.

> It's enough to drive a person to lock miter joints. Or a good dovetail
> saw, and a book by Ian Kirby.
> Patriarch



in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

15/06/2004 5:04 AM

get a Leigh D4

"bob" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I love my Keller. Easy to set up. Once done, it works perfect every
time -
> no futzing around. Only downside is it doesn't do half-blinds.
> "rsc" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > I am shopping for a Dovetail Jig. Any special recommendations? Good
> Prices-??
> > Anyone want's to get rid of one ??? I want to buy one this week.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for a reply!
> >
> >


"Scott Burright"

in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

15/06/2004 2:19 PM

"rsc" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I am shopping for a Dovetail Jig. Any special recommendations? Good

I've made dovetails with the supposedly-hideous Craftsman thing. Gave Dad
the similar Rockler jig and he was happy with it. Others will only be happy
dumping the big bucks for a Leigh, which is certainly worth it if you have
the means. Your mileage will vary. Gotta ask yourself who you are. I'm a
bottom feeder and always will be.




in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

14/06/2004 11:00 PM

I love my Keller. Easy to set up. Once done, it works perfect every time -
no futzing around. Only downside is it doesn't do half-blinds.

"rsc" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I am shopping for a Dovetail Jig. Any special recommendations? Good
> Anyone want's to get rid of one ??? I want to buy one this week.
> Thanks in advance for a reply!



in reply to rsc on 14/06/2004 10:45 PM

06/07/2004 2:22 PM

Where can I find information on the Stanley?
"jack" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I have a Leigh and a Stanley. Just did four drawers with the Stanley,
> dovetailled front and back. Tapped them together with a mallet, fitted
> them with full extention rails in the cabinet, no glue no nails.
> It takes two routers and little tweaking to get the Leigh to do right.
> For boxes and stuff I use the Leigh, for drawers the Stanley. No
> contest.
> Start cheap, you'll appreciate the really nice stuff more.
> rsc <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> > I am shopping for a Dovetail Jig. Any special recommendations? Good
> > Anyone want's to get rid of one ??? I want to buy one this week.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for a reply!

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