"Lawrence L'Hote"

20/10/2003 5:57 PM

HF Stacked Dado Evaluation

Cut out the dados for the bottoms of another coupla my box joint
boxes(17"x17"). Bought a set of the 6-tooth chipper,42 tooth blade dado
from Harbor Freight. My set includes a 1/16 chipper and I paid $39.95 plus
shipping. The set below shows the blade and chipper but doesn't list the
1/16" chipper and it is priced at $29.99. Anyhows, I risk sacrilege by
saying this set cuts BETTER than my high dollar Forrest set. I would post
some pictures but my 2 month old Nikon 5700 is off to the Nikon shop for
flash repairs. I will post pix when I get my camera back of the comparison
cuts. The chippers are almost full-blade 6 tooth blades and add a lot of
mass to the dado but probably help with its' stability.



Lawrence L'Hote
Columbia, MO