
mike ring

17/10/2004 9:48 PM

I hope you'll pardon me for charging into your ng - I normally lurk in
uk.d-i-y and it appears that our group has been hijacked whole for the
above website.

So apparently has yours.

The few folks in d-i-y who've responded so far (I'm one), are not best
pleased - if you haven't noticed I thought you ought at least to know,
maybe we can get together if necessary.

Judging by the site, other groups can expect the same, and I guess it's to
make some b***** rich


This topic has 4 replies


[email protected] (Charlie Self)

in reply to mike ring on 17/10/2004 9:48 PM

17/10/2004 10:32 PM

mike ring notes:

>I hope you'll pardon me for charging into your ng - I normally lurk in
>uk.d-i-y and it appears that our group has been hijacked whole for the
>above website.
>So apparently has yours.
>The few folks in d-i-y who've responded so far (I'm one), are not best
>pleased - if you haven't noticed I thought you ought at least to know,
>maybe we can get together if necessary.
>Judging by the site, other groups can expect the same, and I guess it's to
>make some b***** rich

Generally, I don't object to someone repeating my posts as information. I'm
going to have to do some reading on Internet copyright, though, before I
respond to these people. I believe, but I don't KNOW, that material on the NG
is protected. If it is, the owners of this site have stuck their tootsies into
a yellowjackets' nest.

Charlie Self
"There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other
is pulling up." Booker T. Washington



in reply to mike ring on 17/10/2004 9:48 PM

18/10/2004 10:50 AM

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 04:07:22 +0000, [email protected] (Robert
Bonomi) wrote:

>It is 'tacky'. It _may_ be 'misrepresentation' -- in that they are claiming
>that it is a 'forum' that _they_ run, 'synchronized' with the newsgroup.
>In actuality, it is little, if not _no_different_, from what Google does.
>The only difference I see is the 'claim' of being a diyprojects 'forum'.

Misappropriation versus fair use. But, it would take $$$ to enforce,
question of who has standing to sue, and where would the suit have to be

I have an idea for some guerilla warfare: Post a bunch of subject lines
with " SUCKS" in it or the like. Or, "Go direct to
rec.woodworking newsgroup, NOT HERE." If there could be an agreement here
for a filter we could all use then none of us would have to see it, only
the people using DIY's website. FWIW.

BTW, it seems that this is a new trend in Internet forum sites. Recently
I've stumbled upon some forums in other topic areas that also have started
misappropriating newsgroups. I think that the idea behind it is that most
people search "the web" with Google and do not use a separate NG search for
the NGs. So, with these new forums (or fora for the purists), they have a
scam way to grab eyeballs -- because www searches will find their sites
with embedded NGs -- and then they will leverage that.

-- Igor


[email protected] (Robert Bonomi)

in reply to mike ring on 17/10/2004 9:48 PM

18/10/2004 4:07 AM

In article <[email protected]>,
Charlie Self <[email protected]> wrote:
>mike ring notes:
>>I hope you'll pardon me for charging into your ng - I normally lurk in
>>uk.d-i-y and it appears that our group has been hijacked whole for the
>>above website.
>>So apparently has yours.
>>The few folks in d-i-y who've responded so far (I'm one), are not best
>>pleased - if you haven't noticed I thought you ought at least to know,
>>maybe we can get together if necessary.
>>Judging by the site, other groups can expect the same, and I guess it's to
>>make some b***** rich
>Generally, I don't object to someone repeating my posts as information. I'm
>going to have to do some reading on Internet copyright, though, before I
>respond to these people. I believe, but I don't KNOW, that material on the NG
>is protected. If it is, the owners of this site have stuck their tootsies into
>a yellowjackets' nest.

I can confirm that U.S. (_and_ U.K, and Netherlands, and Finland) copyright
statute _does_ cover USENET postings.

*HOWEVER*, it is a -messy- area, with no established case-law precedents.

Posting to USENET has to include a license for copying by any/all news-server
machines -- otherwise your article couldn't propagate to the rest of the world,
for people to read.

_What_ constitutes a 'news server', and what license is given, is 'uncharted
territory' -- it has never been litigated.

When you consider what Google (originally Deja News) does, the legal landscape
becomes *really* complicated -- *if* you want to allow Google to continue
to do what it does, but _NOT_ allow somebody like to do
what they are doing.

It is 'tacky'. It _may_ be 'misrepresentation' -- in that they are claiming
that it is a 'forum' that _they_ run, 'synchronized' with the newsgroup.
In actuality, it is little, if not _no_different_, from what Google does.
The only difference I see is the 'claim' of being a diyprojects 'forum'.



in reply to mike ring on 17/10/2004 9:48 PM

18/10/2004 9:52 AM

igor did say:
> I have an idea for some guerilla warfare: Post a bunch of subject lines
> with " SUCKS" in it or the like. Or, "Go direct to
> rec.woodworking newsgroup, NOT HERE." If there could be an agreement here
> for a filter we could all use then none of us would have to see it, only
> the people using DIY's website. FWIW.

That's a rather good idea I think.

New project = new tool. Hard and fast rule.

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