"Ralph" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello group new to woodturning,been lurking here for awhile.Quistion is
> want to start turning small bowls does anyone recommend any good books
> or video's to get started,I have a jet mini lathe.Theres many out there
> to chose from that i seen.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.
> Ralph
Ralph, have you asked this question over on rec.crafts.woodworking ? Thiat
group has about the best info source for all things lathe, that you will
ever see.
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First thing is to check into the rec.crafts.woodturning news group. This
one here is good, but the other is dedicated to woodturning. Second, see if
there is a club in your area. There are many American Assoc. of Woodturners
(AAW) clubs around the US and many have video libraries and volunteer
instructors. Here is their web site: http://www.woodturner.org/ That ought
to get you started.
Rusty Myers
Austin, TX
"Ralph" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello group new to woodturning,been lurking here for awhile.Quistion is
> want to start turning small bowls does anyone recommend any good books
> or video's to get started,I have a jet mini lathe.Theres many out there
> to chose from that i seen.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.
> Ralph