
[email protected] (RH tOWNSEND)

28/07/2004 8:09 AM

Water Well Drilling Accidents or near misses

I am in litigation support. I have a project that I hope someone or
everyone on this list might be able to help me since you have
apparently been involved with water well drilling equipment or
involved in the industry. I am interested in any incident at anytime
since 1970 thru current. I am searching for those that were injured or
almost injured because of a falling or flying object. I am seeking
knowledge of incidents wherein injury has been suffered by anyone of a
water drilling crew member by a falling object even through to the
current time. I am also interested in reports of near misses as well.
Please feel free to call me at 1.800.308.7716 ext 4010.

Robert Townsend, CLI

This topic has 10 replies


Kevin Craig

in reply to [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) on 28/07/2004 8:09 AM

29/07/2004 7:10 AM

In article <[email protected]>, RH
tOWNSEND <[email protected]> wrote:

> I am in litigation support.

"Litigation support".

Isn't that like Viagra? Holding things up for the f*ckin' that
someone's about to get?



dave in fairfax

in reply to [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) on 28/07/2004 8:09 AM

28/07/2004 6:07 PM

RH tOWNSEND wrote:
> since you have apparently been involved with water well drilling equipment or
> involved in the industry.

JOAT, I think he's talking to you. Dowsing wasn't it? %-)
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners


dave in fairfax

in reply to dave in fairfax on 28/07/2004 6:07 PM

29/07/2004 2:15 AM

J T wrote:
> Not unless he means getting me irritated enough to beat the crap
> out of him with the dowsing stick.

I was thinking about the thread, what a year, maybe more, ago that
had to do with dowsing and figured that he'd picked up on that in
his search and that was what had led him to this NG. As for
dowsing, you're preaching to the choir. When I was younger, in
MI, I used to make beer money putting down hand pump wells. We'd
sink pipe to the second water level to make sure they'd stay wet
and wre nice and cold and clean. I keep saying I'm going to put
one in the backyard here, but my wife says the Community Assoc
would have a fit. NOTHING like fresh well water.

Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners


in reply to dave in fairfax on 28/07/2004 6:07 PM

28/07/2004 7:08 PM

Wed, Jul 28, 2004, 6:07pm (EDT+4) [email protected] (dave=A0in=A0fairfax)
JOAT, I think he's talking to you. Dowsing wasn't it? %-)

Not unless he means getting me irritated enough to beat the crap
out of him with the dowsing stick.

Anyone in the area, if you want I'll dowse where to drill a well
for you. And, if you don't hit water, it won't cost you a thing. LMAO

But yeah, I can dowse. Anyone in the local area planning on having
a well drilled, and are curious, I can stop by before the drilling
starts, and dowse where you plan to drill. Then when the well is in,
can check my resluts against the actual figures. Any takers? Oh, yeah.
Best if you've got some trees so I can cut a fresh forked stick from.
I'll cut one at my place, and bring it along, but not sure exactly how
fresh they have to be, so could compare results between the two. For
what it's worth, I wound up with a 210 foot well, flowing at 40 gallons
per minute, per the well driller. Tests out almost chemicaly pure -
it's some goooood water.

Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
- Bazooka Joe
JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid


in reply to [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) on 28/07/2004 8:09 AM

28/07/2004 1:43 PM

Wed, Jul 28, 2004, 8:09am (EDT-3) [email protected] (RH=A0tOWNSEND) claims:
I am in litigation support. I have a project that I hope someone or
everyone on this list might be able to help me since you have apparently
been involved with water well drilling equipment or involved in the
industry. <snip>

Sheesh, is that the best lie you could come up with?

Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
- Bazooka Joe
JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid


Larry Jaques

in reply to [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) on 28/07/2004 8:09 AM

28/07/2004 9:17 PM

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 20:38:13 GMT, "Bob Jones"
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>Bee yoo ti full response Patrick.

Huh? Doesn't "litigation support" translate to
"pimp/enabler for attorneys"?

>"patrick conroy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> "RH tOWNSEND" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> >
>> >
>> > I am in litigation support. I have a project that I hope someone or
>> http://www.bartleby.com/62/04/A0060450.html

- Clinton never - * Wondrous Website Design
- EXhaled.- * http://www.diversify.com


"Bob Jones"

in reply to [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) on 28/07/2004 8:09 AM

28/07/2004 8:38 PM

Bee yoo ti full response Patrick.
"patrick conroy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "RH tOWNSEND" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> >
> > I am in litigation support. I have a project that I hope someone or
> http://www.bartleby.com/62/04/A0060450.html


"patrick conroy"

in reply to [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) on 28/07/2004 8:09 AM

28/07/2004 10:18 PM

"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Sheesh, is that the best lie you could come up with?

Yabbut - ya gotta admit the "visual" that popped into the noggin was pretty
impressive, right?


Mark & Juanita

in reply to [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) on 28/07/2004 8:09 AM

28/07/2004 9:47 PM

On 28 Jul 2004 08:09:34 -0700, [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) wrote:

>I am in litigation support. I have a project that I hope someone or
>everyone on this list might be able to help me since you have
>apparently been involved with water well drilling equipment or
>involved in the industry. I am interested in any incident at anytime
>since 1970 thru current. I am searching for those that were injured or
>almost injured because of a falling or flying object. I am seeking
>knowledge of incidents wherein injury has been suffered by anyone of a
>water drilling crew member by a falling object even through to the
>current time. I am also interested in reports of near misses as well.
>Please feel free to call me at 1.800.308.7716 ext 4010.
>Robert Townsend, CLI

Uh, yeah. Go to the phone, hold your breath, wait for me to call.

Blasted trial lawyers looking for a litigation class for another class
action lawsuit. 'spose it's one of those opt-out things where the
litigants get $1.42 each and the law firm gets millions. "Making money the
old-fashioned way -- we sue people for it"


"patrick conroy"

in reply to [email protected] (RH tOWNSEND) on 28/07/2004 8:09 AM

28/07/2004 5:18 PM

"RH tOWNSEND" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I am in litigation support. I have a project that I hope someone or


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