My name is Leon and this is the first time I've visited this group.
First of all, is there a FAQ for rec.woodworking?
Secondly, I've recently gotten back into building things (bought a
house with a large shed :-)) So far I've only touched the surface of
what I would like to build by putting together a dog house for my
I'm slowly getting more adventuruous and my next project will be a
garden bench. I would love to start making some furniture (I need to
get better before this will happen, the better half has said they need
to look good before they're allowed in the house:-))
Is there a good online site for plans and designs? I don't think I
would use the plans verbatin, more to draw on ideas and come up with
my own design.
The Happy Drunk
or failing that...
(The following links courtesy of JOAT.)
These are sites with plans, free and pay. SHOPSMITH USERS GROUP
http://ssug.org/ AMATEUR WOODWORKER
http://www.am-wood.com/archive/archive.html THE LIGHTWEIGHT
http://www.backpacking.net/contents.html DELTA PROJECT PLANS
http://www.deltawoodworking.com/entry-4-projecthelp.html ROBBIES
WORKSHOP http://www.axiomltd.com/wood/ GREENWOODWORKING
http://www.greenwoodworking.com/ CRAFT TEMPLATES AND INSTRUCTIONS
STUFF) http://www.greyhoundmanor.com/pat/instruct.html LOWES
http://www.lowes.com/lowes/findex.asp minwax project plans
http://www.minwax.com/projects/index.htm PLANS INDEX
POPULAR MECHANICS http://homearts.com/pm/toc/00shptc1.htm SKIL
PLANS http://www.skiltools.com/html/PLANS.HTML PROJECTS - FINE
WOODWORKING http://www.taunton.com/fw/admin/projects.htm TRITON
http://www.triton.net.au/projects/ FREE WOODWORKING PROJECT PLANS
http://members.aol.com/cdweinke/free_plans/ WOODWARE DESIGNS (FREE &
PAY) http://www.charm.net/~jriley/woodware.html WEEKEND WOODCRAFTS
http://www.weekendwoodcrafts.com/mag/ww_project.htm THE WOODWORKER
http://www.nexuswoodworking.com/projects/index.html ACCUSET
http://www.brandnew.net/wagon.html WOODWORKING CLOCK PLANS AND CLOCK
KITS (PAY) http://www.clockplans.com/ CRAFT DESIGN PLANS (PAY)
http://www.craftdesigns.freeserve.co.uk/ D. ROY WOODCRAFT (PAY)
http://ideasinwood.com/index.html PLANS NOW (PAY)
And these are sites you can go to and find all sorts of interesting
stuff, including plans.
HOUSENET.COM http://www.housenet.com/sitetools/siteindex/main.asp
FAMILYPLAY http://www.familyplay.com/ A MAN'S LIFE
http://www.manslife.com/toc.html ABOUT.COM
http://home.about.com/index.htm FORUMS FOR THE CHAOTIC HOME
http://www.thathomesite.com/forums/ FREESHOP.COM
http://affiliate.freeshop.com/ PEEKABOO YOUR NEWS, TRAVEL & SERVICES
DIRECTORY http://peekaboo.net/ HOW STUFF WORKS
http://www.howstuffworks.com/ THE DOLLAR STRETCHER
PROPERTY NETWORK (PATENTS) http://www.patents.ibm.com/ A HISTORY OF
http://www.museum.siu.edu/Museum/Museum_Explorers/guide.html MSU-ES
AQUACULTURE RESOURCES http://ext.msstate.edu/anr/aquaculture/
And you can use these to find plans on your own.
HELPFUL GUIDE http://www.monash.com/spidap.html HOW TO MAKE SEARCH
ENGINES EASIER http://www.creativegood.com/help/c005.html INTERNET
http://www.serve.com/shea/internet.htm WOODWORKER'S CENTRAL (WWA
http://www.beaucoup.com/ VICNET (AUSTRALIA)
http://www.vicnet.net.au/search/ BIBLE BROWSER BASIC HOME PAGE
http://www.stg.brown.edu/webs/bible_browser/pbeasy.shtml NEW ADVENT
http://www.newadvent.org/ BIBLEGATEWAY (9 LANGUAGES)
http://bible.gospelcom.net/ WORLD WIDE STUDY BIBLE
On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 18:57:03 -0400, [email protected] (J T)
>Sun, Jun 24, 2007, 12:55pm (EDT-3) [email protected] doth sayeth:
>or failing that...
>(The following links courtesy of JOAT.) <snip>
> Oh sure, blame it on me. I've never even seen half of 'em. Oh
>Hell, I probably am responsibe for them, I've posted enoug of 'em in the
>past. I've got loads of plans links saved, but seldom use 'em now. I
>usually just start googling if I need a plan or an idea. The great
>thing about that is some of the totally unrelated stuff you run across.
>Which reminds me, I need plans for a pinecone turkey!
Thanks JOAT,
That site has me thinking of other projects now :-) Best I keep it
simple for the moment.
The Happy Drunk
Mon, Jun 25, 2007, 9:01am (EDT+4)
[email protected] (The=A0Happy=A0Drunk) doth
Thanks JOAT,
That site has me thinking of other projects now :-) Best I keep it
simple for the moment.
The good news: You're welcome. And, the Woodworking Gods do not
accept blood or burnt sacrifices.
The bad news: I am the High Priest of the Woodworking Gods, and as
such I handle all their administrative work. This includes handling all
sacrifices to them - don't try that at home. So if you want to keep in
good standing with them just sand the occasional few bard feet of decent
wood along, that'll do nicely. If you really want to get in good with
them you can send along a short, cute, sightly chubby, slightly used
virgin, who doesn't smoke, and likes housekeeping - I stress HUMAN
female only. No children, we do not accept child sacrifices.
If a man does his best, what else is there?
- General George S. Patton
Sun, Jun 24, 2007, 12:55pm (EDT-3) [email protected] doth sayeth:
or failing that...
(The following links courtesy of JOAT.) <snip>
Oh sure, blame it on me. I've never even seen half of 'em. Oh
Hell, I probably am responsibe for them, I've posted enoug of 'em in the
past. I've got loads of plans links saved, but seldom use 'em now. I
usually just start googling if I need a plan or an idea. The great
thing about that is some of the totally unrelated stuff you run across.
Which reminds me, I need plans for a pinecone turkey!
If a man does his best, what else is there?
- General George S. Patton
J T wrote:
> thing about that is some of the totally unrelated stuff you run across.
> Which reminds me, I need plans for a pinecone turkey!
You certainly have a very ecclectic projects list, some automotive
in nature, but most wood related. Tikis and pinecone turkey's!
No one has the woodworking range that you've attained.
Can't wait for a newbie looking for plans for a cross bow.
charlie b
Mon, Jun 25, 2007, 9:51am (EDT-3) [email protected] (charlieb) doth
You certainly have a very ecclectic projects list, some automotive in
nature, but most wood related. =A0 Tikis and pinecone turkey's! No one
has the woodworking range that you've attained.
Can't wait for a newbie looking for plans for a cross bow.
You need to keep your mind active to stay young. My mind's got it
all down pat, bet seems like the body was on vacation the day the memo
was circulated.
Yeah, a lot of vehicle stuff you guys've never seen. But even
that'll have a bit of wood involved somewhere. And LOADS of steam
stuff, mostly boats. I hope to start one relatively soon, wooden, of
course; researching what type of engine I'll build just now - ran into
details on a 3-cylinder model awhile back, where the cylinders sort of
'wave' - should be very interesting, IF I can figure out al the details
ouf how it works - no actual plans But, if that one doesn't work out,
got several different designs I d have plans for, just need to decide
which to use. Monotube boiler, still deciding on propane/LPG or
Diesel/kerosene fuel. Down on the list for now. Crossbow? Hmm, I need
to dig out my quarrels, set up a target, and get in some time with my
pistol crossbow.
If a man does his best, what else is there?
- General George S. Patton
J T wrote:
> And LOADS of steam
> stuff, mostly boats.
I knew a guy who either had the original or a copy of the steam
boat in the African Queen movie with Bogart and Hepburn. He'd
take it out in the Sacramento Delta - and tow BIG ASS speed
boats, ski boats to the dock when they ran out of gas in the
middle of no where. While others charged an arm and a leg for
this service he did it for free - sort of. The tow was free, but
he'd get a picture of his steam boat towing your fast swoopy
expensive as hell power boat.
Going through that photo album was a kick. The thing had
a really low rpm - but turned an damned big screw - sort of
like a tug boat. Lots of Low End Power.
charlie b
Mon, Jun 25, 2007, 10:29pm (EDT-3) [email protected] (charlieb)
doth sayeth:
=A0=A0=A0=A0I knew a guy who either had the original or a copy of the
steam boat in the African Queen movie with Bogart and Hepburn. He'd take
it out in the Sacramento Delta <snip>
I don't recall if the original ever made it out tothe wrong coast or
not; there were a number of clones, so possibly not. What I found
interesting is, the oriiginal boat hull was/is not made out of wood.
Total metal hull, iron as I recall, not steel. Made in England, and
shipped to Africa, before 1900 sometime, if I recal right. I've ot the
info in one of my books somewhere, but don't feel like digging it out.
Got the video too. Should be easy enough to google if anyone is
interested in specifics.
Steam has fascinated me for years. There's steam engines way over
100 years old, and still running. You can literally make a steam engine
usng very basic tools, and it will actually run - possibly not as
efficiently as one made usig precision tools, but it will run. Try that
with an internal combustin engine.
If a man does his best, what else is there?
- General George S. Patton
J T wrote:
> Sun, Jun 24, 2007, 12:55pm (EDT-3) [email protected] doth sayeth:
> Try...
> www.woodworking.wizkids.co.uk
> or failing that...
> (The following links courtesy of JOAT.) <snip>
> Oh sure, blame it on me. I've never even seen half of 'em. Oh
> Hell, I probably am responsibe for them, I've posted enoug of 'em in the
> past. I've got loads of plans links saved, but seldom use 'em now. I
> usually just start googling if I need a plan or an idea. The great
> thing about that is some of the totally unrelated stuff you run across.
> Which reminds me, I need plans for a pinecone turkey!
> If a man does his best, what else is there?
> - General George S. Patton
Here, you've helped me out before.
Take two, they're cheap!
Mon, Jun 25, 2007, 1:13am (EDT+4) [email protected] (Glen)
did kindly post thusly
Here, you've helped me out before.
Take two, they're cheap!
Ah, quality work indeed. Thank you muchly. Worth every drachma.
Now it's pinecone hunting I shall go.
If a man does his best, what else is there?
- General George S. Patton
On Jun 24, 2:20 am, The Happy Drunk
> My name is Leon and this is the first time I've visited this group.
Hello Leon.
I don't know how well you're going to fit in, seeing as none of us
here ever touch a drink... nay, not even a frothy cool glass of Sam
Adams (Wheat) after rolling around in sawdust during a hot day of
planing, scraping, drilling, sanding........
We also take no crap from our wimmin.
On Jun 25, 12:17 am, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Robatoy wrote:
> | We also take no crap from our wimmin.
> Speshully not wimmin from NS.
Showed your reply to Angela.
That woman has a wicked laugh.
The Happy Drunk wrote:
| My name is Leon and this is the first time I've visited this group.
Welcome to the wRec! I'd suggest you also subscribe to
news:alt.binaries.pictures.woodworking - ABPW - where we can (and do)
post drawings and photos of projects - you might find it interesting
sto see some of the things people here are talking about.
| First of all, is there a FAQ for rec.woodworking?
There is, but I've forgotten where it is. :-(
| Secondly, I've recently gotten back into building things (bought a
| house with a large shed :-)) So far I've only touched the surface of
| what I would like to build by putting together a dog house for my
| pups.
If you like it, you're invited to post photos on ABPW...
| I'm slowly getting more adventuruous and my next project will be a
| garden bench. I would love to start making some furniture (I need to
| get better before this will happen, the better half has said they
| need to look good before they're allowed in the house:-))
Be warned that there're a bunch of tool-lovers here - if you're on any
kind budget, they're perfectly willing to help you spend more than
what you've budgeted. :-)
Mark Johnson built a terrific (IMHO) bench a while back out of 2x4
lumber. You might try asking him to re-post his photos on ABPW...
| Is there a good online site for plans and designs? I don't think I
| would use the plans verbatin, more to draw on ideas and come up with
| my own design.
There are a number of sites offering plans. Google is your friend for
finding plans online. If you don't find what you're looking for with
Google, /then/ ask here.
I have some web pages with a few photos for shop ideas (but not plans)
at the link below. Watch for links in sigs - some of the regulars (and
not so regulars) have some really good project pages (some with plans)
on their web sites.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
Robatoy wrote:
| On Jun 25, 12:17 am, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:
|| Robatoy wrote:
||| We also take no crap from our wimmin.
|| Speshully not wimmin from NS.
| Showed your reply to Angela.
| That woman has a wicked laugh.
Well, that probably explains today's case of FIDS.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
"The Happy Drunk" wrote in message
> Is there a good online site for plans and designs? I don't think I
> would use the plans verbatin, more to draw on ideas and come up with
> my own design.
Another good source for outdoor projects is "Handyman Magazine", probably
available at your local newsstand. (still trying to figure out if the
mysterious "gift subscription" [from MIL?] was a hint, naïveté, or a subtle
insult?). :)
Last update: 6/1/07
KarlC@ (the obvious)
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> Is there a good online site for plans and designs? I don't think I
> would use the plans verbatin, more to draw on ideas and come up with
> my own design.
The nice thing about ink-on-paper is that you can take it out into the shed, or
into the throne-room, to mull over and look at. If you're currently at the dog-
house and park-bench stage, I'd suggest getting a book or two out of the
bargain bin, say something by 'sunset books' or 'doubleday'. Dirt cheap.
There should be plenty of basics as well as inspiration there.
Once you get past that, see if you can get the Taunton's "Find Woodworking"
books out from the library, maybe.
As for the 'net, Google is your friend.
h.t.h., -Peter
firstname dot lastname at gmail fullstop com
The Happy Drunk wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Leon and this is the first time I've visited this group.
> First of all, is there a FAQ for rec.woodworking?
> Secondly, I've recently gotten back into building things (bought a
> house with a large shed :-)) So far I've only touched the surface of
> what I would like to build by putting together a dog house for my
> pups.
> I'm slowly getting more adventuruous and my next project will be a
> garden bench. I would love to start making some furniture (I need to
> get better before this will happen, the better half has said they need
> to look good before they're allowed in the house:-))
> Is there a good online site for plans and designs? I don't think I
> would use the plans verbatin, more to draw on ideas and come up with
> my own design.
> __
> Cheers
> The Happy Drunk
On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 18:57:46 +1200, Peter Huebner
<[email protected]> wrote:
>In article <[email protected]>,
>[email protected] says...
>> Is there a good online site for plans and designs? I don't think I
>> would use the plans verbatin, more to draw on ideas and come up with
>> my own design.
>The nice thing about ink-on-paper is that you can take it out into the shed, or
>into the throne-room, to mull over and look at. If you're currently at the dog-
>house and park-bench stage, I'd suggest getting a book or two out of the
>bargain bin, say something by 'sunset books' or 'doubleday'. Dirt cheap.
>There should be plenty of basics as well as inspiration there.
>Once you get past that, see if you can get the Taunton's "Find Woodworking"
>books out from the library, maybe.
>As for the 'net, Google is your friend.
>h.t.h., -Peter
Thanks Peter, I will start looking for some books. I have a fair idea
when it comes to woodworking just not as much experience as I would
like. I've spent a lot of time working with metal instead.
The Happy Drunk