
12/03/2007 7:20 PM

Shadow Box Angles

Dear All:

I have been making shadow box frames here and there for roughly 20
years. I developed some equations for making shadow frames for any
number of sides and any number of angles and they are as follows:

Miter Angle = 180/n * cos(shadow angle)
Bevel Angle = 180/n * sin(shadow angle)

Now, these equations work over a reasonable range, but are NOT
entirely accurate for all angles and # of sides. For instance, they
work at shallow angles on almost any number of sides, but fall
completely apart on a 3 sided figure - I think that the actual
equations are a tensor, but am not entirely sure.

I have done some research and I haven't been able to find a really
good shadow box table or a general equation such as the above that
actually works. It's extremely frustrating because I finally bought a
decent table saw and I can't make a shadow box to save my life!!!!!!

If anyone out there knows of a good table for shadow box data, or has
some equations that can get me started. Please help!!!