I don't seem to be able to lock the mitre table in position after setting.
In spite of turning the handle clockwise - tight - as indicated in the
manual, it will not hold the position.
Would anyone have any suggestions as to where else I may be able to make an
adjustment to enable locking of the mitre table.
"Fraser Knox" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I don't seem to be able to lock the mitre table in position after setting.
> In spite of turning the handle clockwise - tight - as indicated in the
> manual, it will not hold the position.
> Would anyone have any suggestions as to where else I may be able to make
> adjustment to enable locking of the mitre table.
You need to replace or adjust some parts in the turn stopper / holder
assembly, not an expensive repair / adjustment unless the mounting hole for
the pin through the turn stopper has cracked away from the turn base itself.
Someone knowing the proceedure can fix in a few minutes with less than $15
worth of parts unless the mounting hole is broken.
© Jon Down ®
LOTS OF BLADES ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
"Fraser Knox" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I don't seem to be able to lock the mitre table in position after setting.
> In spite of turning the handle clockwise - tight - as indicated in the
> manual, it will not hold the position.
> Would anyone have any suggestions as to where else I may be able to make
> adjustment to enable locking of the mitre table.
I'm guessing you already checked this but when I'm in a hurry it is a
mistake I make with this same saw from time to time...
There are two parts of the handle that loosen and tighten. One locks
the miter in place (I believe it is the inner) and one locks the slide
mechanism (I believe it is the outer).
If it is not that, then the saw must be defective.