
[email protected] (Eric Goldsmith)

16/07/2004 12:52 PM

Shrinking wood on playset

I recently built an outdoor play set for my kids using ACQ-treated
pine. The wood was a bit damp when I built the play set, and I
expected a bit of shrinkage. I've been checking the tightness of the
carriage bolts about every other week.

I've found on 3 occasions, the bolts felt surprisingly loose, and
required one or more turns of the nuts to tighten.

I'm surprised how much the wood is shrinking. How long can I expect
this to go on? Will the wood eventually reach a stable point? Or will
this be a constant battle?


This topic has 3 replies


Bill Schnakenberg

in reply to [email protected] (Eric Goldsmith) on 16/07/2004 12:52 PM

16/07/2004 4:16 PM

Eric Goldsmith wrote:

>I recently built an outdoor play set for my kids using ACQ-treated
>pine. The wood was a bit damp when I built the play set, and I
>expected a bit of shrinkage. I've been checking the tightness of the
>carriage bolts about every other week.
>I've found on 3 occasions, the bolts felt surprisingly loose, and
>required one or more turns of the nuts to tighten.
>I'm surprised how much the wood is shrinking. How long can I expect
>this to go on? Will the wood eventually reach a stable point? Or will
>this be a constant battle?
About a year.



in reply to [email protected] (Eric Goldsmith) on 16/07/2004 12:52 PM

16/07/2004 4:23 PM

Eric Goldsmith wrote:

> I recently built an outdoor play set for my kids using ACQ-treated
> pine. The wood was a bit damp when I built the play set, and I
> expected a bit of shrinkage. I've been checking the tightness of the
> carriage bolts about every other week.
> I've found on 3 occasions, the bolts felt surprisingly loose, and
> required one or more turns of the nuts to tighten.
> I'm surprised how much the wood is shrinking. How long can I expect
> this to go on? Will the wood eventually reach a stable point? Or will
> this be a constant battle?
> Thanks,
> Eric

It will eventually stop shrinking. A general rule for drying lumber is
one year for every inch of thickness. The shrinkage will initially be
rapid and will slow as the wood becomes drier.

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
(Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)


"J. Clarke"

in reply to [email protected] (Eric Goldsmith) on 16/07/2004 12:52 PM

16/07/2004 4:23 PM

Eric Goldsmith wrote:

> I recently built an outdoor play set for my kids using ACQ-treated
> pine. The wood was a bit damp when I built the play set, and I
> expected a bit of shrinkage. I've been checking the tightness of the
> carriage bolts about every other week.
> I've found on 3 occasions, the bolts felt surprisingly loose, and
> required one or more turns of the nuts to tighten.
> I'm surprised how much the wood is shrinking. How long can I expect
> this to go on? Will the wood eventually reach a stable point? Or will
> this be a constant battle?

Are you sure it's shrinkage and not the nuts working loose from movement
during play?

> Thanks,
> Eric

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)

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