Heard this on the radio this morning on the way to work and thought it
was worth sharing on the wreck:
I particularly like the line: " Do not work after you are annoyed just
so the job will be done more quickly. Stop when you begin to curse at
the wood."
In a lot of ways this poem expresses exactly how I've come to feel
about woodworking in the serveral months I've been at it. There's
something magical when you hit your stride. You move slowly and
carefully in an almost casual way, as everything flows at it's proper
pace. Not the slow, awkard fumbling of a beginner (though there's still
plenty of that for me, whenever I'm learning a new tool, joint or
technique - but that's all part of the fun) just the steady rythym of
hands that know what they're doing. You hit that sweet spot and you
just... build and it's wonderful.
Then you do something stupid like hand cut the very last mitered tenon
in your project completely backwards and start cursing and stamping
around the shop and have to bag it for the night because you should
never 'saw angry' :-) I think in a way even the screw-ups are part of
the fun, they give us something to laugh about...
Anyway back to doing that work-thing I do for eight hours a day so I
can afford to make sawdust during the rest of the day....