I made my own for the Unisaw and the Powermatic. I used a brass plate of the
correct thickness (thickness is unimportant as long as it is thinner than
the blade) and drilled a hole in it at the bottom to fit the stud. I rounded
the front corners of the plate and bolted it on. It stuck up two inches
above the table. I need to use an end wrench to put it on or remove it. I
hate those toothed anti kickback levers. As long as a splitter is in place
the wood can't hit the back of the blade and kick back. I did buy one of
those quick release splitters for $100 many years back but it was a pain to
> Do any of the Biesemeyer splitters fit a General Int'l model 250 table
> saw?
> They have a spliiter model for the General 350, but I called General in
> Canada and they said it would probably not fit. They said the #250
> assembly is more like a Delta Unisaw than a General #350.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks, Rick