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19/04/2008 3:00 AM

The opening collection featured the CSX-Diamond Chronographs, which proved to be a hit like everything else they produced. It was ultimately this collection that launched the company and propelled them to fame in the USA. They have had several different commercials, have had radio commercials, and have been featured in a number of different magazines. The magazine "American Time" even called Michele watches a "watch market star."

The opening collection featured the CSX-Diamond Chronographs, which
proved to be a hit like everything else they produced. It was
ultimately this collection that launched the company and propelled
them to fame in the USA. They have had several different commercials,
have had radio commercials, and have been featured in a number of
different magazines. The magazine "American Time" even called Michele
watches a "watch market star."

There are a number of different watch manufacturers and timepieces to
choose from on the market today. But Michele watches continue to have
great success because of their dedication to every detail in the
watches, creating sophistication and brilliance.

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