On 22 Jul 2003 17:51:27 -0700, [email protected] (shawnee) pixelated:
>I'm still looking for a suitable spinning wheel plan. Any help is appreciated.
Suitable for whom and for what? I love all the time
and detail "you people" put into your requests for info.
It takes the people who would help "you" four times longer
to pick that info outta ya than it would for you to go to
http://www.google.com and type in "spinning wheel plans" to
see if they could point you to whatever the hell you wanted.
P.S: That search gives 41,500 results in 0.41 seconds.
Do you think just MAYBE you could find something in that
number of hits?
P.P.S: The aforementioned (toned-down) rant was brought to
you by the 4,000 of "you people" who preceeded you, Shawnee.
Don't take it too personally. ;)
P.P.P.S: Don't forget to add "free" on Google if you want it.
Never attempt to traverse a chasm in two leaps
http://www.diversify.com Comprehensive Website Design
Wed, Jul 23, 2003, 4:20am (EDT+4) jake@di\/ersify.com (Larry=A0Jaques)
Suitable for whom and for what? <snip>
Bravo. Well put.
Always put off until tomorrow something which, tomorrow, you could put
off until, let's say, next year.
- Lady Myria LeJean.
Life just ain't life without good music. - JOAT
Web Page Update 19 Jul 2003. Some tunes I like.