
"m II"

16/05/2011 9:34 PM

George Watson begs for help to embroidery ladies as nymshifted troll

Please be kind in whatever you do do
I am asking on behalf of our group, a small binary
forum that dabbles in fine needlework and crafts of the
kind you all wear daily.
Sorry we do not darn socks <grin>
For some time now our little group has been plagued
with the activities of your little Troll Gymmy Bob.
We can be very tolerant for most of us have seen much
of Life in our 70+ years however this little boy is
proving very tiresome in his rages with his arch foe
TAZ has been most helpful in assisting us with a lot of
problems and is often distracted by this Troll.
Gymmy Bob has taken to using extremely foul language
amongst his posting together with changing the posting
name, sometimes using TAZ.
Gymmy Bob has posted vulgar jpeg including hard core
Using Piezo Guru and Gymn Bob names he is starting
fights with himself!
Recently Gymmy Bob has been posting the group FAQ to
confuse the newbies.
When we say anything Gymmy Bob accuses us of being TAZ!
No one seems to have an answer for shutting the Troll
down. One poster 'Seppo' has tried several times.
The ISP of Golden.NET he uses shows no interest to a
few emails from me.
I am asking you to do what ever you can to rid us of
this Troll from the InterNET.
I am not aware of how that is done hoping that when
you all know what he is up to some action may help more
than none.
Thank you for listening. I do ask in desperation.

Miss Marple
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 20:42:21 -0500
From: "Gymn Bob" <nothanx_AT_spam.me>
MID: <4bSdnWAA_tBUOLLfRVn-iQ_AT_golden.net>
I can stick to the topic and answer questions. You just
admitted I had you dead to rights with your pants down