A request for my illustrious comrades in sawdust (including Normites.)
Just prior to going on vacation, I closed a deal to build 20 tables for
an oriental restaurant. No problem, been there, done that.
Now, the sweet lady who owns/operates the restaurant wants to add some
booths (6 in total) built along a wall. (I have posted a preliminary
picture on ABPW showing the ergonomic lay-out) I had no problem finding
the ergonomic dimensions on the 'Net but... I had a brain-fart:
to wit:
Nothing annoys me more than enjoying a soup, sitting in a booth, when
some big fat clumsy porker inserts hisself in the booth behind me and
starts rocking back and forth to the tune of Wipe-Out.
I, therefore, always seek out a booth with its back against a wall.
I thought, as I consider myself average in amount of annoyance that I
can tolerate, that I could isolate the two seating sections, which make
up a 'unit', from each other by separating them, then sticking some foam
sheets between them back-to-back, capping the gap off with a decorative
stripette of wood, delicately decorated of course. A few brads...you get
the idea...
I figured, that If I attached the cover-strip on one of the seating
sections, the other section should have some free movement.
The movement will need to be restricted somewhat, as if the gap were to
open. the big fat porker's big fat porker kid might stick his big fat
porker finger in the gap and have it sheered off, REALLY ruining my
The paperwork alone would screw up my day.
I was going to post this request for a brain-storm on another news
group, but my server doesn't carry
ing-John-Wilkes...... besides, this NG has WAY more intelligent people
contributing than any other.
My idea of a strip of wood doesn't satisfy my quest for 'niftyness'. One
suggestion was a pleated strip of cloth or leather...too 'accordion' for
me..hell, Lawrence Welk might have liked it...
Thanks in advance,
your humble servant,
Robatoy wrote:
>.... build 20 tables for
> an oriental restaurant. ... add some
> booths ..... isolate the two seating sections....sticking some foam
> sheets between them back-to-back, capping the gap off with .... a
>pleated strip of cloth or leather...too 'accordion' for
> me......
instead of pleating, how about rumpling, crushed velvet style?
Maybe a 7/8 wide slot on the back of one booth top to bottom and the
booth on the other side has the foam attached a piece of 3/4 ply that
extends out past the foam an 1 1/2" or so covering the foam and
extending into the slot on the other booth. You could even put a bolt
through a hole in the one booth with a slot in the extended panel so it
can slide but not fully seperate when Billy and Jackie Sue are humping
it up in the booth after hours... sorry, it just brings back