
03/01/2015 5:54 AM


#1- From Abu Hurairah -radiallaahu anhu- who said: A man came to the Messen=
ger of Allah -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- and said: 'O Messenger of Allah=
who from the people is the most deserving of my good companionship?

The Messenger -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- replied:

'Your mother.'

The man said: 'then who?'

The Messenger -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- replied:

'Your mother.'

The man said: 'then who?'

The Messenger -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- replied:

'Your mother.'

The man said: 'then who?'

The Messenger -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

'Your father.'

[In another narration: '. . . . . the next closest relative then those clos=
est after them.']

[Collected in 'Adab al-Mufrad' no.3, Tirmidhi and 'Irwaa al-Ghaleel' 829/22=
32, declared Hasan by Albaani.]

In another narration: 'A man came to the Prophet of Allah -sallallaahu alay=
hi wa sallam- and said: 'What do you order me with?' The Messenger -sallall=
aahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

'Be good to your mother.'

[Collected by 'Adab al-Mufrad' no. 6]

[Collected by Bukhari in 'Kitaab al-Adab' in the second chapter: 'Who from =
the people is the most deserving of my good companionship?' and also collec=
ted by Muslim in 'Kitaab al-Birr wa Silat wal Adab']

Imam Nawawi said in his explanation of this hadeeth:

'The Scholars have said: the reason for the superiority of the mother is du=
e to her becoming tired on your account, her compassion, her serving you, s=
uffering hardship while being pregnant with you, then giving birth to you, =
then suckling you, then bringing you up, serving you, nursing you and other=

[Taken from the 'Sharh Saheeh Muslim' 16/80]

Ibn Hajr quotes Ibn Battaal in the explanation of this hadeeth:

Ibn Battaal said: 'Malik was asked: my father requests me to do something b=
ut my mother prevents me from it.'

Imam Malik answered:

'Obey your father and do not disobey your mother.'

['Fath ul Bari'10/402]

#2- 'Asma bint Abu Bakr said: 'My mother came to me and she is a Mushrikah =
(Non-Muslim) at the time of the Messenger of Allah -sallallaahu alayhi wa s=
allam-, so I asked the Messenger of Allah -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- ab=
out this and I said to him: 'My mother has come to me, and she is asking fo=
r me to be good to her, should I keep good relations with my mother?

The Messenger of Allah -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: 'Keep good rela=
tions with her.'

[Collected by Bukhari, Muslim and in the wording mentioned by Abu Dawud: 'A=
sma -radiallaahu anha- said: '... and she hates Islam.' 'Saheeh Targhib wa =
Tarhib' p.657 no. 2500]

Ibn Uayainah said: Allah -Azza wa Jall- revealed:

<< Allah does not forbid you from dealing justly and kindly with those who =
did not fight against you on account of religion >>

[al-Mumtahina: 8] regarding her.

[Collected by Bukhari in 'Adab al-Mufrad' no. 25, declared Saheeh by Albaan=
i in 'Saheeh Abu Dawud' (1468)]

#3- It is narrated from Talha bin Muaaweeyah as-Sulamee -radiallaahu anhu- =
who said: I came to the Prophet -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- and said: 'O=
Messenger of Allah! Indeed I want to participate in Jihad in the path of A=

The Prophet -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: 'Is your mother alive?'

I said: 'Yes.'

The Prophet -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

'Stay at her feet, for there is Paradise.'

[Collected by Tabraani and Albaani declared it Saeeih li Ghayreehi in 'Sahe=
eh Targhib wa Tarhib' 2/2484 p.649]

In a similar narration from Muaaweeyah bin Jaahimah where the Prophet -sall=
allaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

'Stick to your mother, since indeed Paradise is at her feet.'

[Collected by Ibn Majah, Nisa'i and Albaani declared it Hasan Saheeh in 'Sa=
heeh Targhib wa Tarhib' 2/2485]

In a similar hadeeth the Prophet -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- asked: 'Do =
you have parents?'

I said: 'Yes.'

The Prophet -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

'Stick to them, since indeed Paradise is under their feet.'

[Collected by Tabrani and Albaani declared it Hasan Saheeh in 'Saheeh Targh=
ib wa Tarhib' no. 2485]

#4 - From Ibn Umar -radiallaahu anhu- who said: 'A man came to the Prophet =
-sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- and said: 'Indeed I have committed a major s=
in, is there any repentance for me?'

The Prophet -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: 'Do you have a mother?'

He answered: 'No.'

The Prophet -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: 'Do you have an aunt (moth=
er's sister)?'

He answered: 'Yes.'

The Prophet -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

'Then be good to her.'

[Collected by Tirmidhi, and declared Saheeh by Albaani and in the wording c=
ollected by Ibn Hibban and Hakim: 'Do you have parents?' 'Saheeh Targhib wa=
Tarhib' p.658 no. 2504]

#5- From al-Mughirah bin Shaybah -radiallaahu anhu- from the Prophet -salla=
llaahu alayhi wa sallam- who said:

'Indeed Allah has prohibited you from being disobedient to your mothers, an=
d burying your daughters alive, to withhold from what Allah has allowed, cl=
aiming something which you do not have the right to claim. And Allah dislik=
es gossiping and excessive questioning, and wasting wealth.'

[Collected by Bukhari]

#6- From al-Miqdam bin Ma'adi Karb al-Kindi on the authority of the Prophet=
-sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- who said:

'Indeed Allah orders you to fulfill the rights of your mothers, then to ful=
fill the rights of close relatives then those who are after them.'

[Collected in 'Silsilah Sahihah' No.1666]

From the Athaar of the Salaf

#7- From Sa'id bin Abu Burdah from his father who said: Ibn Umar -radiallaa=
hu anhu- said: he was making Tawaaf and he saw a man making Tawaaf while ca=
rrying his mother saying:

Indeed I am like her submissive camel

Even if her ride becomes startled I will not become startled and run away

I carry her since she carried me more, do you think that I have paid her ba=
ck O Ibn Umar?

He said: No, not even one breath while giving birth.

[Taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.268, 'Mukarim al-Akhlaaq' p.225, and 'Adab =
al-Mufrad' No.11and authenticated by Albaani]

#8- From Abu Hazim: that Abu Huraira -radiallaahu anhu- did not perform Haj=
j until his mother died.

[Collected in 'Mukarim al-Akhlaaq' p.80, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.268=

#9- From Muhammad who said: 'There was a date palm which bore one thousand =
dates, so Usamah bin Zayd -radiallaahu anhu- went to these dates and cut th=
em off the tree due to their beauty. He was asked about it, so he said: Ind=
eed my mother mentioned to me that she would love to have them, and there i=
s nothing from the Dunya that my mother wants and I have the capability of =
getting except that I will get it for her.'

[Collected in 'Mukarim al-Akhlaaq' p.225, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p. 2=

#10- From Ibn Abbas -radiallaahu anhu- that a man came to him and said: 'I =
proposed to a woman but she refused to marry me, someone else proposed to h=
er and she liked him and married him. I became jealous over her and I kille=
d her, can I repent from this?'

Ibn 'Abbas asked: 'Is your mother alive?'

He answered: 'No.'

Then Ibn Abbas said: 'Repent to Allah -Azza wa Jal- and come close to Him a=
s much as you can.'

The narrator said: I went and asked Ibn 'Abbas -radiallaahu anhu-: 'Why did=
you ask him whether his mother was alive?'

Ibn Abbas -radiallaahu anhu- answered:

'Indeed I do not know of an action closer to Allah -Azza wa Jal- than being=
good to one's mother.'

[Collected by Bukhari in 'Adab al-Mufrad' no.4, declared Saheeh by Albaani =
in 'Silsilah as-Sahihah' 2799]

#11- From Abu Hazim that Abu Murrah, the freed slave of Umm Hani the daught=
er of Abu Taalib informed him that he rode with Abu Hurairah to al-Aqeeq wh=
ere his land was. When he entered his land he yelled at the top of his voic=
e: 'O my mother Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baraktuhu'

She replied: 'Wa alayka assalam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baraktuhu'

He said: 'May Allah have mercy upon you as you brought me up when I was sma=

She said: 'O my son, and likewise to you, may Allah reward you with goodnes=
s and may He be pleased with you, as you look after me while I am old.'

[Collected by Bukhari in 'Adab al-Mufrad' No.14, and Albaani declared it to=
have a Hasan Isnad]

#12- From 'Atta that a person's mother took an oath from him that he should=
not pray except the obligatory prayer and not to fast except Ramadan, 'Att=
a said:

'Obey her!'

[Collected in 'al-Birr' by Ibn al-Jawzi p.67, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' =

#13- From Humaid who said: When Umm Eyaas bin Muaaweeyah died, Eyaas cried,=
it was said: 'What makes you cry?' He said: 'I used to have two doors open=
towards Paradise and one of them has been closed.'

[Collected in 'al-Birr' by Ibn al-Jawzi p.68, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' =

#14- Muhammad bin al-Munkadir said: 'I spent the night massaging my mother'=
s leg and Umar spent the night praying. His night would not make me happier=
than my night.'

[Collected in 'al-Hileeyah' 3/150, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.269]

#15- From Jafar bin Sulayman who said: Muhammad bin al-Munkadir used to pla=
ce his cheek on the floor, and then say to his mother: 'place your foot upo=
n it!'

[Collected in 'Mukarim al-Akhlaaq' p.226, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.27=

#16- From Ibn 'Awn who said: 'Muhammad bin Sireen used to when he was with =
his mother lower his voice and speak slowly.'

[Collected in 'Mukarim al-Akhlaaq' p.226, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.27=

#17- From al-Hasan that a man said to him: 'Indeed I made Hajj and indeed m=
y mother has given me permission to perform another Hajj.' So al-Hasan said=
: 'To sit with her at her table is more beloved to me than your Hajj [i.e. =
optional Hajj].'

[Collected in 'Mukarim al-Akhlaaq' p.227, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.27=

#18- From Hisham who said: Hafsah bint Sireen used to ask for Allah's mercy=
upon her son Huthayal and say: He would go and get reed and stalks to make=
a fire, he would peel them and gather them in the summer time, so when it =
was lit it would not produce smoke. When it came to winter time he would co=
me and sit behind me while I prayed and he would light a small fire so that=
I could feel the warmth from it and so that the smoke from it would not bo=
ther me. I used to say to him, O my son it is night time go to your wife, a=
nd he would say: 'O mother I know what you want.'

She continued: 'If I did not continue saying it to him perhaps he would be =
there till the morning time!'

[Collected in 'al-Birr' by Ibn al-Jawzi p.53, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' =

#19- From 'Ali bin al-Hussain that it was said to him that you are from the=
best amongst the people but I do not see you eating with your mother?

He answered: 'I fear that, if I eat with her, my hand might precede her eye=
upon some food, so I would have been disrespectful to her!!'

[Collected in 'al-Birr wa Silaah' p.82, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.270]

#20- From Mansoor who said: 'It has been said that the mother receives thre=
e quarters of al-Birr [being good to her].'

[Collected in 'al-Hileeyah' 5/42, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.271]

#21- From Abu Bakr bin 'Aeeyash who said: 'I was sitting with Mansoor in hi=
s house, and his mother came and she was harsh and said: 'O Mansoor, Ibn Hu=
bayrah wants you to be a judge and you refused!?' Mansoor did not raise his=
eyes up to look at her and his beard would touch his chest due to lowering=
his head.'

[Collected in 'al-Birr' by Ibn al-Jawzi p.53, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' =

#22- From al-Hasan bin Nuh who said: 'Khamas used to work using plaster eve=
ry day for two small coins, and when the evening would approach he would bu=
y a piece of fruit with that and bring it to his mother!'

[Collected in 'al-Hileeyah' 6/212, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.271]

#23- From Mughira who said: 'Talq bin Habeeb used to help his mother with h=
er work.'

[Collected in ash-Shuyb/7543, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.271]

#24- From Hafsa bint Sireen who said: 'Umm Muhammad bin Sireen was a woman =
from the Hijjaz, and she loved dyed clothing. When Muhammad would buy her c=
lothing he would buy her the softest material that could be found, and if i=
t was close to Eid he would have her clothing dyed.'

[Collected in 'Tabaqaat' by Ibn Sa'd 7/228 taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.2=

#25- 'Amr bin Ubayr used to visit Khamas, he would greet him with Salaams a=
nd sit with him and his companions. So his mother said to him: 'Indeed I se=
e this person and his companions and I dislike them, and I am not impressed=
by them so do not sit with them.' 'Amr and his companions came to him and =
he came close to them, and said: Indeed my mother dislikes you and your com=
panions so do not visit me.'

[Collected in 'al-Hileeyah' 6/212, taken from 'Akhbar as-Salaf' p.272]

This topic has 1 replies


"Dr. Deb"

in reply to [email protected] on 03/01/2015 5:54 AM

03/01/2015 10:22 PM

Let me see if I get this correctly, you are saying that a religiously enc=
oded Seventh Century Bedouin culture, were women are little more than cattl=
e and are kept isolated from the general populace because the men are so se=
xually repressed its dangerous for the women to be out alone is superior to=
Western Culture? =20

Really !!

Then you claim that an illiterate camel driver got a revelation from god, o=
ver a twenty year period. But the deity was so incompetent he delivered hi=
s "revelation" in such a manner that one can only actually understand it, I=
F he reads it in the single language it was supposedly given in.

Finally, this deity is so limited that he contradicts himself in the few pa=
ges that make up the "revelation". For example, Christians and Jews start =
off as kindred "Brothers of the Book" and wind up as infidels. Of course, =
they were only called that after the camel driver found that Christians and=
Jews were not receptive to his "message," so he started killing them off.

Is this the wonderful religion you are talking about?

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