I'd like very much to build my own wooden briefcase, complete with
dedicated compartments and all the hardware: bronze protective corner
maske, stay-open hinge, handle and lock (preferable by key).
* Has onyone attempted this (with success)?
* Where can I buy the specific hardware (online only, thanks)?
Thank a lot,
Max63 asks:
>I'd like very much to build my own wooden briefcase, complete with
>dedicated compartments and all the hardware: bronze protective corner
>maske, stay-open hinge, handle and lock (preferable by key).
>* Has onyone attempted this (with success)?
>* Where can I buy the specific hardware (online only, thanks)?
Try www.rockler.com, search for briefcase. They've got a plan, a stand-open,
and other than that, most of the hardware looks standard.
Charlie Self
"In the final choice a soldier's pack is not so heavy as a prisoner's chains."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Chris wrote:
> [email protected] (Max63) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > I'd like very much to build my own wooden briefcase, complete with
> > dedicated compartments and all the hardware: bronze protective corner
> > maske, stay-open hinge, handle and lock (preferable by key).
> > * Has onyone attempted this (with success)?
> > * Where can I buy the specific hardware (online only, thanks)?
> > Thank a lot,
> > Max
> http://www.calmplex.com/Andy_Briefcase.html
> This was originally posted by JOAT some time back. It's all wood so
> it doesn't need any hardware. No plans or anything but you might try
> contacting the web site owner.
> -Chris
"The Toolbox Book" IIRC by Jim Tolpin, shows a similar briefcase which is actually a toolbox.
Constantine used to sell everything you would need for wood Breifcase,
Don't know if they still do since they changed hand and cut out a lot of
good things from their catalogue
Try them they may still carry the things you need
"Max63" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'd like very much to build my own wooden briefcase, complete with
> dedicated compartments and all the hardware: bronze protective corner
> maske, stay-open hinge, handle and lock (preferable by key).
> * Has onyone attempted this (with success)?
> * Where can I buy the specific hardware (online only, thanks)?
> Thank a lot,
> Max
[email protected] (Max63) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I'd like very much to build my own wooden briefcase, complete with
> dedicated compartments and all the hardware: bronze protective corner
> maske, stay-open hinge, handle and lock (preferable by key).
> * Has onyone attempted this (with success)?
> * Where can I buy the specific hardware (online only, thanks)?
> Thank a lot,
> Max
This was originally posted by JOAT some time back. It's all wood so
it doesn't need any hardware. No plans or anything but you might try
contacting the web site owner.