Thank you for the pointer to the show, with no Show in Detroit this
fall, My family and I took the trip yesterday. No hassle with customs
coming or going.
The show sprawled over 4 buildings, several tents and a large parking
lot. My boys got to see the portable saw mills in operation for the
first time.
It was fun day - we arrived at about 10:30 AM and finally left at about
No real new stuff - other than some Lee Valley planes I had only seen in
Catalogs. But 20 to 30 percent discounts in many places and lots of
small toy parts that found their way into the boy's bags.
I really appreciate Canadian Woodworking Magazine - my wife was asked to
buy a subscription - when she told them that we were from Michigan and
had driven up for the show - they gave her the last year's worth of
issues! Spent an hour talking to her.
I did not buy a hugh amount of stuff, some band saw tires and blades,
some pen turning kits and the toy parts, but we all had fun.
thanks for the pointer to the show.