"Charlie Self"

07/07/2006 8:10 AM

Firefox/OE NNTP

Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
PeoplePC use?

Any help there?

Charlie Self

This topic has 41 replies


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 11:55 AM

Charlie Self wrote:
> Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> PeoplePC use?
> Any help there?
> Charlie Self

PeoplePC news server is




"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 11:59 AM

Charlie Self wrote:
> Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> PeoplePC use?
> Any help there?
> Charlie Self

In fact looks like peoplePC just uses the earthlink servers (earthlink
owns peoplepc) so you can use news.west.earthlink.net or
news.east.earthlink.net depending on if you are on the west or east



"Charlie Self"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 12:56 PM

Swingman wrote:
> "Charlie Self" wrote in message
> > Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> > PeoplePC use?
> >
> > Any help there?
> Is PeoplePC your ISP these days and do they have nntp servers?
> nntp is "network news transport protocol" and is basically used to send,
> receive and distribute Usenet messages, where you are now.
> Clarify why you're asking, as it is unclear what you need.

Trying to get a rational--non-Google, in other words--NG set up. AOHell
is no help. I'm hoping the above earthlinkink info will work.

My grandson finally got the blinking machine straightened out, but the
problems I have with AOL are apparently some kind of screwed up code
that AOL uses, and there are a host of problems. I'm slowly moving out
of it. I hope.

I really don't want to stay with the Google Groups bit, because it
lacks any chance at filters, and it's clumsy to use.


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 12:56 PM

15/07/2006 3:47 PM

Swingman wrote:
> "damian penney" wrote in message
> > Swingman wrote:
> > > Like I said, that's what you get for assuming.
> > Answer me honestly Swingman, what would you think Charlie meant by 'I
> > don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG'.
> As you've found out, you "think" to ask the basic questions before assuming
> what is "meant".
> But hell, you're the one who's "right", so just let go of it.
> --
> www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 6/21/06

Had you not confused the issue by asking superfluous questions in the
first place things would have gone a lot smoother.

>"you're the one who's "right", so just let go of it."

and that's the bit the really sticks in your craw isn't it. I was
right. Charlie asked a simple question and I answered it correctly
whereas you added nothing and took the whole thread on this bizarre
tangent. You didn't answer Charlies question nor did you answer mine,
seems to be a pattern.


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 3:56 PM

Swingman wrote:
> "Charlie Self" wrote in message ...
> >
> > Swingman wrote:
> > > "Charlie Self" wrote in message
> > > > Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> > > > PeoplePC use?
> > > >
> > > > Any help there?
> > >
> > > Is PeoplePC your ISP these days and do they have nntp servers?
> > >
> > > nntp is "network news transport protocol" and is basically used to send,
> > > receive and distribute Usenet messages, where you are now.
> > >
> > > Clarify why you're asking, as it is unclear what you need.
> > >
> >
> > Trying to get a rational--non-Google, in other words--NG set up. AOHell
> > is no help. I'm hoping the above earthlinkink info will work.
> It's a good bet that the only way it will work is if you are a member of the
> EarthLink network. Generally all ip address blocks but the owners, or their
> member networks, are excluded when attempting to login in to an nntp server.
> --

No, news.peoplepc.com resolves to the earthlink servers. It will work
just fine.


> www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 6/21/06


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

08/07/2006 3:54 PM

> Yes, read it again ... if he doesn't use EarthLink or peoplePC (peoplePC
> _is_ a member network), he damn sure ain't logging onto earthlinks nntp
> servers.

Well Charlie did say in the original post "WTF is the NNTP for
PeoplePC" so I assume he's asking what the peoplePC news server is and
it's news.peoplepc.com. Sheesh!


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

09/07/2006 4:05 PM

Swingman wrote:
> "damian penney" wrote in message
> > [snip]
> > > Yes, read it again ... if he doesn't use EarthLink or peoplePC (peoplePC
> > > _is_ a member network), he damn sure ain't logging onto earthlinks nntp
> > > servers.
> >
> > Well Charlie did say in the original post "WTF is the NNTP for
> > PeoplePC" so I assume he's asking what the peoplePC news server is and
> > it's news.peoplepc.com. Sheesh!
> He also specifically indicated he's using AOL ... does peoplePC/EarthLink
> allow AOL users access to their nntp servers?
> If not, he's out of luck ... as was originally stated. IOW, don't look now
> but the Sheesh is on you.
> --
> www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 6/21/06

I see your sheesh is on you and raise you an
problems I have with AOL are apparently some kind of screwed up code
that AOL uses, and there are a host of problems. I'm slowly moving out
of it. I hope. "

i.e He is trying to get shut of AOL and wanted to know "WTF is the NNTP
for PeoplePC" which is still news.peoplepc.com. Avast ye Swingman.



"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 6:13 AM

Swingman wrote:
> "damian penney" wrote in message
> > i.e He is trying to get shut of AOL and wanted to know "WTF is the NNTP
> > for PeoplePC" which is still news.peoplepc.com. Avast ye Swingman.
> Revisionism on your part ...here's the quote:
> "Trying to get a rational--non-Google, in other words--NG set up. AOHell is
> no help. I'm hoping the above EarthLink info will work."

Oh stop, how are direct quotes revisionism?

his original post was

>>Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
>> PeoplePC use?

>> Any help there?

>> Charlie Self

That was all. Then he followed up with

> My grandson finally got the blinking machine straightened out, but the
> problems I have with AOL are apparently some kind of screwed up code
> that AOL uses, and there are a host of problems. I'm slowly moving out
> of it. "

Getting lucky has nothing to do with it. He asked what PeoplePCs news
server was, and I, in my infinite wisdom answered his plea; then you
had to go and bamboozle him with science ;-)

How about we just leave it at I was right and you were wrong :)



"Charlie Self"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 8:31 AM

Tom Watson wrote:
> Charlie:
> I've gone through this setup before.
> I'll call you tomorrow (Saturday July 8, 2006).
> On 7 Jul 2006 08:10:06 -0700, "Charlie Self" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> >Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> >PeoplePC use?
> >
> >Any help there?
> >
> >Charlie Self
> Regards,
> Tom Watson
> tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
> http://home.comcast.net/~tjwatson1/


Whoops, sorry. I was out in the shop much of the day, no phone there.

I got the peoplepc tech notice, entered it, and it comes up with no
groups to download. Weird. I guess I'll have to play with it a bit,
which is not something I consider fun.


"Charlie Self"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 8:37 AM

Richard Clements wrote:
> if your going to uses an ISP's news server, you have to have an account
> with them or be on there network, there are pay for news servers out
> there and there are really bad free ones if you have AOL this looks like
> a great time to switch ISPs people PC or earth link are about 1/2 the
> price of AOL there still crappy but not nearly bad as AOL, also look
> into some local ISP, they might have what your looking for at a good price

Sigh. I am using PeoplePC with OE when I go in. I have paid for
PeoplePC as an ISP, but until it can put me in all the places AOL puts
me in, I am keeping the AOL, too. In fact, my wife tells me I am
keeping the AOL, which I regret a bti.

Local servers are not worth shit IMO. I've tried them. They offer
zilch, except connection, for about the same price as Earthlink,
PeoplePC and others (except AOL, which, AFAIK, is the highest priced
ISP going). By the time you add on the stuff that's standard on other
ISPs, the local guys are no longer cheap and you get bumped almost as
often as you get bumped on AOL.


"Charlie Self"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 8:42 AM

Swingman wrote:
> "damian penney" wrote in message
> > i.e He is trying to get shut of AOL and wanted to know "WTF is the NNTP
> > for PeoplePC" which is still news.peoplepc.com. Avast ye Swingman.
> Revisionism on your part ...here's the quote:
> "Trying to get a rational--non-Google, in other words--NG set up. AOHell is
> no help. I'm hoping the above EarthLink info will work."
> Now, Charlie never really answered my point blank question about what ISP he
> was using, but you assumed that he did, that he was using peoplePC, and you
> jumped in based on your assumption.
> You may well have just gotten lucky this time, but pay attention to the
> voice of experience when I tell you it is prudent to not ever assume
> _anything_ when trouble shooting network problems.
> That said, and since Charlie has been bitching about, and has had trouble
> with, AOL for a long time, I hope you're right ... here's hoping he finally
> did get off that sour tit and onto to something like EarthLink/et al.
> --
> www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 6/21/06

Not yet. I have both PeoplePC and AOL on this computer. I use them
alternately to try to get PeoplePC up where it can totally replace AOL,
at least for MY use. My wife likes it, so it will hang around. At the
moment, I don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG, so
I'm using the AOL google deal, which anyway is easier to read.

Maybe in a week or so, if I don't have too much work to do, I'll get it
all straightened out.


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 9:03 AM

> Not yet. I have both PeoplePC and AOL on this computer. I use them
> alternately to try to get PeoplePC up where it can totally replace AOL,
> at least for MY use. My wife likes it, so it will hang around. At the
> moment,

>I don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG, so
> I'm using the AOL google deal, which anyway is easier to read.

Once you are connected to peoplePC you can just start Internet Explorer
and type http://groups.google.com/group/rec.woodworking in the address
bar. Nothing to setup. I'm not familar how AOL does things to be
honest. What does AOL do that you can't do with peoplePC at the moment?
My wife works for peoplePC so just curious.



"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 9:04 AM

Charlie Self wrote:
> Tom Watson wrote:
> > Charlie:
> >
> > I've gone through this setup before.
> >
> > I'll call you tomorrow (Saturday July 8, 2006).
> >
> >
> >
> > On 7 Jul 2006 08:10:06 -0700, "Charlie Self" <[email protected]>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> > >PeoplePC use?
> > >
> > >Any help there?
> > >
> > >Charlie Self
> > Regards,
> >
> > Tom Watson
> >
> > tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
> >
> > http://home.comcast.net/~tjwatson1/
> Tom,
> Whoops, sorry. I was out in the shop much of the day, no phone there.
> I got the peoplepc tech notice, entered it, and it comes up with no
> groups to download. Weird. I guess I'll have to play with it a bit,
> which is not something I consider fun.

Mentioned this upthread but my wife works for peoplePC, I'll see if she
has some step by step info on what you need to do to get this working.


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 9:07 AM

damian penney wrote:
> > Not yet. I have both PeoplePC and AOL on this computer. I use them
> > alternately to try to get PeoplePC up where it can totally replace AOL,
> > at least for MY use. My wife likes it, so it will hang around. At the
> > moment,
> >I don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG, so
> > I'm using the AOL google deal, which anyway is easier to read.
> Once you are connected to peoplePC you can just start Internet Explorer
> and type http://groups.google.com/group/rec.woodworking in the address
> bar. Nothing to setup. I'm not familar how AOL does things to be
> honest. What does AOL do that you can't do with peoplePC at the moment?
> My wife works for peoplePC so just curious.
> Damian

That should be Firefox or Internet Explorer.


"Charlie Self"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

13/07/2006 11:54 AM

damian penney wrote:
> > Not yet. I have both PeoplePC and AOL on this computer. I use them
> > alternately to try to get PeoplePC up where it can totally replace AOL,
> > at least for MY use. My wife likes it, so it will hang around. At the
> > moment,
> >I don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG, so
> > I'm using the AOL google deal, which anyway is easier to read.
> Once you are connected to peoplePC you can just start Internet Explorer
> and type http://groups.google.com/group/rec.woodworking in the address
> bar. Nothing to setup. I'm not familar how AOL does things to be
> honest. What does AOL do that you can't do with peoplePC at the moment?
> My wife works for peoplePC so just curious.

AOL is irrelevant because it forces you to use google groups, which is
total shit when it comes to newsgroups. No filters. Incredibly clumsy.

PeoplePC, at the moment, is not working for me. I think I know what's
wrong, but it has nothing to do with getting into google groups. If
you'd read a bit earlier, you would understand that I moved into PPC to
allow me to eventually get rid of AOL, and that I dislike using google
groups intensely.


"Charlie Self"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

13/07/2006 11:56 AM

Larry Blanchard wrote:
> Charlie Self wrote:
> > Local servers are not worth shit IMO. I've tried them. They offer
> > zilch, except connection, for about the same price as Earthlink,
> > PeoplePC and others (except AOL, which, AFAIK, is the highest priced
> > ISP going). By the time you add on the stuff that's standard on other
> > ISPs, the local guys are no longer cheap and you get bumped almost as
> OK, Charlie, you've got me curious. What "add on" stuff do you mean?
> --
Acceleration, among others. It is around 5 bucks for some a bit more
on others.


"Charlie Self"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

13/07/2006 11:59 AM

Han wrote:
> I'm jumping in late. I forgot where you're located, Charlie, but I am
> using Verizon DSL (hoping fios will get to us soon). I don't use AOL, but
> the other grandfather of my grandchildren (SIL's dad) down the road does
> without a problem.
> In addition, since Verizon's newsgroups are pretty good, and free, any
> newsreader will do fine. I use Xnews.

Unfortunately, I get the same response from Verizon every time I ask:
it will be about 6 months before we get DSL to your area. I got that
response when we got back from WV 2 years ago, I got it 18 months ago,
I got it 16 months ago, I got it 10 months ago, I got it 7 months ago,
I got it 5 months ago, and I got it yesterday.

I tend to hope that Charter's cable beats them here.


"Charlie Self"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

14/07/2006 7:08 AM

Han wrote:
> "Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in news:1152817168.857559.88010
> @m79g2000cwm.googlegroups.com:
> > Unfortunately, I get the same response from Verizon every time I ask:
> > it will be about 6 months before we get DSL to your area. I got that
> > response when we got back from WV 2 years ago, I got it 18 months ago,
> > I got it 16 months ago, I got it 10 months ago, I got it 7 months ago,
> > I got it 5 months ago, and I got it yesterday.
> >
> > I tend to hope that Charter's cable beats them here.
> >
> Maybe you have to organize the neighbors into requesting it.
> I have no experience with any ccable system. Started with Compuserve in my
> Apple //e days, then went verizon dial-up, then DSL. Now at nominal 3 MB
> down. Waiting for fios ...

What neighbors? Actually, we now have the population density, and DSL
will eventually get here, but my neighbors generally do not give a
rat's tuchus about computers. Most have satellite TV, and that's as
much as they want. Lessee. I could get the guy who raises rodeo bulls
to...nah. He's about a half mile down the road. Across the road, we've
got a schoolteacher, but she never uses a computer outside the
classroom, except to mark report cards. Down the road is a guy who does
I don't know what, but also plays in a rock band...he'd never hear

As I said, eventually, but one of the lacks in the country is neighbors
who share your interests.


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

14/07/2006 9:24 AM

> AOL is irrelevant because it forces you to use google groups, which is
> total shit when it comes to newsgroups. No filters. Incredibly clumsy.
> PeoplePC, at the moment, is not working for me. I think I know what's
> wrong, but it has nothing to do with getting into google groups. If
> you'd read a bit earlier, you would understand that I moved into PPC to
> allow me to eventually get rid of AOL, and that I dislike using google
> groups intensely.

Whatever Mr Snippy. You wrote 'I don't have a google set up on PipplePC
to get to this NG' which sure sounded like you were trying to access
Google Groups via peoplePC to me. I'm well aware that you were trying
to use OE/peoplePC seeing as I was the person who told you the correct
value to use for the news server.


"damian penney"

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

14/07/2006 7:46 PM

Swingman wrote:
> "damian penney" wrote in message
> >
> > > AOL is irrelevant because it forces you to use google groups, which is
> > > total shit when it comes to newsgroups. No filters. Incredibly clumsy.
> > >
> > > PeoplePC, at the moment, is not working for me. I think I know what's
> > > wrong, but it has nothing to do with getting into google groups. If
> > > you'd read a bit earlier, you would understand that I moved into PPC to
> > > allow me to eventually get rid of AOL, and that I dislike using google
> > > groups intensely.
> >
> > Whatever Mr Snippy. You wrote 'I don't have a google set up on PipplePC
> > to get to this NG' which sure sounded like you were trying to access
> > Google Groups via peoplePC to me.
> Like I said, that's what you get for assuming.
> --
> www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 6/21/06

Answer me honestly Swingman, what would you think Charlie meant by 'I
don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG'.


Larry Blanchard

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

08/07/2006 8:28 AM

Richard Clements wrote:

> if your going to uses an ISP's news server, you have to have an account
> with them or be on there network, there are pay for news servers out
> there and there are really bad free ones

news.readfreenews.net is good for text groups like this one, but doesn't carry
binaries. I don't know if Mike is allowing new members a this time or not,
but it doesn't hurt to look.

> if you have AOL this looks like
> a great time to switch ISPs people PC or earth link are about 1/2 the
> price of AOL there still crappy but not nearly bad as AOL, also look
> into some local ISP, they might have what your looking for at a good price

I use intergate for dialup at $9.95 a month. They get their news via
Supernews. So far (2-3 years) my only complaint is the support staff, but
that's common to all ISPs that I've tried. They all refuse to believe that a
customer knows what he's doing :-).

It's turtles, all the way down


Larry Blanchard

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 7:37 PM

Charlie Self wrote:

> Local servers are not worth shit IMO. I've tried them. They offer
> zilch, except connection, for about the same price as Earthlink,
> PeoplePC and others (except AOL, which, AFAIK, is the highest priced
> ISP going). By the time you add on the stuff that's standard on other
> ISPs, the local guys are no longer cheap and you get bumped almost as

OK, Charlie, you've got me curious. What "add on" stuff do you mean?

It's turtles, all the way down


Larry Blanchard

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

11/07/2006 8:47 AM

Puckdropper wrote:

> Larry Blanchard <[email protected]> wrote in news:12b63ntfd1kmp71
> @corp.supernews.com:
>> Charlie Self wrote:
>>> Local servers are not worth shit IMO. I've tried them. They offer
>>> zilch, except connection, for about the same price as Earthlink,
>>> PeoplePC and others (except AOL, which, AFAIK, is the highest priced
>>> ISP going). By the time you add on the stuff that's standard on other
>>> ISPs, the local guys are no longer cheap and you get bumped almost as
>> OK, Charlie, you've got me curious. What "add on" stuff do you mean?
> Probably quality email (I see you're with fastmail, Larry... No quality
> problems there ;-) ), NNTP access, and web space.

I also get all three of those from intergate.

> Puckdropper

It's turtles, all the way down


Richard Clements

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

08/07/2006 7:54 AM

if your going to uses an ISP's news server, you have to have an account
with them or be on there network, there are pay for news servers out
there and there are really bad free ones if you have AOL this looks like
a great time to switch ISPs people PC or earth link are about 1/2 the
price of AOL there still crappy but not nearly bad as AOL, also look
into some local ISP, they might have what your looking for at a good price

Swingman wrote:
> "damian penney" wrote in message
>>Swingman wrote:
>>>It's a good bet that the only way it will work is if you are a member of
> the
>>>EarthLink network. Generally all ip address blocks but the owners, or
> their
>>>member networks, are excluded when attempting to login in to an nntp
> server.
>>No, news.peoplepc.com resolves to the earthlink servers. It will work
>>just fine.
> Yes, read it again ... if he doesn't use EarthLink or peoplePC (peoplePC
> _is_ a member network), he damn sure ain't logging onto earthlinks nntp
> servers.



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

11/07/2006 5:04 AM

Larry Blanchard <[email protected]> wrote in news:12b63ntfd1kmp71

> Charlie Self wrote:
>> Local servers are not worth shit IMO. I've tried them. They offer
>> zilch, except connection, for about the same price as Earthlink,
>> PeoplePC and others (except AOL, which, AFAIK, is the highest priced
>> ISP going). By the time you add on the stuff that's standard on other
>> ISPs, the local guys are no longer cheap and you get bumped almost as
> OK, Charlie, you've got me curious. What "add on" stuff do you mean?

Probably quality email (I see you're with fastmail, Larry... No quality
problems there ;-) ), NNTP access, and web space.

Wise is the man who attempts to answer his question before asking it.

To email me directly, send a message to puckdropper (at) fastmail.fm



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

14/07/2006 4:50 PM

"damian penney" wrote in message

> > AOL is irrelevant because it forces you to use google groups, which is
> > total shit when it comes to newsgroups. No filters. Incredibly clumsy.
> >
> > PeoplePC, at the moment, is not working for me. I think I know what's
> > wrong, but it has nothing to do with getting into google groups. If
> > you'd read a bit earlier, you would understand that I moved into PPC to
> > allow me to eventually get rid of AOL, and that I dislike using google
> > groups intensely.
> Whatever Mr Snippy. You wrote 'I don't have a google set up on PipplePC
> to get to this NG' which sure sounded like you were trying to access
> Google Groups via peoplePC to me.

Like I said, that's what you get for assuming.

Last update: 6/21/06



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 4:50 PM

Short for Network News Transfer Protocol

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> PeoplePC use?
> Any help there?
> Charlie Self



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

08/07/2006 8:35 AM

"damian penney" wrote in message
> Swingman wrote:
> >
> > It's a good bet that the only way it will work is if you are a member of
> > EarthLink network. Generally all ip address blocks but the owners, or
> > member networks, are excluded when attempting to login in to an nntp

> No, news.peoplepc.com resolves to the earthlink servers. It will work
> just fine.

Yes, read it again ... if he doesn't use EarthLink or peoplePC (peoplePC
_is_ a member network), he damn sure ain't logging onto earthlinks nntp

Last update: 6/21/06



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 5:27 PM

"Charlie Self" wrote in message ...
> Swingman wrote:
> > "Charlie Self" wrote in message
> > > Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> > > PeoplePC use?
> > >
> > > Any help there?
> >
> > Is PeoplePC your ISP these days and do they have nntp servers?
> >
> > nntp is "network news transport protocol" and is basically used to send,
> > receive and distribute Usenet messages, where you are now.
> >
> > Clarify why you're asking, as it is unclear what you need.
> >
> Trying to get a rational--non-Google, in other words--NG set up. AOHell
> is no help. I'm hoping the above earthlinkink info will work.

It's a good bet that the only way it will work is if you are a member of the
EarthLink network. Generally all ip address blocks but the owners, or their
member networks, are excluded when attempting to login in to an nntp server.

Last update: 6/21/06



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

09/07/2006 7:43 PM

"damian penney" wrote in message

> i.e He is trying to get shut of AOL and wanted to know "WTF is the NNTP
> for PeoplePC" which is still news.peoplepc.com. Avast ye Swingman.

Revisionism on your part ...here's the quote:

"Trying to get a rational--non-Google, in other words--NG set up. AOHell is
no help. I'm hoping the above EarthLink info will work."

Now, Charlie never really answered my point blank question about what ISP he
was using, but you assumed that he did, that he was using peoplePC, and you
jumped in based on your assumption.

You may well have just gotten lucky this time, but pay attention to the
voice of experience when I tell you it is prudent to not ever assume
_anything_ when trouble shooting network problems.

That said, and since Charlie has been bitching about, and has had trouble
with, AOL for a long time, I hope you're right ... here's hoping he finally
did get off that sour tit and onto to something like EarthLink/et al.

Last update: 6/21/06


Tom Watson

in reply to "Swingman" on 09/07/2006 7:43 PM

15/07/2006 7:48 AM

On Sat, 15 Jul 2006 06:34:38 -0500, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:

>"damian penney" wrote in message
>> Swingman wrote:
>> > Like I said, that's what you get for assuming.
>> Answer me honestly Swingman, what would you think Charlie meant by 'I
>> don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG'.
>As you've found out, you "think" to ask the basic questions before assuming
>what is "meant".
>But hell, you're the one who's "right", so just let go of it.

I don't know about y'all but I don't come here for the wooddorking.

I come here for lessons in epistemology.

This was a pretty good one.


Tom Watson

tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)



John McCoy

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 7:40 PM

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in news:1152285006.584457.78790

> Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> PeoplePC use?
> Any help there?

They're looking for the name or address of the news server PeoplePC
provides. You may need to call/email their tech support guys to
find out what it is, but you could also try




since both are popular choices for names for news servers.




in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 3:49 PM

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in news:1152546156.599369.36000

> Not yet. I have both PeoplePC and AOL on this computer. I use them
> alternately to try to get PeoplePC up where it can totally replace AOL,
> at least for MY use. My wife likes it, so it will hang around. At the
> moment, I don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG, so
> I'm using the AOL google deal, which anyway is easier to read.
> Maybe in a week or so, if I don't have too much work to do, I'll get it
> all straightened out.
I'm jumping in late. I forgot where you're located, Charlie, but I am
using Verizon DSL (hoping fios will get to us soon). I don't use AOL, but
the other grandfather of my grandchildren (SIL's dad) down the road does
without a problem.

In addition, since Verizon's newsgroups are pretty good, and free, any
newsreader will do fine. I use Xnews.

More info available.
Best regards
email address is invalid



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

13/07/2006 10:13 PM

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in news:1152817168.857559.88010

> Unfortunately, I get the same response from Verizon every time I ask:
> it will be about 6 months before we get DSL to your area. I got that
> response when we got back from WV 2 years ago, I got it 18 months ago,
> I got it 16 months ago, I got it 10 months ago, I got it 7 months ago,
> I got it 5 months ago, and I got it yesterday.
> I tend to hope that Charter's cable beats them here.
Maybe you have to organize the neighbors into requesting it.

I have no experience with any ccable system. Started with Compuserve in my
Apple //e days, then went verizon dial-up, then DSL. Now at nominal 3 MB
down. Waiting for fios ...

Best regards
email address is invalid



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 2:05 PM

"Charlie Self" wrote in message
> Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> PeoplePC use?
> Any help there?

Is PeoplePC your ISP these days and do they have nntp servers?

nntp is "network news transport protocol" and is basically used to send,
receive and distribute Usenet messages, where you are now.

Clarify why you're asking, as it is unclear what you need.

Last update: 6/21/06



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

10/07/2006 10:24 AM

"damian penney" wrote in message

> How about we just leave it at I was right and you were wrong :)

As far as right or wrong, let's just it leave at hoping that Charlie finally
gets his NG thing "right".

Last update: 6/21/06



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

08/07/2006 6:26 PM

"damian penney" wrote in message

> [snip]
> > Yes, read it again ... if he doesn't use EarthLink or peoplePC (peoplePC
> > _is_ a member network), he damn sure ain't logging onto earthlinks nntp
> > servers.
> Well Charlie did say in the original post "WTF is the NNTP for
> PeoplePC" so I assume he's asking what the peoplePC news server is and
> it's news.peoplepc.com. Sheesh!

He also specifically indicated he's using AOL ... does peoplePC/EarthLink
allow AOL users access to their nntp servers?

If not, he's out of luck ... as was originally stated. IOW, don't look now
but the Sheesh is on you.

Last update: 6/21/06



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 4:55 PM

Sorry wrong ans.
looks like they don't have one :)

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> PeoplePC use?
> Any help there?
> Charlie Self



in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

15/07/2006 6:34 AM

"damian penney" wrote in message

> Swingman wrote:

> > Like I said, that's what you get for assuming.

> Answer me honestly Swingman, what would you think Charlie meant by 'I
> don't have a google set up on PipplePC to get to this NG'.

As you've found out, you "think" to ask the basic questions before assuming
what is "meant".

But hell, you're the one who's "right", so just let go of it.

Last update: 6/21/06


"no(SPAM)vasys" <"no(SPAM)vasys"@adelphia.net>

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

07/07/2006 8:29 PM

Charlie Self wrote:
> Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
> PeoplePC use?
> Any help there?
> Charlie Self

A Google search shows it to be:


but I also found this:

"I did an NSLOOKUP on news.peoplepc.com and it came back as being an
alias for news.east.earthlink.net. So apparently they do support a news
server via Earthlink. But it may require a logon."

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
[email protected]
(Remove -SPAM- to send email)


Tom Watson

in reply to "Charlie Self" on 07/07/2006 8:10 AM

08/07/2006 12:32 AM


I've gone through this setup before.

I'll call you tomorrow (Saturday July 8, 2006).

On 7 Jul 2006 08:10:06 -0700, "Charlie Self" <[email protected]>

>Set up with both Firefox and OE for NG use, but...WTF is the NNTP for
>PeoplePC use?
>Any help there?
>Charlie Self

Tom Watson

tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)


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