my neighbor gave me a 3m 6800 full face respirator the other day, belonged
to her hubby before he died. I don't know much about these things... I'm
wondering if somebody can suggest the proper combination of
cartridges/filters for this thing.
in order of usage
Soldering (stained glass/leaded glass) - mild chemicals, lead
woodworking - sawdust
wood finishing - varnishes etc
the borg have smaller more specific purpose respirators, for about $50 CDN,
but I'd need 2 different ones to cover all bases.
any thoughts?
Oughtsix spaketh...
> Personally I find wearing a dust mask, eye protection and hearing
> protection uncomfortable while woodworking. I just ordered a 3M full
> face mask to give it a try.
Yeah, I finally broke down and started wearing a mask just about all the
time in the shop. Coughing and hacking half the night was more
uncomfortable than the mask. The coughing cleared up immediately.
As a kid, I had to shovel coal for the winter. I would cough and hack up
black coal dust for a week.
Shelf price of lungs?
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 09:02:52 -0400, "Chris Gibson" <[email protected]>
>the borg have smaller more specific purpose respirators, for about $50 CDN,
>but I'd need 2 different ones to cover all bases.
>any thoughts?