
[email protected] (Patrick Olguin)

20/01/2004 4:13 PM

Finished Something

Hey WoodDorking Mavens,

Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.
Not so good news is I'd have rather been working on something for
SWIATAABOC. Oh well, gotta follow the money. Your comments welcome.



This topic has 16 replies


in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 1:52 AM

On 20 Jan 2004 16:13:04 -0800, [email protected] (Patrick Olguin)
>Hey WoodDorking Mavens,
>Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.

That's some pretty wood. I keep looking at those tailess saws, but they
just don't seem to have the guts to do the job. I keep buying battery
things and swearing I'll never do it again, until the next, that is.
I'm curious too, Did you get to keep the off-cuts?
Dave in Fairfax
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners


"Wood Butcher"

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 12:44 AM

She Who Is A Total Animal And Belches On Command?

"Patrick Olguin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey WoodDorking Mavens,
> Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.
> Not so good news is I'd have rather been working on something for
> SWIATAABOC. Oh well, gotta follow the money. Your comments welcome.
> http://www.klownhammer.org/conferencetable/
> O'Deen


[email protected] (Conan the Librarian)

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

23/01/2004 6:46 AM

"Groggy" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...

> Lemmee guess, you got the idea to cut the table in half after practicing on
> an old work mutt...

That's cold, Greg. Very cold. (Wish I had beat you to it. :-)

> Nice job, wish I could say I was doing *anything* with wood at present.

I'm currently starting to wish I *wasn't* doing so much with wood
at present. After the xmas gift-making season, I'm way behind on a
hutch for SWMBO. (She needs it to store her camera equipment and
display photos. She's spent almost as much money on camera gear as I
have on tools. Sheesh. :-)

Then there's Valentine's Day coming up, so I need to get cranking
on that. Then there's our anniversary (the end of March), so I need
to be planning that. Top it off with a case of Galoot's shoulder
(feels sort of like a rotator cuff, probably caused from excessive
planing), and all things considered, I'd rather be fly-fishing. :-}

Chuck Vance
Just say (tmPL) I know ... whine, whine, whine.


[email protected] (Conan the Librarian)

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

24/01/2004 6:25 PM

"Groggy" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...

> Chuck,
> you've got to be more than good enough with a plane by now to do your
> hogging left handed and finishing right handed, would that ease the load -
> or just give you "two" sore shoulders?
> Greg (who, btw, is sitting firmly on his typing fingers so they don't
> suggest buying a jointer and thicknesser... hehe)

Bite me, Greg. :-)

Naw, there's none of that in my future. I'll just take it easy and
tie flies or fish for a couple of days and then I'll be back at it. I
just have to be more careful in my old age. :-)

Chuck Vance



in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

24/01/2004 1:16 AM


you've got to be more than good enough with a plane by now to do your
hogging left handed and finishing right handed, would that ease the load -
or just give you "two" sore shoulders?

Greg (who, btw, is sitting firmly on his typing fingers so they don't
suggest buying a jointer and thicknesser... hehe)

"Conan the Librarian" wrote in message ...
> I'm currently starting to wish I *wasn't* doing so much with wood
> at present. After the xmas gift-making season, I'm way behind on a
> hutch for SWMBO. (She needs it to store her camera equipment and
> display photos. She's spent almost as much money on camera gear as I
> have on tools. Sheesh. :-)
> Then there's Valentine's Day coming up, so I need to get cranking
> on that. Then there's our anniversary (the end of March), so I need
> to be planning that. Top it off with a case of Galoot's shoulder
> (feels sort of like a rotator cuff, probably caused from excessive
> planing), and all things considered, I'd rather be fly-fishing. :-}


[email protected] (Patrick Olguin)

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 4:03 PM

"Mike in Mystic" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Hi O'Deen:
> I think it looks pretty slick. In your "all done" shot, the table is still
> in two pieces - is that how you left it? I thought after the first pic of
> you cutting it in half you were gonna try to rejoin it with the length
> shortened.

The original table was in two pieces, so I actually took three feet
off of the middle of each half. It sits on three pedestals, with the
square ends merely butted up against one another. Some small steel
plates are to be screwed in from underneath to sort of hold the whole
thing together.
> Anyway, did you get to take home the 6 feet of the table you cut out??

Yup. Two sections - 3x5 feet.

Next project is a cherry fireplace mantle shelf for a friend.



B a r r y B u r k e J r .

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 1:15 AM

On 20 Jan 2004 16:13:04 -0800, [email protected] (Patrick Olguin)

>Hey WoodDorking Mavens,
>Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.

How do you like that cordless saw?




in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 5:31 AM

Lemmee guess, you got the idea to cut the table in half after practicing on
an old work mutt...

Nice job, wish I could say I was doing *anything* with wood at present.


"Patrick Olguin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey WoodDorking Mavens,
> Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.
> Not so good news is I'd have rather been working on something for
> SWIATAABOC. Oh well, gotta follow the money. Your comments welcome.
> http://www.klownhammer.org/conferencetable/
> O'Deen



in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

25/01/2004 9:59 AM

"Conan the Librarian" wrote in message ...
> Bite me, Greg. :-)


> Naw, there's none of that in my future. I'll just take it easy and
> tie flies or fish for a couple of days and then I'll be back at it. I
> just have to be more careful in my old age. :-)

Cure = tie flies and fish? Y'know, my shoulder is kinda sore too....



"Robin Lee"

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 7:55 AM

"Patrick Olguin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey WoodDorking Mavens,
> Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.
> Not so good news is I'd have rather been working on something for
> SWIATAABOC. Oh well, gotta follow the money. Your comments welcome.
> http://www.klownhammer.org/conferencetable/
> O'Deen

Hey - nice pics of your "table saw" ... :)

Cheers -



Tom Watson

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 8:20 PM

On 21 Jan 2004 16:03:23 -0800, [email protected] (Patrick Olguin)

>Next project is a cherry fireplace mantle shelf for a friend.

Nice yob onnna table, O'Deener.

ps: Call it a "mantel"; it's more perfesshunull.

Y'all can wear a mantle whilst ya make the mantel, but not ta udder
way 'round.

(just being a prick - ya unnnerstand)

Love and kisses.

Thomas J. Watson-Cabinetmaker (ret)
Real Email is: tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet
Website: http://home.comcast.net/~tjwatson1



in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

22/01/2004 8:10 AM

Got one of those cordless saws in the Milwaukee 18v kit. Seems to
work real fine (somewhat surprising as I had doubts about cordless
saws too), though I haven't Really tried to push it (like, by cutting
50 4x8 sheets of ply or sumptin'). The reciprocating saw tha came in
the kit handles tree branches right fine w/a pruning blade. I _think_
it woulda handled Paddy's table, based on my experiences w/the saw,
though, of course, I don't have all the data.


On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 01:52:13 GMT, [email protected] wrote:

>On 20 Jan 2004 16:13:04 -0800, [email protected] (Patrick Olguin)
>>Hey WoodDorking Mavens,
>>Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.
>That's some pretty wood. I keep looking at those tailess saws, but they
>just don't seem to have the guts to do the job. I keep buying battery
>things and swearing I'll never do it again, until the next, that is.
>I'm curious too, Did you get to keep the off-cuts?
>Dave in Fairfax


"Mike in Mystic"

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 12:43 AM

Hi O'Deen:

I think it looks pretty slick. In your "all done" shot, the table is still
in two pieces - is that how you left it? I thought after the first pic of
you cutting it in half you were gonna try to rejoin it with the length

Anyway, did you get to take home the 6 feet of the table you cut out??

"Patrick Olguin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey WoodDorking Mavens,
> Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.
> Not so good news is I'd have rather been working on something for
> SWIATAABOC. Oh well, gotta follow the money. Your comments welcome.
> http://www.klownhammer.org/conferencetable/
> O'Deen


Larry Jaques

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 4:22 PM

On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 05:31:55 GMT, "Groggy" <[email protected]>
brought forth from the murky depths:

>Lemmee guess, you got the idea to cut the table in half after practicing on
>an old work mutt...

He'll never live that one down, eh? <bseg>

>Nice job, wish I could say I was doing *anything* with wood at present.

Ditto here. Hell, I'm even _painting_ all the wood in the kitchen and
living room. (stained wood deserves that, wot?)

The local Farmer's Supply has baltic birch for $16.95 a sheet so
I'm headed down there this morning. It'll be for some little wall
cabinets to get my planes within reach, finally.

--== May The Angst Be With You! ==--
-Yoda, on a bad day
http://diversify.com Ending Your Web Page Angst.


Unisaw A100

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

21/01/2004 4:28 AM

Wood Butcher wrote:
>She Who Is A Total Animal And Belches On Command?


"She Who Is All That And A Bag Of Chips".

I cheated. I saw the wedding photos and speaks a wee bit of

By the way Patricio, very nicely executed.

UA100, who realized last night he has a package here for


"Mike G"

in reply to [email protected] (Patrick Olguin) on 20/01/2004 4:13 PM

20/01/2004 9:33 PM

Hi Paddy

Long time since I've seen you posting.

Very nice table, shellac?


Good hearing from you

Mike G.
[email protected]
Heirloom Woods
"Patrick Olguin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey WoodDorking Mavens,
> Actually got some woodworking done. Good news is I got paid for it.
> Not so good news is I'd have rather been working on something for
> SWIATAABOC. Oh well, gotta follow the money. Your comments welcome.
> http://www.klownhammer.org/conferencetable/
> O'Deen

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