James Harvey

22/09/2003 11:37 PM

Help! Restain Luan Doors?


Just found this group, and wish I had before I started my first attempt at
staining. Oh well, here's the situation:

I stained replacement doors with three coats of Minwax Dark Walnut oil
stain, trying to match the color of other existing doors in my house. At
some point later, I decided the original doors must have been stained with a
wood dye. The base color of the original doors ws stained brown with
black-colored graining.

The wood of the original doors is luan as well, as evidenced by manufacturer
stamping. They were prolly built in the late '70s.

The new doors are top-coated with two coats of Minwax Fast-Drying
Polyurethane (satin finish).

Is it too late to change the color without a tremendous amount of work, if
at all? Will I have to strip off the sealer, the old stain, or both? How?
Would tintable lacquer work without any stripping and still show the grain?
Would de-waxed shellac work without any stripping

Or, am I screwed to the point where I'll have to buy new doors and try
again? Any advice much appreciated?
