

04/03/2004 8:49 PM

New Group for Bottle Stopper Turners

A new Yahoo Group has been formed for all woodturners who turn bottle
stoppers. Come share and assist. The group name at Yahoo is

The link is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bottlestopperturners/join


This topic has 2 replies


"Pounds on Wood"

in reply to R on 04/03/2004 8:49 PM

04/03/2004 11:46 PM

My gawd, you need your own group for that?

Bill Pounds

"R" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> A new Yahoo Group has been formed for all woodturners who turn bottle
> stoppers. Come share and assist. The group name at Yahoo is
> bottlestopperturners
> The link is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bottlestopperturners/join
> R



in reply to R on 04/03/2004 8:49 PM

05/03/2004 12:30 AM

"Pounds on Wood" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> My gawd, you need your own group for that?

LOL.. Yeah they are trying to team up with the tooth pick people.

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