Tom Watson

01/03/2004 8:23 PM


When I was young and tall and straight and - thin
(and this was not so long ago)
I could look south beyond my belt
And down there see my wiggly toe

Both of them in fact
A pair
Of wiggly piggly toes
And all the top part of my feets
That were not hid by clothes

Some time back I came to notice
My feets were gone
My toes
(and scrotus)

Hid beyond a vast horizon
That had expanded as I'd wisened

(my wife insists I've merely widened)


The other day when in the shop
I bent to grab a tool I'd dropped
As I bent down my buttons popped
That once held up my jeans

I swore at Messrs Coats and Clark
Whose thread won't keep a button parked
My arse exposed
An so my tenders

(make a note to buy suspenders)

Lest you be oercome by mirth
At my tale of expanding girth
You must consider what it's worth
To keep your body slim

Should I live on naught but greens
At just the time I've got the means
To buy myself a decent steak
The very thought
My heart doth break

No more beer nights with the boys
(eating shit called "Healthy Choice")
And all that frigging Atkins noise
What's a man to do

I'll tell you that I've got a plan
To conquer my expanding span
A compromise
Some give and take

I'll only eat when I'm awake

Thomas J. Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
(Real Email is tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet)

This topic has 7 replies


Dave Balderstone

in reply to Tom Watson on 01/03/2004 8:23 PM

02/03/2004 7:12 AM

Another masterpiece, Tom!


Is it time to change my sig line yet?


"Steven P"

in reply to Tom Watson on 01/03/2004 8:23 PM

02/03/2004 11:29 AM



"Dave Balderstone" <> wrote in message
> Another masterpiece, Tom!
> djb
> --
> Is it time to change my sig line yet?



in reply to Tom Watson on 01/03/2004 8:23 PM

01/03/2004 7:00 PM

Great Prose!

We used to call the disease DickDo....
(as in my gut sticks out further than my Dick Do...)



"Grant P. Beagles"

in reply to Tom Watson on 01/03/2004 8:23 PM

02/03/2004 11:15 AM

Hard to read while eating lunch!

Scott McCray wrote:

> Ackshully it's better known as "Furniture Disorder"
> (OBWW)
> Yer chest fell into yer drawers! <BSEG/GD&R>


"Scott McCray"

in reply to Tom Watson on 01/03/2004 8:23 PM

02/03/2004 11:45 AM

Ackshully it's better known as "Furniture Disorder"

Yer chest fell into yer drawers! <BSEG/GD&R>



in reply to Tom Watson on 01/03/2004 8:23 PM

02/03/2004 10:55 AM

Tom Watson wrote:

> A compromise
> Some give and take
> I'll only eat when I'm awake

Is that anything like a seefood diet? If so, count me in.

I have a penis down there somewhere, I think, on the other side of that big
white hump.

Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621


"Rob Walters"

in reply to Tom Watson on 01/03/2004 8:23 PM

02/03/2004 8:51 PM

"Silvan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I have a penis down there somewhere, I think, on the other side of that
> white hump.

One portly guy to another in the showers at the local gym:

"Have you thought about a diet?"

"Dye it? Hell, I don't know what color it is now!"

(insert groan here)


(who's loving the Atkins the tune of 46lbs!)

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