

24/07/2004 7:28 PM

Handyman Club of America - WTF?

Sorry that I do not lurk before posting - But I am not really very sorry.
Some years ago I got some crap - the "glue spreader" from HCA and I tossed the
snailmail spam.
I got more crap from them and sent something back with no intention to pay for
whatever they sent. I looked online and saw that - I think it was this newsgroup
- folks bitched and laughed about drill gage and wire gage and assorted crap and
not getting anything the HCA promised to send.
Last year or early this year I returned a thing telling them to send me the
damned stuff they promised before I send them money for anything. - So they sent
me a flashlight and what I call a "Swiss Army Pliers" and they sent me thanks
for subscribing to their magazine.
So I been getting their magazine ever since. (Hey! I am trying to shorten this
longish stupid story)
Okay! I got myself a couple batteries for that cheap knockoff of a MiniMag
light and screwed it together and it popped off the lens. - It works now that I
superglued the lens in.
A jaw broke off that folding "Swiss Army Pliers" when I tried to cut a
weedeater string.
So, I figured F*** them.
Then they sent me a book and I looked through it and thought WTF - it was
interesting and maybe had a couple things I did not know already so I sent them
ten bucks.
Today I got stuff from them that I am sure that they did not have time to get
my book payment and respond - I am amazed!!!
First thing was a $24.00 rebate check which I used to get the groceries that I
went to town to check mail and get groceries.
They said that my cashing the check would finalize my lifetime membership and
that I would never ever have to send them money anymore. - I did not see
anything on the check that bound me to anything - so WTF?
Now I got home and looked more in the envelope and I got a window sticker and
an iron on patch and a nifty looking carpenter pencil - Hey! even looks decent
quality though I have not tried to sharpen it yet to see if the knife grabs the
lead an pulls it out.

There is a pamphlet that shows photo's of the $340.00 of tools that I am going
to receive for being a lifetime member now.
Way cool. ... ??

My problem is that I wonder - if I do actually get any of the power tools -
should I pay some homeless person twenty bucks to plug in and turn them on?

Is HCA some dope front or money laundering outfit or tax write off scam or just
insane or what???

Hey! I have played some scam outfits before and got some CD's (in broken boxes)
and such and I never sent them back because I didn't want to pay postage.
When HCA sent me the book they sent box prepaid to return it. - Had they not
done that I probably would have just kept the thing rather than to send them the
ten bucks they wanted for it.

They sent me the twenty four dollar rebate faster than I think they could have
even got the ten bucks I sent them - maybe three days ago in the afternoon.


Oh well, as long as I am here - might anyone have advice about how to go about
brazing or soldering stainless? - I got a little MIG but am not very good with
it and the stuff I want to stick together isn't all that thick.

This topic has 44 replies


Dave Hinz

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 3:56 PM

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 23:22:40 -0700, Craig <[email protected]> wrote:
> Eh? _ Maybe I should have lurked first?
> I did do a Google and saw some remarks about the outfit a week or two ago. -
> So I went ahead and subscribed to the group in my newsgroup client and said what

Craig, big favor buddy? Set your line length to something that isn't
90-something. 72 works well.


Dave Hinz

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 3:58 PM

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 22:17:50 -0700, Craig <[email protected]> wrote:
> Well, spit it out for goodness sake and try to say something intelligent.
> Do you always reply with something as stupid in response to someone describing
> an event?
> Or maybe you can tell me how I have gone wrong so far, moron.

I sense much cluelessness in this one. Hello, and goodbye, Craig.
(that means, "My, what an amazing waste of time this one seems to be,
so their posts won't show up on my screen anymore).


in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

26/07/2004 5:29 AM

I'm with you, Leon. Somebody has way, way too much time on their
hands typing gibberish to absolutely no effect.

"Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> And the hook is firmly set...... RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 3:12 PM

"Leon" wrote in message ...
> And the hook is firmly set...... RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Is it *that* time of year again already? I'd better drag out the waders with
one imperial and one metric leg so I can get the dustballs outta my DC so it
don't explode on me. Who knows what I'll find this year - last year I found
the neighbour's cat (which made a dandy pushstick).



[email protected] (Tom Dooley)

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 9:17 PM

I think it's 12 dollars a year, (or was).
I thought the magazines were worth that.
I still have a bunch of them.
I got into the habit of misplacing their invoices, and eventually the
magazines and invoices stopped coming.
Of course the "free gifts" are usually crap
except for the handydandy plastic drill size gauge. I actually use that
on occasion. I think they make most of their money endorsing
woodworking tools and other products.
They didn't strike me as scammers like the bogus credit card losers,



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 3:33 PM

"Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Well, spit it out for goodness sake and try to say something intelligent.

OK, ;~) Hook, Line, and Sinker.

Seriously though, I was not trying to belittle you or make fun of you. This
story of yours has been discussed over and over except with a different
name. IF you get what you think you are going to get, it will be the first
time that I have read of and that will be good for you. But, if something
seems too good to be true, it probably is.

> Do you always reply with something as stupid in response to someone
> an event?

No. Sorry, I through it was just going to be the beginning of a thread that
goes the same way over and over, which is is proving to be so far. I
actually got the feeling that you worked for HMofA. NO ONE has ever given
that publication such on going praise.

> Or maybe you can tell me how I have gone wrong so far, moron.

I suspect the check in the mail will turn out to be not what you have been
lead to believe. Again, if it sounds too good to be true...

> Maybe I should have lurked this group for a bit to discover who is the
> present idiot that every group seems to have resident.

Probably so, as so far I think you are jumping to conclusions.

> But no matter. As it stands I am $14.00 and a glue spreader ahead. Maybe
> are bitchy that they came out ahead on you so far? ;-)

No, I think I have 14 of their glue spreaders and 4 or 5 drill gauges but
still no oblication on my part or money out of my pocket to them.


"Greg Millen"

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 8:55 PM


the Handyman Club is a thread that pops up a couple of times a year, that's
why you've got some funny answers. If you have a win with them, great, but
most find them a waste of space. As for Leon, he is a valued contributor and
well worth reading if you want to learn.



"Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Groggy wrote:
> > "Leon" wrote in message ...
> >
> >>And the hook is firmly set...... RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...
> >
> >
> > Is it *that* time of year again already? I'd better drag out the waders
> > one imperial and one metric leg so I can get the dustballs outta my DC
so it
> > don't explode on me. Who knows what I'll find this year - last year I
> > the neighbour's cat (which made a dandy pushstick).
> >
> > <sigh>
> >
> >
> Eh? _ Maybe I should have lurked first?
> I did do a Google and saw some remarks about the outfit a week or two
go. -
> So I went ahead and subscribed to the group in my newsgroup client and
said what
> I said. - Seems my experience with the outfit is a novel one since about
> else I have seen posted is about glue spreader and them never sending what
> say they will send.
> They sent me the same garbage that I have seen folks to joke about. I
found it
> amusing myself. Even sent them a response that they should send me the
crap and
> I would send them money if i thought it was worth whatever.
> Is Leon the group idiot? ?? - whatever ....
> Hey! - No question that they are a flakey outfit. I really doubt that the
> researched me so personal that they would send me the stuff they have
> their spies have reported that I am the sort who will talk good or bad
> whoever treats me good or bad.
> Well, what can I say? - I am greatly surprised that any such outfit has
sent me
> cash money and the back of the check didn't even obligate me for anything.
> Oh well. They sent me same drill gage that I have seen folks laugh about
> even before seeing "glue spreader" I thought about as much of it. The
> and the "Swiss Army Pliers" was crap. - Seems there was another thing but
> just written them off I forget what it was. If it worked or didn't it did
> impress me I guess.
> Oh well. No outfit could come out ahead treating 'potential' customers as
> have treated me so far - and that is even if they never send me the
$340.00 of
> stuff they claim that they will. They already sent me more money than I
> sent them.
> Anyway. If they send me any of them tools they say they will be sending I
> be back to gloat that I did good at what folks did not get such a deal.
LOL :-)
> Maybe that Leon fellow needs to try a different brand of laxative?
> --
> We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try
> to disrupt the democratic process.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

26/07/2004 2:46 AM

"Phisherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> I have the free plastic
> drill gauge they sent me, although I use my metal one as it is much
> easier to read the numbers.

Just touch the raised number with a black magic marker and they show up

Hey, maybe they'll pay me $24 for that tip or make me a lifetime member.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 3:25 PM

If Handyman Club of America treated all their customers that way, they
would have bit the dust years ago. But as long as there's a few
suckers to send them money, they will keep going. No lasting company
is going to give out more than they take in. I have the free plastic
drill gauge they sent me, although I use my metal one as it is much
easier to read the numbers. I have not yet had a use for the
foam-backed sandpaper. The HCA membership card makes a good glue



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

29/07/2004 5:21 PM

Craig <[email protected]> wrote:

> Then they sent me a book and I looked through it and thought WTF - it was
>interesting and maybe had a couple things I did not know already so I sent them
>ten bucks.

I got hooked into their scam several years ago. Sent away for the
'trial' subscription to a series of books (first one free -- "no

Book was marginally interesting, but not worth paying for.

I sent in the cancellation notice immediately, and kept the 'free'
book. They sent the next book anyway. I returned it, with another
cancellation notice.

They sent the next one anyway. I kept it, sent them a letter
informing them that it was unordered merchandise, and I had no
obligation to either pay for it or return it. They sent the next one,
which I also kept, and send them another copy of the previous letter.

After about six months of threatening letters, which I quit answering,
they gave up.

Guess I didn't do too bad. Three free books with some marginally
useful information.

Howard Lee Harkness
General insurance information: http://www.HLHins.com
Insurance for H1-Bs: http://www.H1Bins.com
Healthcare for the uninsurable: http://www.AFFHC.com



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

24/07/2004 10:17 PM

Leon wrote:

> And the hook is firmly set...... RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Well, spit it out for goodness sake and try to say something intelligent.
Do you always reply with something as stupid in response to someone describing
an event?
Or maybe you can tell me how I have gone wrong so far, moron.
Maybe I should have lurked this group for a bit to discover who is the ever
present idiot that every group seems to have resident.
But no matter. As it stands I am $14.00 and a glue spreader ahead. Maybe you
are bitchy that they came out ahead on you so far? ;-)

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists might try
to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

24/07/2004 11:22 PM

Groggy wrote:

> "Leon" wrote in message ...
>>And the hook is firmly set...... RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...
> Is it *that* time of year again already? I'd better drag out the waders with
> one imperial and one metric leg so I can get the dustballs outta my DC so it
> don't explode on me. Who knows what I'll find this year - last year I found
> the neighbour's cat (which made a dandy pushstick).
> <sigh>

Eh? _ Maybe I should have lurked first?
I did do a Google and saw some remarks about the outfit a week or two ago. -
So I went ahead and subscribed to the group in my newsgroup client and said what
I said. - Seems my experience with the outfit is a novel one since about all
else I have seen posted is about glue spreader and them never sending what they
say they will send.
They sent me the same garbage that I have seen folks to joke about. I found it
amusing myself. Even sent them a response that they should send me the crap and
I would send them money if i thought it was worth whatever.
Is Leon the group idiot? ?? - whatever ....

Hey! - No question that they are a flakey outfit. I really doubt that the have
researched me so personal that they would send me the stuff they have because
their spies have reported that I am the sort who will talk good or bad about
whoever treats me good or bad.

Well, what can I say? - I am greatly surprised that any such outfit has sent me
cash money and the back of the check didn't even obligate me for anything.

Oh well. They sent me same drill gage that I have seen folks laugh about and
even before seeing "glue spreader" I thought about as much of it. The flashlight
and the "Swiss Army Pliers" was crap. - Seems there was another thing but having
just written them off I forget what it was. If it worked or didn't it did not
impress me I guess.

Oh well. No outfit could come out ahead treating 'potential' customers as they
have treated me so far - and that is even if they never send me the $340.00 of
stuff they claim that they will. They already sent me more money than I ever
sent them.
Anyway. If they send me any of them tools they say they will be sending I will
be back to gloat that I did good at what folks did not get such a deal. LOL :-)

Maybe that Leon fellow needs to try a different brand of laxative?
We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists might try
to disrupt the democratic process.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

25/07/2004 11:30 AM

"Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Read it.
> Crap does not matter other than what it said on the check. Nothing on the
> obligated one to anything.
> What was in the letter? - Lot of glowing stuff. But it does not matter.
> Suppose I sent you a check and a letter that said that if you cashed my
> you would be required to ... whatever.
> Or suppose that I sent you a check and then later tried to claim that I
> sent a letter with a lot of conditions ....

I'm looking forward to the follow up in a month or two. HCA is not giving
away money because they like you. Maybe the fine print is finer than usual



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

29/07/2004 8:16 PM

> It doesn't matter if there was anything on the check you cashed or not.
> They can still put your credit so far in the hole that it can take a long
> time to get out of it. Plus they can turn it over to a collection agency
> who can keep it on your credit report for the rest of your life or 'til you
> pay them what they say you owe by then. Interest continues to accrue over
> that long time.

Seven year, max, in California. (Not sure about the other 49)



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

25/07/2004 12:35 AM

Hi been lurking awhile getting some good tips here.Anyways about the
check and obligation.I to did get all that stuff check, patch,pencil
etc. On the letter said if you cash check you will be billed for $ 27
dollars and change a month for a year for your life time membership come
out too roughly a little over 300 dollars.If you still have the letter
that came with it read toward the end of it.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

30/07/2004 1:13 PM

"Glen" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:4WcOc.2271>
> Seven year, max, in California. (Not sure about the other 49)
> Glen

49? They added new states?


Bob Muir

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

28/07/2004 5:47 PM

Craig <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Ralph wrote:
>> Hi been lurking awhile getting some good tips here.Anyways about the
>> check and obligation.I to did get all that stuff check, patch,pencil
>> etc. On the letter said if you cash check you will be billed for $ 27
>> dollars and change a month for a year for your life time membership
>> come out too roughly a little over 300 dollars.If you still have the
>> letter that came with it read toward the end of it.
>> Ralph
> Read it.
> Crap does not matter other than what it said on the check.
> Nothing on the check
> obligated one to anything.
> What was in the letter? - Lot of glowing stuff. But it does not
> matter. Suppose I sent you a check and a letter that said that if
> you cashed my check
> you would be required to ... whatever.
> Or suppose that I sent you a check and then later tried to claim
> that I also
> sent a letter with a lot of conditions ....
> Oh well. I didn't really come to get into a bitchfest. I
> described my event
> with that outfit and wondered if anyone had any similar. Does not
> matter squat to me since I will only be good to them as long as they
> keep sending me whatever right up front.
> LOL - you say that there was a letter enclosed with the check? -
> I guess I best
> look closer in the envelope. Maybe there was a letter along with the
> patch and sticker and pencil and check. ;-)

Craig, so you don't have any money and you have either no credit or bad
credit. Don't you want to be able to buy a house later at some point?
Don't you want to make some money?

A friend of mine had the same attitude many years ago. He'd join book club
after book club just to get the 10 books for a penney or some such. Then
he'd ignore the invoices for the monthly books that were sent until they
stopped coming. His credit was pure crap for a decade! It took five years
from the time he wanted to buy a house 'til he was able to turn things
around enough to get a bank to lend him the money for one.

It doesn't matter if there was anything on the check you cashed or not.
They can still put your credit so far in the hole that it can take a long
time to get out of it. Plus they can turn it over to a collection agency
who can keep it on your credit report for the rest of your life or 'til you
pay them what they say you owe by then. Interest continues to accrue over
that long time.

So if you plan to continue being a pauper the rest of your life, then you
can continue to act irresponsibly.


Bob Muir

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

30/07/2004 6:07 PM

Check out number 12 here:

Todd Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Glen <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> It doesn't matter if there was anything on the check you cashed or
>>> not. They can still put your credit so far in the hole that it can
>>> take a long time to get out of it. Plus they can turn it over to a
>>> collection agency who can keep it on your credit report for the rest
>>> of your life or 'til you pay them what they say you owe by then.
>>> Interest continues to accrue over that long time.
>> Seven year, max, in California. (Not sure about the other 49)
> In most cases they can only win judgements against you for 4 years,
> but they can keep it on your credit report for 7. The statute of how
> long they have to file judgements varys by state, but the 7 years on
> the credit report (with a few exceptions like student loans,
> bankruptcys) is federal.
>> Glen



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

25/07/2004 1:59 AM

Ralph wrote:

> Hi been lurking awhile getting some good tips here.Anyways about the
> check and obligation.I to did get all that stuff check, patch,pencil
> etc. On the letter said if you cash check you will be billed for $ 27
> dollars and change a month for a year for your life time membership come
> out too roughly a little over 300 dollars.If you still have the letter
> that came with it read toward the end of it.
> Ralph

Read it.
Crap does not matter other than what it said on the check. Nothing on the check
obligated one to anything.
What was in the letter? - Lot of glowing stuff. But it does not matter.
Suppose I sent you a check and a letter that said that if you cashed my check
you would be required to ... whatever.
Or suppose that I sent you a check and then later tried to claim that I also
sent a letter with a lot of conditions ....

Oh well. I didn't really come to get into a bitchfest. I described my event
with that outfit and wondered if anyone had any similar. Does not matter squat
to me since I will only be good to them as long as they keep sending me whatever
right up front.

LOL - you say that there was a letter enclosed with the check? - I guess I best
look closer in the envelope. Maybe there was a letter along with the patch and
sticker and pencil and check. ;-)

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists might try
to disrupt the democratic process.


[email protected] (Charlie Self)

in reply to Craig on 25/07/2004 1:59 AM

25/07/2004 2:24 PM

Craig writes:

>Read it.
> Crap does not matter other than what it said on the check. Nothing on
>obligated one to anything.
> What was in the letter? - Lot of glowing stuff. But it does not matter.

Jeerz. You know, if I'd known that, I'd have ignored the letter that came with
my last book advance, cashed the check and gone on my way.

You may well find yourself obligated to something you don't want to do--pay for
what you are getting.

Claiming there was no letter in your particular check might work, but it also
might not, and could end up with some nasty notes to your local not-so-friendly
credit bureau.

Good luck.

Charlie Self
"I think the most un-American thing you can say is, 'You can't say that.'"
Garrison Keillor


[email protected] (Hylourgos)

in reply to Craig on 25/07/2004 1:59 AM

25/07/2004 9:45 PM

[email protected] (Charlie Self) Keillorophilated in message
news:<[email protected]>...

> "I think the most un-American thing you can say is, 'You can't say that.'"
> Garrison Keillor

So let me get this straight: if you're American, you can't say "you
can't say that" or you risk being un-American? Hmmm....

Jack Handey lives....



[email protected] (Hylourgos)

in reply to Craig on 25/07/2004 1:59 AM

29/07/2004 10:07 PM

Old Nick <[email protected]> woke up, stepped out of his space
capsule, and wrote in
news:<[email protected]>...
> On 25 Jul 2004 21:45:13 -0700, [email protected] (Hylourgos) vaguely
> proposed a theory
> ......and in reply I say!:
> >So let me get this straight: if you're American, you can't say "you
> >can't say that" or you risk being un-American? Hmmm....
> >
> >Jack Handey lives....
> What's wrong with that? Nobody is saying you _can't_ say that. There
> will be consequences.
> Simle logic byplay. I am not American, and I am not happy with the
> assumption that the freedom of speech issue is an "American" thing.
> *****************************************************

Earth to Old Nick, Earth to Old Nick, anybody there?

For some reason, there comes to mind a Steve Martin stand-up scene
where he is being heckled. He smiles at the guy benevolently and
comments, "Yea, I remember my first beer".

Enjoy the Papst Nicky,


[email protected] (Hylourgos)

in reply to Craig on 25/07/2004 1:59 AM

29/07/2004 10:08 PM

Old Nick <[email protected]> woke up, stepped out of his space
capsule, and wrote in
news:<[email protected]>...
> On 25 Jul 2004 21:45:13 -0700, [email protected] (Hylourgos) vaguely
> proposed a theory
> ......and in reply I say!:
> >So let me get this straight: if you're American, you can't say "you
> >can't say that" or you risk being un-American? Hmmm....
> >
> >Jack Handey lives....
> What's wrong with that? Nobody is saying you _can't_ say that. There
> will be consequences.
> Simle logic byplay. I am not American, and I am not happy with the
> assumption that the freedom of speech issue is an "American" thing.
> *****************************************************

Earth to Old Nick, Earth to Old Nick, anybody there?

For some reason, there comes to mind a Steve Martin stand-up scene
where he is being heckled. He smiles at the guy benevolently and
comments, "Yea, I remember my first beer".

Enjoy the Papst Nicky,



in reply to Craig on 25/07/2004 1:59 AM

25/07/2004 9:57 AM

Charlie Self wrote:

> Craig writes:
>>Read it.
>> Crap does not matter other than what it said on the check. Nothing on
> the
>>obligated one to anything.
>> What was in the letter? - Lot of glowing stuff. But it does not matter.
> Jeerz. You know, if I'd known that, I'd have ignored the letter that came with
> my last book advance, cashed the check and gone on my way.
> You may well find yourself obligated to something you don't want to do--pay for
> what you are getting.
> Claiming there was no letter in your particular check might work, but it also
> might not, and could end up with some nasty notes to your local not-so-friendly
> credit bureau.
> Good luck.
> Charlie Self
> "I think the most un-American thing you can say is, 'You can't say that.'"
> Garrison Keillor

Yea - that might be where I have it over some folks. My credit is non existent.
Macy's was silly enough to have sent me a card back before sending unsolicited
cards was outlawed. Both Fed and State government gave up years ago sending me
bills for crap that was mistake on their parts. - I assume that if I ever paid
any state income tax that I should get a return they would keep the return. I
suppose if I won the lottery I would give someone else the ticket and go halves.
;-) - Hey! even if it were ten times what they say I owe I would rather give
fifty percent to a buddy than give ten percent to them.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists might try
to disrupt the democratic process.


Morris Dovey

in reply to Craig on 25/07/2004 1:59 AM

26/07/2004 8:57 PM

Old Nick wrote:

> I am not American, and I am not happy with the assumption that
> the freedom of speech issue is an "American" thing.

Are you /sure/ you're allowed to say that?
Whose assumption?

Morris Dovey
DeSoto, Iowa USA


Old Nick

in reply to Craig on 25/07/2004 1:59 AM

27/07/2004 12:36 AM

On 25 Jul 2004 21:45:13 -0700, [email protected] (Hylourgos) vaguely
proposed a theory
......and in reply I say!:

remove ns from my header address to reply via email

>So let me get this straight: if you're American, you can't say "you
>can't say that" or you risk being un-American? Hmmm....
>Jack Handey lives....

What's wrong with that? Nobody is saying you _can't_ say that. There
will be consequences.

Simle logic byplay. I am not American, and I am not happy with the
assumption that the freedom of speech issue is an "American" thing.
It's not the milk and honey we hate. It's having it
rammed down our throats.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

25/07/2004 9:51 AM

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:

> "Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>Read it.
>>Crap does not matter other than what it said on the check. Nothing on the
> check
>>obligated one to anything.
>>What was in the letter? - Lot of glowing stuff. But it does not matter.
>>Suppose I sent you a check and a letter that said that if you cashed my
> check
>>you would be required to ... whatever.
>>Or suppose that I sent you a check and then later tried to claim that I
> also
>>sent a letter with a lot of conditions ....
> I'm looking forward to the follow up in a month or two. HCA is not giving
> away money because they like you. Maybe the fine print is finer than usual
> here.
> Ed

LOL - I will certainly post follow up.
I have tossed checks before because they had some conditions written on them. -
Though most checks that such outfits send are good toward some amount of their
over priced product.
I have me quite a stack of CD's that outfits have sent me but did not include
return postage. - I notice that all the offers have prepaid postage if sent
within US but all the follow up crap costs money to return the stuff they sent.

Anyway - they sent me stuff. - I saw someone mention that they might have got
my name for buying stuff at Harbor Freight. Then maybe I returned a postcard.
They sent me the 'glue spreader' right off and, when I did a Google on the
outfit I think it was this group had a run of laughs back in nineteen ninety
something over the outfit sending same crap then. - I guess some folks got a
wire gage glue spreader instead of a drill gage glue spreader. Myself being into
rather small projects tends to favor them credit card sized glue spreaders that
can be got at some store checkouts.

Anyway - things went on and they sent me a bill for subscription to their
magazine - or membership or whatever. - I forget what they sent me that had
already proven to be a POS. I already said about the flashlight and the folding
pliers with all the blades thing .... I think that was offered as my first free
thing but they were billing me, so I wrote on the back of the bill that I wanted
to see the stuff they promised first. Later I got a 'thank you' for full payment
and then came the trash things that I have gotten better quality at the 99cent
store. - The recent set of small screwdrivers seems good though. At least the
bit does not turn in the handle when I put more torque on it than a screw could
ever do.
I think I did return something bitching about the flashlight pushing the
reflector through the end by popping the lens out and the plier jaw breaking off
when cutting a weedeater string. ??

So, they gonna send the local constabulary to haul me away, kicking and
screaming, because they even had my name spelled wrong on the crap they sent me?
Ruin my credit? - I don't have any.
Small print? Would have had to been invisible ink.

Oh well, I am ahead so far. I sent them ten bucks for the book. Had they sent
the book and it had been the usual thing that I had to pay postage to send it
back I probably would have just kept it and not sent them squat. But I kind a
liked the book - hardcover - and it didn't cost but about twice the price of a
magazine and it did have some things of interest.
I sent them ten bucks and they sent me twenty four bucks and the screwdrivers
seem good if the metal does not strip in some tiny screws.

Damn! - Just getting some whiffs of definite methamphetamine oder. - I did
three years for manufacturing the stuff even though I never did manufacture the
stuff. - I had done some dealing with the stuff and then got fed up with the
folks one had to deal with and told the folks to go away and not bother me
anymore. - Then a neighbor got his self a problem and set my ass up ....
Hey! You been following that Lacy Peterson case? - Some of the same cops is
involved in that. I think that this county is spoiled by too long getting away
with sloppy and generally corrupt police work and they do not know how to deal
with competent opposition. The bastard probably did it and may well get away
with it because of idiot cops who have gotten away with so much shit that they
get into bad habits taking for granted that they can get away with it.

But I digress.

Oh well, I see that there are some other responses to some of my posts. About
time I take look to see if anyone has had such silly experience as my own - or
if anyone has come to the defense of that silly person with the one liner smart
ass response.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists might try
to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

28/07/2004 3:42 PM

Bob Muir wrote:

> Craig <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>>Ralph wrote:
>>>Hi been lurking awhile getting some good tips here.Anyways about the
>>>check and obligation.I to did get all that stuff check, patch,pencil
>>>etc. On the letter said if you cash check you will be billed for $ 27
>>>dollars and change a month for a year for your life time membership
>>>come out too roughly a little over 300 dollars.If you still have the
>>>letter that came with it read toward the end of it.
>> Read it.
>> Crap does not matter other than what it said on the check.
>> Nothing on the check
>>obligated one to anything.
>> What was in the letter? - Lot of glowing stuff. But it does not
>> matter. Suppose I sent you a check and a letter that said that if
>> you cashed my check
>>you would be required to ... whatever.
>> Or suppose that I sent you a check and then later tried to claim
>> that I also
>>sent a letter with a lot of conditions ....
>> Oh well. I didn't really come to get into a bitchfest. I
>> described my event
>>with that outfit and wondered if anyone had any similar. Does not
>>matter squat to me since I will only be good to them as long as they
>>keep sending me whatever right up front.
>> LOL - you say that there was a letter enclosed with the check? -
>> I guess I best
>>look closer in the envelope. Maybe there was a letter along with the
>>patch and sticker and pencil and check. ;-)
> Craig, so you don't have any money and you have either no credit or bad
> credit. Don't you want to be able to buy a house later at some point?
> Don't you want to make some money?
> A friend of mine had the same attitude many years ago. He'd join book club
> after book club just to get the 10 books for a penney or some such. Then
> he'd ignore the invoices for the monthly books that were sent until they
> stopped coming. His credit was pure crap for a decade! It took five years
> from the time he wanted to buy a house 'til he was able to turn things
> around enough to get a bank to lend him the money for one.
> It doesn't matter if there was anything on the check you cashed or not.
> They can still put your credit so far in the hole that it can take a long
> time to get out of it. Plus they can turn it over to a collection agency
> who can keep it on your credit report for the rest of your life or 'til you
> pay them what they say you owe by then. Interest continues to accrue over
> that long time.
> So if you plan to continue being a pauper the rest of your life, then you
> can continue to act irresponsibly.

Like I said in another post - maybe I ought to just unsubscribe this
group - or maybe only look at it if I come up with a woodworking
problem/question that I can't figure out on my own.
Well, if I keep reading smart assed crap like what you just present I
am likely to return in like sentiment.
You and a couple other bozo's impress me as the sort who is determined
to go through life timidly sticking to some path that you have been
taught is the proper predetermined way to go.
The stuff you said above is obvious of your own fearful fantasies and I
doubt that you are even telling the whole story about your friend.
As for myself I nearly wish they would give me some crap over the issue
such that I might find some lawyer who would work for % and sue them if
they really messed with me over the whole affair.
As for irresponsible - I find your sort of arrogant fright mongering to
be irresponsible.
Even were I just 'joe-average' income I might consider carrying on with
the outfit as I have - "Send me the stuff first." - If I could not
break it within a few days of what I might consider fair and *heavy*
test I would send them the money.
But I do not expect you to adopt anything of my lifestyle choice and I
would not display my contempt for yours until you bleat out such such
contemptuous crap as you have.
As it is I just see you as one taking the coward way through life and
try to find some self justification in frantic advocating that others do
as well.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try to disrupt the democratic process.


Todd Rich

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

29/07/2004 8:25 PM

Glen <[email protected]> wrote:

>> It doesn't matter if there was anything on the check you cashed or not.
>> They can still put your credit so far in the hole that it can take a long
>> time to get out of it. Plus they can turn it over to a collection agency
>> who can keep it on your credit report for the rest of your life or 'til you
>> pay them what they say you owe by then. Interest continues to accrue over
>> that long time.

> Seven year, max, in California. (Not sure about the other 49)

In most cases they can only win judgements against you for 4 years, but
they can keep it on your credit report for 7. The statute of how long
they have to file judgements varys by state, but the 7 years on the credit
report (with a few exceptions like student loans, bankruptcys) is federal.

> Glen


Todd Rich

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

01/08/2004 11:02 PM

Bob Muir <[email protected]> wrote:
> Check out number 12 here:
> http://www.bankrate.com/brm/news/credit-management/myths-reports.asp

Check out the statue at http://www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fcra.htm
specifically at 605 and tell me where they get to place information back
on for more than 7 years without a prior judgement, or reaffirmation of
the debt, or the specific exemptions listed?


"Brooks Gregory"

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 11:22 PM

28/07/2004 7:06 PM

"Bob Muir" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Craig <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
> > Ralph wrote:
> >
> >> Hi been lurking awhile getting some good tips here.Anyways about the
> >> check and obligation.I to did get all that stuff check, patch,pencil
> >> etc. On the letter said if you cash check you will be billed for $ 27
> >> dollars and change a month for a year for your life time membership
> >> come out too roughly a little over 300 dollars.If you still have the
> >> letter that came with it read toward the end of it.
> >> Ralph
> >>
> >
> > Read it.
> > Crap does not matter other than what it said on the check.
> > Nothing on the check
> > obligated one to anything.
> > What was in the letter? - Lot of glowing stuff. But it does not
> > matter. Suppose I sent you a check and a letter that said that if
> > you cashed my check
> > you would be required to ... whatever.
> > Or suppose that I sent you a check and then later tried to claim
> > that I also
> > sent a letter with a lot of conditions ....
> >
> > Oh well. I didn't really come to get into a bitchfest. I
> > described my event
> > with that outfit and wondered if anyone had any similar. Does not
> > matter squat to me since I will only be good to them as long as they
> > keep sending me whatever right up front.
> >
> > LOL - you say that there was a letter enclosed with the check? -
> > I guess I best
> > look closer in the envelope. Maybe there was a letter along with the
> > patch and sticker and pencil and check. ;-)
> >
> Craig, so you don't have any money and you have either no credit or bad
> credit. Don't you want to be able to buy a house later at some point?
> Don't you want to make some money?
> A friend of mine had the same attitude many years ago. He'd join book
> after book club just to get the 10 books for a penney or some such. Then
> he'd ignore the invoices for the monthly books that were sent until they
> stopped coming. His credit was pure crap for a decade! It took five
> from the time he wanted to buy a house 'til he was able to turn things
> around enough to get a bank to lend him the money for one.
> It doesn't matter if there was anything on the check you cashed or not.
> They can still put your credit so far in the hole that it can take a long
> time to get out of it. Plus they can turn it over to a collection agency
> who can keep it on your credit report for the rest of your life or 'til
> pay them what they say you owe by then. Interest continues to accrue over
> that long time.
> So if you plan to continue being a pauper the rest of your life, then you
> can continue to act irresponsibly.

Two points.

First: A lifetime membership to HCOA is worthless even if it was free.

Second: Magazine hickies on your credit report carry about as much weight as
doctor bills, which is almost zilch.

Ask any F&I Mgr.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 2:28 AM

Morris Dovey wrote:

> Craig wrote:
>> Well, spit it out for goodness sake and try to say something
>> intelligent. Do you always reply with something as stupid in
>> response to someone describing an event? Or maybe you can tell
>> me how I have gone wrong so far, moron. Maybe I should have
>> lurked this group for a bit to discover who is the ever
>> present idiot that every group seems to have resident.
> I'm resisting the urge to agree that you'd already found him (and I'm
> not referring to Leon, who is a well-regarded regular here).
> I'm glad you're aware of the wisdom of lurking for a while before
> posting to a new group. The practice /does/ seem to help many people
> avoid appearing to be boorish idiots in front of an international audience.
> Welcome to rec.woodworking.

I did get around to reading a bit of this and that.
I only posted here because this what the #1 that came up with Google that some
folks had posted about that HCofA. - I am pretty sure that this is same group
that I read stuff a few years ago and got some laughs about the trash gizmos
sent out - and that folks who were sucker enough to send them money never got
the following stuff promised.
And glue spreaders - I loved that. - Got a kick out of folks describing the
wire gage they got that was accurate to ... - well, I suppose it would measure
and tell that a pencil was thicker than a thread. - Plastic? LOL - I gots gages
that is hard steel that I'd be fearful to drop on the floor. - Well, not that
hard I am sure. I'd think that anyone could look at some Romex and know the gage
well enough - or he ought not be monkeying with it in serious house wiring if he
cannot tell what size he is using by looking at it.
As far as that I am trying to think of last time I might have needed a drill
gage. I got some cheap dial calipers that serves me well enough if i want to
whittle and/or thread something on my lathe. - Hey! I am poor and had to create
my own thread cutters. - Don't know squat what I am a bout but I seem to be able
to figure out what I need to.

Anyway. This Handyman Club ...etc I have found entertaining - and profitable -
so far. Seems that folks in these here parts is of more serious mind and set in
their ways than Iyam.
Oh well. Leon is a well regarded regular here even if he has presented his self
to me as a wank. BFD. I been greeted by way more bitchy on entering some
newsgroup. - And no matter if I mad bad impression and got killfiled by everyone
for getting into a row with some local object of worship even. If I did happen
to need something it was easy enough to come back with different nym and ask. ;-)

Anyway - thanks for the welcome.
And if I get threats from Handywhoever I will come back and tell about it for
sake of there might be some who might find it entertaining whether they want to
give some Leon smart-ass response or whatever. ;-)

For now I think I will give more study to being drunk.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists might try
to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 10:04 AM

Greg Millen wrote:

> Craig,
> the Handyman Club is a thread that pops up a couple of times a year, that's
> why you've got some funny answers. If you have a win with them, great, but
> most find them a waste of space. As for Leon, he is a valued contributor and
> well worth reading if you want to learn.
> cheers,
> Greg

LOL - I have gotten off on wring foot with folks in newsgroups from time to
time. With some the relationship just deteriorated from there and with some we
became as good of buddies as might come from forums such as Usenet.
Myself would likely not have a whole lot - or anything - of value to contribute
here. Maybe the most novel thing I have accomplished with wood is some quick
microwave cure on some green wood I wanted to use for knife handles. - Well,
"quick" is spending most of a day messing with it. - I am more into metal.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists might try
to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 10:08 AM

Dave Hinz wrote:

> On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 23:22:40 -0700, Craig <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Eh? _ Maybe I should have lurked first?
>> I did do a Google and saw some remarks about the outfit a week or two ago. -
>>So I went ahead and subscribed to the group in my newsgroup client and said what
> Craig, big favor buddy? Set your line length to something that isn't
> 90-something. 72 works well.

Okay. - Dunno how it got to 80. - Musta been drunk.

?? - just recalled that I was experimenting some time back because of
some Mozilla things I found irritating.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 10:55 AM

Leon wrote:

> "Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>Well, spit it out for goodness sake and try to say something intelligent.
> OK, ;~) Hook, Line, and Sinker.
> Seriously though, I was not trying to belittle you or make fun of you. This
> story of yours has been discussed over and over except with a different
> name. IF you get what you think you are going to get, it will be the first
> time that I have read of and that will be good for you. But, if something
> seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Cool. - But in relation to the response I was trying to belittle you or
make fun of you for sake of the silly response. - Old newsgroup habit.
Years ago I had approached the whole affair to be polite and have a go
at polite exchange. As time went on I came to an attitude of WTF and to
pretty much reflect what I perceive.
Your initial response certainly did not impress me as a constructive
offering to some dumbshit newbie to your group.

>>Do you always reply with something as stupid in response to someone
> describing
>>an event?
> No. Sorry, I through it was just going to be the beginning of a thread that
> goes the same way over and over, which is is proving to be so far. I
> actually got the feeling that you worked for HMofA. NO ONE has ever given
> that publication such on going praise.

Praise? - I will have to look back at my original post. I thought I had
speculated that it was some drug front or money laundering or bogus tax
write off outfit. - ??
At any rate they had first impressed me as just another run of the mill
rip-off but then came to make me wonder if it isn't some folks who just
don't have their shit all that well together.
I guess my current bottom line is that they are unusual. ;-)

Well, I used to order some magazines from Publisher Clearing House. I
think three was the number of trials they offered back when. I would
usually get about three issues of some mag' and bitching that I should
pay them for something.
Then there was the ten CD's for a penny - or whatever silly offer. So I
would get some CD's that some of the plastic boxes appeared as if they
had been stepped on. The CD's themselves was good but the packaging was
often crap that could not have sold in the stores.

>>Or maybe you can tell me how I have gone wrong so far, moron.
> I suspect the check in the mail will turn out to be not what you have been
> lead to believe. Again, if it sounds too good to be true...

I dunno. My local grocery store cashed it. - If I'd had a bank account
I suppose I might have let it age awhile before determining the money
was real.

But yea - that 'good good to be true' was what enthused me to do a
Google and saw that there was a few posts to this group a couple weeks
ago. - Seemed like a fun thing to carry on about. - I would have posted
to my usual haunts but it did not seem that it would be so fun as would
be where some folks have had some dealing or awareness of the silly outfit.

>>Maybe I should have lurked this group for a bit to discover who is the
> ever
>>present idiot that every group seems to have resident.
> Probably so, as so far I think you are jumping to conclusions.

LOL - Don't take it too hard. I just figure that when someones sets a
pace I am happy to go with it.
>>But no matter. As it stands I am $14.00 and a glue spreader ahead. Maybe
> you
>>are bitchy that they came out ahead on you so far? ;-)
> No, I think I have 14 of their glue spreaders and 4 or 5 drill gauges but
> still no oblication on my part or money out of my pocket to them.

Shucks! I only got one glue spreader. Some glue in the minimag take off
and the lens stays in and it works. - I could see a cavity in the
fracture where the plier jaw broke off. - Maybe I ought to see if it is
still in garbage somewhere and break it up some more to see if that is
common throughout the metal.

LOL - Reminds me of a knife I purchased one time. Cheap "Rambo"
survivalist thing but the wire saw in the handle came cheaper than
buying a wire saw like it. - Quality control was amazing. One could
chose among the bunch if they wanted to have compass North indicate by
looking at the handle at eye level and see 'N' or to look down at the
handle and 'N' would be on North instead of South side.
Anyway I sharpened the thing and it took a good shaving edge. I thought
that was pretty cool so gave it to a buddy and went and got a few more.
- I guess that first was a fluke because none of the others I got could
be sharpened worth a sh*t.

Oh well. - What is the profit in smarting off at dumb newbies anyway? -
Oh well, not so bad as in anti-virus group that used to - maybe still
has - some asshole who would frighten the timid from asking questions
that said asshole would bitch about it not being asked right. - Even one
of the most knowlegable persons in that group used to be such a nasty
flamer that I would entertain myself for days on end flamikng him until
he killfiled or decided to ignore me. - Well, I think that one can tell
someone that they should not open an executable or should not click on
much of anything that comes in unsoliceted email without having to tell
them what stupid bozo they is for having done so. I would suppose that
the most of folks who come desperately asking for advice at a virus
group has some immediate problem and has not had previous opportunity to
know what some smart asses think they should know already. - Hell, no
use in even telling someone that they are ignorant. Myself figures that
it is the stupid asshole with big ego who cannot just give some aid to
the ignorant without accompanying insult. - Whatever ....

Were I working for them bozo's don't you think I would have come
praising the quality of the crap they sent me?
Well, the little screwdriver set is certainly better than some I got at
the 99cent store. - but a little JB weld in the shanks probably made
them as good as this set that they HCA claimed is ten dollar value.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 10:56 AM

Dave Hinz wrote:

> On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 22:17:50 -0700, Craig <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Well, spit it out for goodness sake and try to say something intelligent.
>> Do you always reply with something as stupid in response to someone describing
>>an event?
>> Or maybe you can tell me how I have gone wrong so far, moron.
> I sense much cluelessness in this one. Hello, and goodbye, Craig.
> <plonk>
> (that means, "My, what an amazing waste of time this one seems to be,
> so their posts won't show up on my screen anymore).

I always get a kick out of these bozo's who feel such need to annound
their 'plonk'. ;-)

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 11:30 AM

Phisherman wrote:

> If Handyman Club of America treated all their customers that way, they
> would have bit the dust years ago. But as long as there's a few
> suckers to send them money, they will keep going. No lasting company
> is going to give out more than they take in. I have the free plastic
> drill gauge they sent me, although I use my metal one as it is much
> easier to read the numbers. I have not yet had a use for the
> foam-backed sandpaper. The HCA membership card makes a good glue
> spreader.

Right. - Had my experience not seemed quite unusual I would not have
bothered to post about it.
The book I sent them the ten bucks seemed worth it - might have
considered it worth even more had I not already know 90% of the stuff in
it. - But there is couple things and some reference that I thought WTF -
is about the price of a couple magazines.
First time that anyone ever sent me a book and it had return postage
guaranteed too. - That is after it had been opened.

Yea - I like the credit card glue spreaders the best. - I even thought
to try cutting one with pinking shears - but would like smaller notches
than that I guess. - Little sawtooth edge might be nice for soem things
- hacksaw sized serrations maybe. - Have to give some thought how to
easily accomplish that. - But then I suppose a broken piece of hacksaw
blade might serve well enough ..... whatever.

Oh well. If they do me good enough I suppose I will come back and
mention it. If they do me poorly or amusing I will come back and mention
that too. - For the most part it appears that folks of this group is
into woodworking to level that is over my head or ambition regarding
wood work for the most part.

I'd be almost tempted to send them one time the 'initiation fee'
installment. - I finally took a look at the letter. They want twelve
payments of $27.09. - Little fantasy runs though my head that would
amount to three dollars over the $24.00 and they might send me something
worth more than three bucks in the meantime. ;-) - What did that fellow
say about 'hook - set'? :-)

I recall reading that stuff from some years back where folks was
carrying on about the glue spreaders and wire gage with a great few
sizes of +/- tolerance. I recall that some had actually sent the five
bucks that they wanted for something and they never got anything more
than more glue spreaders - which I gather is as much as folks who never
sent them squat.

Hey! I just thought that I do have something to contrubute of advice.
Don't be trying to cut some inch thick nylon on a table saw unless one
can figure how to slow the speed or soemthing. I got a delightfully
large scar - about 2" x 1/2 inch to attest to the folly of it. - Kicked
that piece so far that it took a week before I finally found it at other
side of the yard in some brush.
I was inventing me a jig to cut me a cutter to cut some threads on my
lathe. - Worked fine when when I eventually got it together.

Reminds me that I got to work up something in that lathe like an idler
gear or some such. - Being lathe dumb when I bought the cheap thing from
Harbor Freight I thought that 'reverse' meant that one could cut reverse
threads. - All reverse does is that the motor rund the other direction,
and that ain't worth squat. - But I figure that an extra gear of any
size anywhere in the works would do the job just fine.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 8:06 PM

Tom Dooley wrote:

> I think it's 12 dollars a year, (or was).
> I thought the magazines were worth that.
> I still have a bunch of them.
> I got into the habit of misplacing their invoices, and eventually the
> magazines and invoices stopped coming.
> Of course the "free gifts" are usually crap
> except for the handydandy plastic drill size gauge. I actually use that
> on occasion. I think they make most of their money endorsing
> woodworking tools and other products.
> They didn't strike me as scammers like the bogus credit card losers,
> etc.

They must make money somewhere. I can't imagine there being enough
silly people to take them up on their offer for the lifetime membership.
I don't recall what the magazine subscription might be. They took a
notion that I had subscribed and have been sending it to me.
I finally got around to reading their letter. - Well, looked it over. I
guess the $24 was that they have faith that I am going to give them
three hunnerd dollars for lifetime membership and for that I get three
hundred and some dollars worth of free tools.
What a deal!!

I wonder if anyone has ever gotten the tools to test?
I recall that being one of the things that folks went on about some
years back. Everybody and his grandmother got glue spreaders. Some folks
got some kind of sandpaper thingy.
Well, so far I got my glue spreader but can't find it. Maybe it is
drill *and* wire gage? - I thought someone talked as if wire gage was a
different gizmo. ?? Maybe same thing. I dunno. I didn't pay much
attention to the thing. It got holes in it and numbers. ;-)
I got my free gift flashlight that popped the reflector out through the
lens popping out when I put batteries in it. Super glue fixed that. Got
the Swiss Army Pliers that a jaw broke off cutting a weedeater string.
Got a pencil with this last stuff. I won't count the patch and window
sticker. - Hell, I would not even put Harley patches that folks gave me
on my clothes. I like my Sportster when I got it running but if Harley
wants me to be a billboard they can pay for the advertising space.
Got the six little screwdrivers that claimed to be ten dollar value. I
forget if that was gift - I think it was gift - or tools to test. They
seem to be of good enough quality - though I have not given study what
the tips might do on tight screws. I twisted the dickens out of one of
my cheap set on a tight screw once. Most of that 99cent set needed a bit
of JB Weld to solid up the bit in the handle.

Anyway - Maybe I will take look at Google again for them posts I looked
at from some years ago. Seems I recall that some did send money and
didn't get any of them tools to test.
Oh well, I would not have a lot of use for them "free" gifts they would
send with the lifetime membership even if they did send them. Cordless
drill would be a bit more handy than dragging cord here and there - but
not handy enough that I'd pay much for one. - I suppose there was one
time that I might could have used this Forstner bit set they offer as a
free gift if I send them $27 a month for 12 payments. They got another
free gift bit set that probably has most every wood bit a guy could want
- but then I already got most every bit I seem to need.
Oh! Looked closer. It is screwdriver and bit set. - Would probably up
my odds of finding the screwdriver I need. I must have ten of just about
every size there is but they always hide from be.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 8:36 PM

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Phisherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> I have the free plastic
>>drill gauge they sent me, although I use my metal one as it is much
>>easier to read the numbers.
> Just touch the raised number with a black magic marker and they show up
> well.
> Hey, maybe they'll pay me $24 for that tip or make me a lifetime member.
> Ed

I will have to read this literature a bit of better. - I think if you
took a picture of the project and became a lifetime member they would
allow you to submit it and maybe give you an award or something.

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 11:32 PM

Mark & Juanita wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 05:01:12 GMT, "Leon" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>And the hook is firmly set...... RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...
> ... dunno Leon, that was pretty skunky bait. Good trolls usually are
> capable of stringing more than a couple of sentences together in a coherent
> fashion. This one kind of lost my interest after the first paragraph or
> so.

Lessee - you figure this to have been a troll and you lost interest so
you felt it necessary to post to the thread to announce your lack of
interest. ??

We might have to disrupt the democratic process because the terrorists
might try to disrupt the democratic process.



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

29/07/2004 8:21 PM

Howard wrote:

> I got hooked into their scam several years ago. Sent away for the
> 'trial' subscription to a series of books (first one free -- "no
> obligation").
> Book was marginally interesting, but not worth paying for.
> I sent in the cancellation notice immediately, and kept the 'free'
> book. They sent the next book anyway. I returned it, with another
> cancellation notice.
> They sent the next one anyway. I kept it, sent them a letter
> informing them that it was unordered merchandise, and I had no
> obligation to either pay for it or return it. They sent the next one,
> which I also kept, and send them another copy of the previous letter.
What you did is perfectly legal. My only recommendation for other
readers would be to send the cancellation notice certified, return
receipt requested. This would serve as proof should they ding your
credit that they were properly notified. Otherwise it can turn into a
he said/she said spitting match.




Mark & Juanita

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 10:12 PM

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 05:01:12 GMT, "Leon" <[email protected]>

>And the hook is firmly set...... RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...

... dunno Leon, that was pretty skunky bait. Good trolls usually are
capable of stringing more than a couple of sentences together in a coherent
fashion. This one kind of lost my interest after the first paragraph or


Morris Dovey

in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 2:05 AM

Craig wrote:

> Well, spit it out for goodness sake and try to say something
> intelligent. Do you always reply with something as stupid in
> response to someone describing an event? Or maybe you can tell
> me how I have gone wrong so far, moron. Maybe I should have
> lurked this group for a bit to discover who is the ever
> present idiot that every group seems to have resident.

I'm resisting the urge to agree that you'd already found him (and
I'm not referring to Leon, who is a well-regarded regular here).

I'm glad you're aware of the wisdom of lurking for a while before
posting to a new group. The practice /does/ seem to help many
people avoid appearing to be boorish idiots in front of an
international audience.

Welcome to rec.woodworking.

Morris Dovey
DeSoto, Iowa USA



in reply to Craig on 24/07/2004 7:28 PM

25/07/2004 5:01 AM

And the hook is firmly set...... RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...

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