
21/10/2004 8:09 PM

The gloat that got away

Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power

They have a new in box Hitachi set:

18v drill
18V recip saw
18V circular saw
18v flash light
ONLY 1 battery
and tool bag

price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00

I called wife and told her what I wanted for christmas and she was
across the street. Wife doesn't go buy, instead buys DIGITAL CAMERA
for her Mother and Step DAD for $300.00

SO she feels bad and tells me to go get it tonight.. GONE..

Walk around to tool section, retail price for the set with TWO
batteries is

FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS!! $487.00 on the shelf..

I'm gonna regret THAT decision for a LONG time.. Next time I just buy
the damn thing!

The silver lining, they have dewalt hammer drills cordless starting on
the markdown latter. Which is what I really want, but DAMN that was a
nice set for $145.00


This topic has 34 replies


Andy Jeffries

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

25/10/2004 1:29 PM

Lobby Dosser wrote:
>>Last year we were shopping at Lowes for something and I spied a DW733
>>when they were closing them out, told my wife it was a good deal and
>>she went to get a cart without me asking her to do it!
> If she's anything like mine, she just didn't want to drag you through the
> rest of the store whimpering 'can I have it, can I, can I?' . :o)


Unfortunately, I'm bitch-slapped with regards to WW purchases so I get
to enjoy the humour from the "sounds familiar" side of the fence.

I have just come to accept that the wife is better with money than I am
- my view is "it's in the bank, I can spend it" hers is "it won't be in
the bank because we have X, Y and Z coming up and WHAT DO YOU MEAN

(of course with first child just under two and now another on the way
money is a bit tighter than I'd like)




[email protected] (Charlie Self)

in reply to Andy Jeffries on 25/10/2004 1:29 PM

25/10/2004 4:23 PM

Andy Jeffries writes:

>(of course with first child just under two and now another on the way
>money is a bit tighter than I'd like)

Hang in there, man. Something like 4 or 5 years after college, most of them get
out on their own. In about 27, 28 years, you'll have some spare bucks.

Course your sanity may be a little ragged around the edges.

Charlie Self
"When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not
hereditary." Thomas Paine



in reply to Andy Jeffries on 25/10/2004 1:29 PM

25/10/2004 12:49 PM

"Charlie Self" wrote in message

> Hang in there, man. Something like 4 or 5 years after college, most of
them get
> out on their own. In about 27, 28 years, you'll have some spare bucks.

Yabut, if you have a daughter or two, be prepared for the inevitable
weddings. After the oldest got married this past June, I'll likely be in
debt for that one until the youngest get out of college in another four
years, then a highly probable dejavu all over again.

But I did find out last week that I am going to be a grandpa ...

Last update: 10/04/04


patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to Andy Jeffries on 25/10/2004 1:29 PM

25/10/2004 5:23 PM

[email protected] (Charlie Self) wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Course your sanity may be a little ragged around the edges.

Amen to that!




in reply to Andy Jeffries on 25/10/2004 1:29 PM

25/10/2004 11:53 PM

Charlie Self wrote:
> Andy Jeffries writes:
>>(of course with first child just under two and now another on the way
>>money is a bit tighter than I'd like)
> Hang in there, man. Something like 4 or 5 years after college, most of them get
> out on their own. In about 27, 28 years, you'll have some spare bucks.
> Course your sanity may be a little ragged around the edges.
What? You had children without them signing a contract without a sanity
j4 (aka groucho)


"Greg O"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 6:00 PM

"Edwin Pawlowski" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:bC%[email protected]...
> "Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
> > tools...
> > price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00
> >
> OK, I have to ask. Why didn't you just buy it when you saw it?

Had to check with Momma first!
I would have just bought the sucker!


"Greg O"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 6:09 PM

<Greg G.> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edwin Pawlowski said:
> >
> >"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> >> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
> >> tools...
> >
> >> price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00
> >>
> >
> >OK, I have to ask. Why didn't you just buy it when you saw it?
> OK, I have to ask. You aren't married, are ya? ;-)
> Greg G.

What does that have to do with it?
I buy what I want, when I want!
That said I am a fairly cheap SOB! I don't spend money easily, the missus is
the same way. Every so often she drags something home that she needs without
checking with me, and likewise for myself.
I have never consulted her with a tool purchase, I jusy go buy it! Last fall
over $800 in tools followed me home, not one word from her other than she
wanted to see what I had bought and what it was for. Last year we were
shopping at Lowes for something and I spied a DW733 when they were closing
them out, told my wife it was a good deal and she went to get a cart without
me asking her to do it!


"Greg O"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 9:23 PM

"Lobby Dosser" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >
> If she's anything like mine, she just didn't want to drag you through the
> rest of the store whimpering 'can I have it, can I, can I?' . :o)

Not me, but it sounds like a guy I work with!


"Greg O"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 3:19 PM

"Edwin Pawlowski" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> <Greg G.> wrote in message
> >
> > Jeez, didn't mean to start a war... Notice the smiley...
> My reply was not personal to you, just a general observation. How many
> times do you see guys not able to buy a simple thing because they don't
> permission from their wives? If I wanted/needed permission for everything
> want to do, I'd have married my mother or first grade teacher.
> Marriage should be about co-operation, not control. I have my spending
> money, she has hers and we don't question each others motives etc. Major
> purchases should be discussed or agreed upon, of course, if they will
> the general bill paying fund or require a long term loan like a car.
> Take a big buy for a toy, like a table saw or a sewing machine. Not a
> question of "can I?". but a question of "when can I?" because it may get
> delayed because I'm going to have some car repairs done for a couple
> bucks or a weekend away takes some extra cash. That is just sensible money
> management and good communications.

Well put.
Pretty much how it operates at our house. Only differance is I don't
nessarily ask the missus "when can I", I know that answer on my own. I just
tell her in case she has something on her mind that she wants to blow the
budget with!

Some what related......
This summer my daughter decided she had enough of the lakes and boating. The
missus said if the kid is not interested neither was she. Well, if neither
of them won't go, I dont'd see myself boating alone, so the boat is for
sale. Then my Honda motorcycle is for sale too. I told the missus that the
procedes from the boat and bike are a down payment for a new Harley
Davidson. I have been dreaming about one for a couple of years, looks like
next summer I will quit dreaming.
She was a little aprehensive about the purchase untill she sat down and
decided where the cash is comming from. Then a trip this fall to the HD
dealer to test drive a couple of bike finished off the decision making
process. She found one SHE likes! Good thing, I like it too! It was kinda
fun to see her pumped up about getting it to! The missus has been showing
friends the pictures of the bike that SHE picked out!


"The Davenports"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 7:57 PM

>> I called wife and told her what I wanted for christmas
>> SO she feels bad and tells me to go get it tonight.. GONE..
>> FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS!! $487.00 on the shelf..
>> I'm gonna regret THAT decision for a LONG time.. Next time I just buy
>> the damn thing!
> "I have to ask my wife", "I have to consult with SWMBO", "if my boss
> allows
> it", "my better half has to give me the go ahead", etc, etc. I am just a
> lurker here, but I do participate in many NGs and it is the same sad story
> all the time. Now, I have never read a female writing: "I have to
> consult
> with HWMAB (he who must always obey)"!!
> Don't we guys have any cojones?
> Next time just buy the damn thing!!
> you can always return it later anyway ;-)

Or it may be like my wife and I...we have an amount that we are absolutely
free to spend to without consultation or any other type of talk...over that
amount, we ask...it's about communication. How much is that amount for us?
Doesn't matter, really, what matters would be the amount for the OP...if the
OP has this setup, it might be that their budget allows for $125
"discretionary" spending, then the $145 is over it, so you call.

Just my cut on the matter.



[email protected] (GTO69RA4)

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 4:52 AM

>Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
>They have a new in box Hitachi set:
>18v drill
>18V recip saw
>18V circular saw
>18v flash light
>ONLY 1 battery
>and tool bag
>price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00
>I called wife and told her what I wanted for christmas and she was
>across the street. Wife doesn't go buy, instead buys DIGITAL CAMERA
>for her Mother and Step DAD for $300.00
>SO she feels bad and tells me to go get it tonight.. GONE..
>Walk around to tool section, retail price for the set with TWO
>batteries is
>FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS!! $487.00 on the shelf..
>I'm gonna regret THAT decision for a LONG time.. Next time I just buy
>the damn thing!
>The silver lining, they have dewalt hammer drills cordless starting on
>the markdown latter. Which is what I really want, but DAMN that was a
>nice set for $145.00

Suck close, yet suck far.



Kevin Craig

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 6:06 AM

In article <vt%dd.36418$bk1.33616@fed1read05>, AAvK <[email protected]>

> Well, as it were, you could have sucked, you almost sucked,
> but you didn't quite make the grade of genuinly sucking.

And that really sucks.



Greg G.

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 2:08 AM

Edwin Pawlowski said:

>"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
>> tools...
>> price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00
>OK, I have to ask. Why didn't you just buy it when you saw it?

OK, I have to ask. You aren't married, are ya? ;-)

Greg G.


Brian Elfert

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 3:32 PM

"Bob" <[email protected]> writes:

>Look at it this way, a cordless drill is very useful. You already have a
>flashlight. Cordless saws are useless foo-foo in the wood shop. You'll

18 Volt flashlights are extremely bright and come in very handy when car
camping. No need to buy batteries either. Not so good for backpacking.

Brian Elfert



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 9:04 AM

Edwin said
> Married 38 years. Same woman even.
> I don't have to get permission to spend money, nor does she.

Married 27 years - She never complains about my tools and I don't complain
about her jewlery!



"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 2:17 PM

<Greg G.> wrote in message
> Jeez, didn't mean to start a war... Notice the smiley...

My reply was not personal to you, just a general observation. How many
times do you see guys not able to buy a simple thing because they don't have
permission from their wives? If I wanted/needed permission for everything I
want to do, I'd have married my mother or first grade teacher.

Marriage should be about co-operation, not control. I have my spending
money, she has hers and we don't question each others motives etc. Major
purchases should be discussed or agreed upon, of course, if they will upset
the general bill paying fund or require a long term loan like a car.

Take a big buy for a toy, like a table saw or a sewing machine. Not a
question of "can I?". but a question of "when can I?" because it may get
delayed because I'm going to have some car repairs done for a couple hundred
bucks or a weekend away takes some extra cash. That is just sensible money
management and good communications.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 1:15 PM

<Greg G.> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> OK, I have to ask. You aren't married, are ya? ;-)
> Greg G.

Married 38 years. Same woman even.

I don't have to get permission to spend money, nor does she. We know what
is available to spend.



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 3:43 PM

Got mine last week with 2 batteries :-)
"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
> tools...
> They have a new in box Hitachi set:
> 18v drill
> 18V recip saw
> 18V circular saw
> 18v flash light
> charger
> ONLY 1 battery
> and tool bag
> price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00
> I called wife and told her what I wanted for christmas and she was
> across the street. Wife doesn't go buy, instead buys DIGITAL CAMERA
> for her Mother and Step DAD for $300.00
> SO she feels bad and tells me to go get it tonight.. GONE..
> Walk around to tool section, retail price for the set with TWO
> batteries is
> FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS!! $487.00 on the shelf..
> I'm gonna regret THAT decision for a LONG time.. Next time I just buy
> the damn thing!
> The silver lining, they have dewalt hammer drills cordless starting on
> the markdown latter. Which is what I really want, but DAMN that was a
> nice set for $145.00
> Alan


Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 12:28 AM

"Greg O" <[email protected]> wrote:

> <Greg G.> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Edwin Pawlowski said:
>> >
>> >"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> >news:[email protected]...
>> >> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
>> >> tools...
>> >
>> >> price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00
>> >>
>> >
>> >OK, I have to ask. Why didn't you just buy it when you saw it?
>> OK, I have to ask. You aren't married, are ya? ;-)
>> Greg G.
> What does that have to do with it?
> I buy what I want, when I want!
> That said I am a fairly cheap SOB! I don't spend money easily, the
> missus is the same way. Every so often she drags something home that
> she needs without checking with me, and likewise for myself.
> I have never consulted her with a tool purchase, I jusy go buy it!
> Last fall over $800 in tools followed me home, not one word from her
> other than she wanted to see what I had bought and what it was for.
> Last year we were shopping at Lowes for something and I spied a DW733
> when they were closing them out, told my wife it was a good deal and
> she went to get a cart without me asking her to do it!
> Greg

If she's anything like mine, she just didn't want to drag you through the
rest of the store whimpering 'can I have it, can I, can I?' . :o)



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 8:59 AM

"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I called wife and told her what I wanted for christmas
> SO she feels bad and tells me to go get it tonight.. GONE..
> FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS!! $487.00 on the shelf..
> I'm gonna regret THAT decision for a LONG time.. Next time I just buy
> the damn thing!

"I have to ask my wife", "I have to consult with SWMBO", "if my boss allows
it", "my better half has to give me the go ahead", etc, etc. I am just a
lurker here, but I do participate in many NGs and it is the same sad story
all the time. Now, I have never read a female writing: "I have to consult
with HWMAB (he who must always obey)"!!

Don't we guys have any cojones?

Next time just buy the damn thing!!
you can always return it later anyway ;-)


A Womack

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 8:45 PM

GregP <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> On 21 Oct 2004 20:09:48 -0700, [email protected] (Alan W)
> wrote:
>>FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS!! $487.00 on the shelf..
>>I'm gonna regret THAT decision for a LONG time.. Next time I just buy
>>the damn thing!
> That's really too bad: it was a great deal.
> At the same time, I've told myself that I am
> never going to regret not buying something.

There MIGHT be a silver lining,, The 6 year old slipped I might be
having a really nice Christmas. My Wife has never been real smart about
being sneaky, but MAYBE this time..



"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 4:01 AM

"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
> tools...

> price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00

OK, I have to ask. Why didn't you just buy it when you saw it?



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 10:30 AM

"Edwin Pawlowski" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> <Greg G.> wrote in message
> >
> > Jeez, didn't mean to start a war... Notice the smiley...
> My reply was not personal to you, just a general observation. How many
> times do you see guys not able to buy a simple thing because they don't
> permission from their wives? If I wanted/needed permission for everything
> want to do, I'd have married my mother or first grade teacher.
> Marriage should be about co-operation, not control. I have my spending
> money, she has hers and we don't question each others motives etc. Major
> purchases should be discussed or agreed upon, of course, if they will
> the general bill paying fund or require a long term loan like a car.
> Take a big buy for a toy, like a table saw or a sewing machine. Not a
> question of "can I?". but a question of "when can I?" because it may get
> delayed because I'm going to have some car repairs done for a couple
> bucks or a weekend away takes some extra cash. That is just sensible money
> management and good communications.

That's a description for having "cojones" and "brains", good for you!! :-)


in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 7:25 AM

Greg G. wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Edwin Pawlowski said:
> >
> >"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> >> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
> >> tools...
> >> price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00
> >>
> >
> >OK, I have to ask. Why didn't you just buy it when you saw it?
> OK, I have to ask. You aren't married, are ya? ;-)

Here's a proven trick: Hand it to her and say with boundless glee: "I
got you my Christmas present dear, and look, it was XX% off!" If you
sense a negative reaction, looks sad and say: "I've still got the
receipt, so I could take it back if it'll make you happy."

My guess is seeing a man this pathetic forces the pity reflex to kick
in. When not done too often, the pity level can offset the anger
level and result in a net increase in power tool level.

Christmas 2002: 1/2" Dewalt drill, 40% off
Birthday 2003: Porter Cable finish nailer, 60% off
Christmas 2003: Ridgid oscillating belt sander (old color), 60% off
Still waiting for anything at Lee Valley to qualify...



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 10:54 AM

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 20:45:57 GMT, A Womack <[email protected]>

>> That's really too bad: it was a great deal.
>> At the same time, I've told myself that I am
>> never going to regret not buying something.
>There MIGHT be a silver lining,, The 6 year old slipped I might be
>having a really nice Christmas. My Wife has never been real smart about
>being sneaky, but MAYBE this time..

There you go. We are in a society where a whole heck
of a lot of people have the wherewithal to buy all sorts of
stuff on a whim and then barely use it before they get tired
of it, so it's only a matter of time and some searching before
you can fall into almost anything (my rationalization, anyway..).

Have you considered the possibility that *she* bought the
set & is going to make it your Christmas present ?


Larry Jaques

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 3:03 PM

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 15:19:08 -0500, "Greg O" <[email protected]>
calmly ranted:

>Some what related......

Definitely related: check out the bottom two pics on my
site titled "Mahogany Gloat". http://diversify.com/wood/
I feel like I've been rode hard and put up wet.

>This summer my daughter decided she had enough of the lakes and boating. The
>missus said if the kid is not interested neither was she. Well, if neither
>of them won't go, I dont'd see myself boating alone, so the boat is for
>sale. Then my Honda motorcycle is for sale too. I told the missus that the
>procedes from the boat and bike are a down payment for a new Harley
>Davidson. I have been dreaming about one for a couple of years, looks like
>next summer I will quit dreaming.

New? Tres gauche. ;) Why not have Orange County Choppers make
one for you? They're only half again more than a new one.

>She was a little aprehensive about the purchase untill she sat down and
>decided where the cash is comming from. Then a trip this fall to the HD
>dealer to test drive a couple of bike finished off the decision making
>process. She found one SHE likes! Good thing, I like it too! It was kinda
>fun to see her pumped up about getting it to! The missus has been showing
>friends the pictures of the bike that SHE picked out!


"If the promise of the Declaration of Independence is ever to be fulfilled,
it will be the Libertarian Party which fulfills it. If the Constitution is
ever again treated as what it calls itself "The Supreme Law of the Land"
then it will be the Libertarian Party which forces it to be treated that
way. The Republicans and Democrats won’t do it. So the future of the
Libertarian Party is tied to the future of America. If we go down, it
goes down with us. If America gets itself back onto the right course,
it will be our hands on the tiller." --Michael Badnarik



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 3:27 PM

On 21 Oct 2004 20:09:48 -0700, [email protected] (Alan W)
>FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS!! $487.00 on the shelf..
>I'm gonna regret THAT decision for a LONG time.. Next time I just buy
>the damn thing!

That's really too bad: it was a great deal.
At the same time, I've told myself that I am
never going to regret not buying something.


Greg G.

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 3:23 AM

Edwin Pawlowski said:

><Greg G.> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> OK, I have to ask. You aren't married, are ya? ;-)
>> Greg G.
>Married 38 years. Same woman even.
>I don't have to get permission to spend money, nor does she. We know what
>is available to spend.

Jeez, didn't mean to start a war... Notice the smiley...
I also generally buy what I need, especially if it's heavily
discounted. But many of my friends feel the need to consult with the
other half before making large purchases - for whatever reason.

Of course, $150 ain't exactly big bucks...

Greg G.


Greg G.

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 10:13 PM

Edwin Pawlowski said:

><Greg G.> wrote in message
>> Jeez, didn't mean to start a war... Notice the smiley...
>My reply was not personal to you, just a general observation. How many
>times do you see guys not able to buy a simple thing because they don't have
>permission from their wives? If I wanted/needed permission for everything I
>want to do, I'd have married my mother or first grade teacher.

LMAO, that's OK - I understand. Many of my friends have small
children at home, and large expenditures made without consultation are
the source of many a heated arguments. I guess when you have children
at home, work for a fixed salary, and the wife is a homemaker, all the
available funds get redirected from woodworking [insert personal
interest here] to emergency pediatric medical care bills and college
savings accounts.

My take on College is: parents didn't send me to college, get a job
and send yourself - you'll appreciate it more and may even learn
something besides Partying 101 and Slacker 201. ;-)


Greg G.


"Wood Butcher"

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 9:19 PM

Are you competing in the same tournament as
Owen Lowe by any chance?

"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
> tools...
> They have a new in box Hitachi set:
> 18v drill
> 18V recip saw
> 18V circular saw
> 18v flash light
> charger
> ONLY 1 battery
> and tool bag
> price marked down from teh 16th was 145.00
> I called wife and told her what I wanted for christmas and she was
> across the street. Wife doesn't go buy, instead buys DIGITAL CAMERA
> for her Mother and Step DAD for $300.00
> SO she feels bad and tells me to go get it tonight.. GONE..
> Walk around to tool section, retail price for the set with TWO
> batteries is
> FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS!! $487.00 on the shelf..
> I'm gonna regret THAT decision for a LONG time.. Next time I just buy
> the damn thing!
> The silver lining, they have dewalt hammer drills cordless starting on
> the markdown latter. Which is what I really want, but DAMN that was a
> nice set for $145.00
> Alan



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 10:47 AM

"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
> tools...
> They have a new in box Hitachi set:
> 18v drill
> 18V recip saw
> 18V circular saw
> 18v flash light
> charger
> ONLY 1 battery
> and tool bag

Look at it this way, a cordless drill is very useful. You already have a
flashlight. Cordless saws are useless foo-foo in the wood shop. You'll
survive, if you rationalize it properly. Too bad about the tool bag,



patrick conroy

in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

23/10/2004 12:04 AM

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:15:15 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" <[email protected]>

>I don't have to get permission to spend money, nor does she. We know what
>is available to spend.

I do NOT want an argument - but we talk to each other before big
purchases out of (a) respect and (b) make sure we're not putting two
in at the same time.



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

22/10/2004 4:29 PM

Bob wrote:

> "Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Yesterday I am checking the clearance center at Lowes for power
>> tools...
>> They have a new in box Hitachi set:
>> 18v drill
>> 18V recip saw
>> 18V circular saw
>> 18v flash light
>> charger
>> ONLY 1 battery
>> and tool bag
> Look at it this way, a cordless drill is very useful. You already have a
> flashlight. Cordless saws are useless foo-foo in the wood shop. You'll
> survive, if you rationalize it properly. Too bad about the tool bag,
> though.
> Bob
I use my cordless saw as much as my all corded added together.  Do all my
rough trim right on the back of the truck with the cordless then carry the
wood into the shop in small sizes so its easier to carry.



in reply to [email protected] (Alan W) on 21/10/2004 8:09 PM

21/10/2004 8:52 PM

Well, as it were, you could have sucked, you almost sucked,
but you didn't quite make the grade of genuinly sucking.

sorry bud.


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