Leonard Lopez

27/07/2004 9:50 AM

Building a Drum Sander

I need a drum sander and am interested in honing my skills by building
one. I have seen a couple of designs in FWW (1986). One was done by
making all the parts and the other was done by purchasing ($600) some
parts in kit form from Kuster woodworking (now defunct).

The main difference was that the totally homemade one used the pressure
rollers for and aft of the sanding drum as feed rollers too. That means
they needed to drag the board over the table - lots of friction! The
kit made one used pressure rollers plus a separate set of powered
rollers on the ends of the table to move a wide rubber belt with the
board on it.

I have not found another kit company. However, I can buy parts from
Grizzly to make up a kit.

Anybody out there done it lately? What was your experience? Is it good
enough to warrant the work, or should I just spring for the Grizzly?
Any other companies in the $1100 range.


This topic has 4 replies


in reply to Leonard Lopez on 27/07/2004 9:50 AM

27/07/2004 12:12 PM

Tue, Jul 27, 2004, 9:50am (EDT-3) [email protected] (Leonard=A0Lopez)
<snip> Is it good enough to warrant the work, <snip>

Shouldn't it be up to you to decide that?

Any other companies in the $1100 range.


There are several free plans for drum sanders, and at least one pay
plan. If you look.

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patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to Leonard Lopez on 27/07/2004 9:50 AM

27/07/2004 3:06 PM

Leonard Lopez <[email protected]> wrote in news:2mn8atFol2g7U1@uni-

> I need a drum sander and am interested in honing my skills by building
> one. I have seen a couple of designs in FWW (1986). One was done by
> making all the parts and the other was done by purchasing ($600) some
> parts in kit form from Kuster woodworking (now defunct).
> The main difference was that the totally homemade one used the pressure
> rollers for and aft of the sanding drum as feed rollers too. That means
> they needed to drag the board over the table - lots of friction! The
> kit made one used pressure rollers plus a separate set of powered
> rollers on the ends of the table to move a wide rubber belt with the
> board on it.
> I have not found another kit company. However, I can buy parts from
> Grizzly to make up a kit.
> Anybody out there done it lately? What was your experience? Is it good
> enough to warrant the work, or should I just spring for the Grizzly?
> Any other companies in the $1100 range.
> Thanks,
> Len

The Performax 16-32, $800, got good reviews from the folks in my
woodworking club, so that's the one I bought. I assume you need a larger



in reply to Leonard Lopez on 27/07/2004 9:50 AM

27/07/2004 1:12 PM

There is a place in Canada which sells some pieces for make it
yourself. Most of them have you run the board OVER the drum.

Sears is coming out with an interesting drum sander, if I recall it
was 18" for about $700. Might turn out to be pretty innovative from
the preview shown in the magazine article. I think it was
woodworker's journal's ezine, but I might be mistaken.

Here is a link for the canadian company:


Here is the link for WW ezine article:



Chris Dubea

in reply to Leonard Lopez on 27/07/2004 9:50 AM

31/07/2004 3:59 PM

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 09:50:45 -0700, Leonard Lopez <[email protected]>

>I need a drum sander and am interested in honing my skills by building
>one. I have seen a couple of designs in FWW (1986). One was done by
>making all the parts and the other was done by purchasing ($600) some
>parts in kit form from Kuster woodworking (now defunct).
>The main difference was that the totally homemade one used the pressure
>rollers for and aft of the sanding drum as feed rollers too. That means
>they needed to drag the board over the table - lots of friction! The
>kit made one used pressure rollers plus a separate set of powered
>rollers on the ends of the table to move a wide rubber belt with the
>board on it.
>I have not found another kit company. However, I can buy parts from
>Grizzly to make up a kit.
>Anybody out there done it lately? What was your experience? Is it good
>enough to warrant the work, or should I just spring for the Grizzly?
>Any other companies in the $1100 range.

You might want to try the following


Good luck,


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