> Curious if anyone else made it to the Wood Show in Cloverdale, BC this year.
> interested in comments and if you feel you found any good deals. I was
> there and noticed more big iron with sold signs on them then I remember from
> last year.
> Gerald
I was surprised at the serious hardware that were being purchased there.
There was a huge $7000.00 lathe sitting with a sold sign on it and it
made me wonder who would come to a tool show to buy something like that.
Certainly not spur of the moment...
I left the show carting away a 10" Makita sliding double compound mitre
saw for $150.00 less than I would have paid in Sechelt - Dewalt had some
pretty good deals going too. The odd price war kept things interesting
although I never got to benefit from one firsthand. KMS seemed to be
turning a good trade at the show...long lines at the cashiers most of
the day of course its just like their store on any given day as well.
Could have stayed for a few hours hanging out at the General Tools area
but time was short...
Samona seems to be becoming more prevalent...I bought one of their
heavy-duty dollies for my table saw a while ago and loved it so I bought
some of their PowerSonic router bits (1/4" canoe bits) at the show to
see how they stand up ($12.99 a bit).
Overall, quite enjoyable especially considering the weather outside (I
was there the Sunday afternoon). Next year I'll plan to stay for the
weekend and bring more ca$h...Of course, on Monday I did the obligatory
stop in Burnaby at KMS, Lee Valley, and Princess Auto on the way home.