We take this opportunity to announce the updated new version of our
website www.easyMaintain.com which allows you to fix and repair or
install from new all your home fixtures and fittings.
This site is free and has special links to all the best suppliers on
line to save you time and money.
Remember a plumber will charge you up to =A3125.00 to change a tap
washer, something you can do yourself for =A30.50p with
This site is being updated daily so please log back in as often as you
Logon now at www.easyMaintain.com and do it yourself
On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:50:23 -0500, "Stoutman" <.@.> wrote:
>Another please-click-on-my-google-ads website.
Yes and the bean counters at Google are as happy as dung beetles and
elephant convention. Google seem to quickly moving up in supporting
Spam through its policies and we are to big to be bothered with
details attitude. The Big Dog eats first.
(sixoneeight) = 618