

17/11/2005 12:02 AM

OT Highly recommended traffic safety course(little long)

Not to sound like Christ on the cross, The National Traffic Safety
Institute, or NTSI. I had to find out about this resource by getting
popped for an illegal U-turn (didn't see the little sign, no excuse),
so I had to pay $127.00. But all y'all can take it for only 30 bucks.
Man, I thought I was one of Tucson's best drivers, always careful,
driving generally slowly enough to be able to react, and only the real
eggregious people would raise my temperature(of which there seem to be
a lot these days, sorry to say). I don't want to become that which I
hate e.g. weaving around in traffic, not using turn signals so's people
won't know your intentions 'til the last second, or not at all. The
teacher I had is an ex-cop, ex-firefighter, and ex-Air Force Special
Forces, which forced him to see a lot of death. A typical adrenalin
junkie, kinda like me. The ex-cop in him gave him first hand, and the
class a second hand knowledge that you rarely get. Besides the usual
clowns in the class(I had my moments), most folks were engaged by the
chance to talk with someone who could recite law, make recommendations,
and was a general nice guy. If you're in the Tucson area, check out
NTSA's schedule, and see if a guy named Rich Douglas is presiding over
a course. You can tell him I sent you, as I can't thank him enough.
You can call them at 1(800)-726-6874. Or not I suppose, and go on
living in the false belief that you're the the best, or even average,
like I did. Man, was I foolish! And I still do some pretty foolish(to
most people) things! Tom