

03/02/2009 9:17 PM

(OT) What's for supper

Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.


This topic has 14 replies



in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

03/02/2009 7:32 PM

Orville Redenbacher's finest.


Douglas Johnson

in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 2:45 PM

Flash Gordon <[email protected]> wrote:

>Obama hasn't been in office a month yet. If FEMA's doing bad, it's
>the dept. that the Bush Admin. never oversaw correctly. It was a
>bureaucracy that shuffled papers and held meetings about meetings, but
>couldn't actually act.
>If it's doing OK, then it's the FEMA that the Bushies started on the
>road to getting it's act together.
>It's too soon to tag Obama with a positive or a negative about FEMA.

There you go, spoiling a good political rant with facts. Two weeks in office
ought to be plenty of time to turn around a 2,600 employee agency. It's not
like Obama has anything else in his in-box.

-- Doug



in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

05/02/2009 5:45 AM

On Feb 5, 12:03=A0am, Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
> D'ohBoy wrote:
> ... snip
> >> Where's Barak and FEMA?
> > Another prejudiced rightwing nutjob trolling for others to join in his
> > tearing down of the new president. =A0
> =A0 Oh my, we wouldn't want to appear partisan now that your side is offi=
> would we? =A0The Dem's definition of bipartisanship: The Republicans cave=
> the left's demand. =A0How come we don't see Pelosi or Reid "reaching acro=
> the aisle" and incorporating ideas from the other side of the aisle?

Because those ideas suck. Don't work. Are you blind? You tried it and
blew it.=A0
> > Give him a chance, we gave that
> > dumbass Bush a chance.
> =A0 YOU GAVE BUSH A CHANCE!? =A0Yeah, right, for what 30 seconds after th=
> election 2000 results were finally certified? =A0Give me a break, the med=
> and the left was all over Bush before he even took the oath of office.
> OTOH, the left and the media have to shower off every night after being s=
> deep in the tank for Obama.
> > Who are you really? =A0Lush Rimjob?
> =A0 ... and of course the signature staple of the left -- the ad hominem.
> Pretty much about the only weapon in the left's arsenal. =A0Can't win in =
> arena of ideas so have to go for the smear and the emotions.

Fear works way better than smear and emotions. So does torture, lies,
and the lives of 95,000 Iraqis.
The lives of 4000 good soldiers. All based on a lie. Bush is a war
criminal, Mark. (And if Obama let's him get away with it, so is he.)
The plundering of the treasury and ruination of a large part of the
world economy.
The complete destruction of the good-will capital the Americans had
world wide.

But, in lock-step with Cheney, you still think all those
constitutional crimes were okay? The snooping on your own?
The detainment without any rights whatsoever? The end justifying the

You can polish that turd all you want, Mark, but what's left of the
GOP can now only do one thing, and that is acting like spoiled little
children who got their bums spanked by those who actually DO believe
in what's right. The GOP was so inept, the Dems actually got an
inexperienced minority elected.

I don't think Obama can fix what Bush left for him. The destruction is
that complete. But Bush doesn't care, does he? He paid his bill to the
corrupt croonies who got his sorry ass elected via fraud....twice.

And Cheney is still trying to run the country.

In pure ideals, I am a fiscal conservative, but what you guys have
turned it into is nothing short of criminal.

Give it a rest, Mark, lick your wounds. and sit your smarting butt on
a pillow till the next time the bankers will want to re-divide your
country and elect another GOP, nay NEW GOP government. Maybe Rod
Blagojovich will run for your party? Palin? They do seem to have an
affinity for crazies.

Anyway, after this little rant, I will now remove the hook from my
mouth and get some work done, this topic is spent.
There ain't no cure for what you got, Mark.

Remember this? (Banker's Manifesto of 1892)

"We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made,
for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless
commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently
yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated
that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized
resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in
the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and
we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our
interest or disrupt them.

At the coming Omaha Convention to be held July 4th (1892), our men
must attend and direct its movement, or else there will be set on foot
such antagonism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This
at the present time would be premature. We are not yet ready for such
a crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possible manner through
combination ( conspiracy) and legislation.

The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds
and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their
homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the
influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central
power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers.
People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.

History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known
among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of
the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a
state of political antagonism.

The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization
known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the
reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.

By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in
fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to
the common herd. Thus, by discrete action, we can secure all that has
been so generously planned and successfully accomplished."



in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 10:41 AM

On Feb 3, 10:04=A0pm, Doug Winterburn <[email protected]> wrote:
> Curran Copeland wrote:
> > "basilisk" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> >> Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.
> >> Yum-yum
> >> basilisk
> > Around here tonight it is whatever the Red Cross shelter people are mak=
> > or MREs if you are lucky. =A0Last night it was Sweet and Sour chicken w=
> > white beans and cornbread and all of the fresh fruit and cake you could=
> > Sunday night it was Bar-B-Qued pork shoulder with all the trimmings for
> > about 200 while they watched the Supper Bowl.
> > We have part time electric and propane heat so are in good shape, even =
> > some shop time. =A0A lot of our neighbors are with out electricity and =
> > expect to get it for up to 2 to 3 weeks. The shelter in our county is d=
> > to about 15 people right now with a few hundred coming in for take out
> > meals. North of us the NG is giving out MREs until the Red Cross can ge=
> > feeding units in. =A0So far 80% of our county is accessible but to the =
> > they have less then 50% in some areas. =A0Things are getting better rap=
> > and expect a lot of kerosene heaters and generators to show up at yard =
> > this summer. =A0Lost three trees in my yard a Sassasafras, a Apple and =
a Water
> > Maple. =A0Part of an Oak hit my roof and lost a few shingles and the gu=
> > It has been an interesting week, I have been doing emergency Ham traffi=
c at
> > the EOC., that was interesting.
> Where's Barak and FEMA?

Another prejudiced rightwing nutjob trolling for others to join in his
tearing down of the new president. Give him a chance, we gave that
dumbass Bush a chance.

Who are you really? Lush Rimjob?



Flash Gordon

in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 12:20 PM

Obama hasn't been in office a month yet. If FEMA's doing bad, it's
the dept. that the Bush Admin. never oversaw correctly. It was a
bureaucracy that shuffled papers and held meetings about meetings, but
couldn't actually act.

If it's doing OK, then it's the FEMA that the Bushies started on the
road to getting it's act together.

It's too soon to tag Obama with a positive or a negative about FEMA.



in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 9:26 AM

basilisk wrote:
> Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.
> Yum-yum
> basilisk
A cold leftover enchilada and a can of warm root beer.


"Curran Copeland"

in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

03/02/2009 9:39 PM

"basilisk" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.
> Yum-yum
> basilisk

Around here tonight it is whatever the Red Cross shelter people are making
or MREs if you are lucky. Last night it was Sweet and Sour chicken with
white beans and cornbread and all of the fresh fruit and cake you could eat,
Sunday night it was Bar-B-Qued pork shoulder with all the trimmings for
about 200 while they watched the Supper Bowl.

We have part time electric and propane heat so are in good shape, even had
some shop time. A lot of our neighbors are with out electricity and don't
expect to get it for up to 2 to 3 weeks. The shelter in our county is down
to about 15 people right now with a few hundred coming in for take out
meals. North of us the NG is giving out MREs until the Red Cross can get
feeding units in. So far 80% of our county is accessible but to the north
they have less then 50% in some areas. Things are getting better rapidly
and expect a lot of kerosene heaters and generators to show up at yard sales
this summer. Lost three trees in my yard a Sassasafras, a Apple and a Water
Maple. Part of an Oak hit my roof and lost a few shingles and the gutters.
It has been an interesting week, I have been doing emergency Ham traffic at
the EOC., that was interesting.


Doug Winterburn

in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

03/02/2009 9:04 PM

Curran Copeland wrote:
> "basilisk" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.
>> Yum-yum
>> basilisk
> Around here tonight it is whatever the Red Cross shelter people are making
> or MREs if you are lucky. Last night it was Sweet and Sour chicken with
> white beans and cornbread and all of the fresh fruit and cake you could eat,
> Sunday night it was Bar-B-Qued pork shoulder with all the trimmings for
> about 200 while they watched the Supper Bowl.
> We have part time electric and propane heat so are in good shape, even had
> some shop time. A lot of our neighbors are with out electricity and don't
> expect to get it for up to 2 to 3 weeks. The shelter in our county is down
> to about 15 people right now with a few hundred coming in for take out
> meals. North of us the NG is giving out MREs until the Red Cross can get
> feeding units in. So far 80% of our county is accessible but to the north
> they have less then 50% in some areas. Things are getting better rapidly
> and expect a lot of kerosene heaters and generators to show up at yard sales
> this summer. Lost three trees in my yard a Sassasafras, a Apple and a Water
> Maple. Part of an Oak hit my roof and lost a few shingles and the gutters.
> It has been an interesting week, I have been doing emergency Ham traffic at
> the EOC., that was interesting.
Where's Barak and FEMA?


"Dave in Houston"

in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 8:27 AM

"Curran Copeland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "basilisk" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.
>> Yum-yum
>> basilisk
> Around here tonight it is whatever the Red Cross shelter people are making
> or MREs if you are lucky. Last night it was Sweet and Sour chicken with
> white beans and cornbread and all of the fresh fruit and cake you could
> eat,

Now THERE's a traditional Chinese dish! What? No blackeyes or speckled
butter beans?

Dave in Houston


Mark & Juanita

in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 10:03 PM

D'ohBoy wrote:

... snip
>> Where's Barak and FEMA?
> Another prejudiced rightwing nutjob trolling for others to join in his
> tearing down of the new president.

Oh my, we wouldn't want to appear partisan now that your side is office,
would we? The Dem's definition of bipartisanship: The Republicans cave to
the left's demand. How come we don't see Pelosi or Reid "reaching across
the aisle" and incorporating ideas from the other side of the aisle?

> Give him a chance, we gave that
> dumbass Bush a chance.

YOU GAVE BUSH A CHANCE!? Yeah, right, for what 30 seconds after the
election 2000 results were finally certified? Give me a break, the media
and the left was all over Bush before he even took the oath of office.
OTOH, the left and the media have to shower off every night after being so
deep in the tank for Obama.

> Who are you really? Lush Rimjob?

... and of course the signature staple of the left -- the ad hominem.
Pretty much about the only weapon in the left's arsenal. Can't win in the
arena of ideas so have to go for the smear and the emotions.

> D'ohBoy

Aptly named.

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough



in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

05/02/2009 5:27 AM

On Feb 4, 11:03=A0pm, Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
> D'ohBoy wrote:
> ... snip
> >> Where's Barak and FEMA?
> > Another prejudiced rightwing nutjob trolling for others to join in his
> > tearing down of the new president. =A0
> =A0 Oh my, we wouldn't want to appear partisan now that your side is offi=
> would we? =A0The Dem's definition of bipartisanship: The Republicans cave=
> the left's demand. =A0How come we don't see Pelosi or Reid "reaching acro=
> the aisle" and incorporating ideas from the other side of the aisle? =A0
> > Give him a chance, we gave that
> > dumbass Bush a chance.
> =A0 YOU GAVE BUSH A CHANCE!? =A0Yeah, right, for what 30 seconds after th=
> election 2000 results were finally certified? =A0Give me a break, the med=
> and the left was all over Bush before he even took the oath of office.
> OTOH, the left and the media have to shower off every night after being s=
> deep in the tank for Obama.
> > Who are you really? =A0Lush Rimjob?
> =A0 ... and of course the signature staple of the left -- the ad hominem.
> Pretty much about the only weapon in the left's arsenal. =A0Can't win in =
> arena of ideas so have to go for the smear and the emotions. =A0
> > D'ohBoy
> =A0 Aptly named.
> --
> If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough

Ummm.... really? 30 seconds? Please. You have no clue who I am or
what my politics are. You have guesses based on snippets of my
beliefs that appear here.

Speaking of ad hominem, I think you have a pot/kettle issue....

>If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough

Aptly tag-lined!




in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 11:35 AM

"jo4hn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> basilisk wrote:
>> Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.
>> Yum-yum
>> basilisk
> A cold leftover enchilada and a can of warm root beer.
> :~/

Now I'm jealous, I only had a diet pepsi.



"Curran Copeland"

in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 6:47 AM

"Doug Winterburn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Curran Copeland wrote:
>> "basilisk" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.
>>> Yum-yum
>>> basilisk
>> Around here tonight it is whatever the Red Cross shelter people are
>> making
>> or MREs if you are lucky. Last night it was Sweet and Sour chicken with
>> white beans and cornbread and all of the fresh fruit and cake you could
>> eat,
>> Sunday night it was Bar-B-Qued pork shoulder with all the trimmings for
>> about 200 while they watched the Supper Bowl.
>> We have part time electric and propane heat so are in good shape, even
>> had
>> some shop time. A lot of our neighbors are with out electricity and
>> don't
>> expect to get it for up to 2 to 3 weeks. The shelter in our county is
>> down
>> to about 15 people right now with a few hundred coming in for take out
>> meals. North of us the NG is giving out MREs until the Red Cross can get
>> feeding units in. So far 80% of our county is accessible but to the
>> north
>> they have less then 50% in some areas. Things are getting better rapidly
>> and expect a lot of kerosene heaters and generators to show up at yard
>> sales
>> this summer. Lost three trees in my yard a Sassasafras, a Apple and a
>> Water
>> Maple. Part of an Oak hit my roof and lost a few shingles and the
>> gutters.
>> It has been an interesting week, I have been doing emergency Ham traffic
>> at
>> the EOC., that was interesting.
> Where's Barak and FEMA?

Ive seen KEMA and TEMA, Red Cross, Baptists, Salvation Arlmy, National
Guard, a whole lot of Joe Sixpacks all doing what they can. The state was
praising FEMA in a news release, so I guess they are in Frankfort.


"Curran Copeland"

in reply to basilisk on 03/02/2009 9:17 PM

04/02/2009 1:09 PM

"D'ohBoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
On Feb 3, 10:04 pm, Doug Winterburn <[email protected]> wrote:
> Curran Copeland wrote:
> > "basilisk" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> >> Bar-B-Qued pork steak with cream of leek and asparagus soup.
> Where's Barak and FEMA?

Another prejudiced rightwing nutjob trolling for others to join in his
tearing down of the new president. Give him a chance, we gave that
dumbass Bush a chance.

Who are you really? Lush Rimjob?


Why a nut job question? I have heard it a couple of hundred time in the
past week, and not from average joes but from gov officials and emergency
responders. FEMA seems to be getting worse not better. Barak hasn't had
time to get going yet but FEMA, well?????

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