

21/07/2009 10:08 PM

4x4 pieces from a cherry log?

I have a good shot at getting about half of a cherry log that's roughly
16 inches by 16 feet, give or take. My friend hasn't measured it but
he's got a good eye. If it works out I'll be splitting it with a guy who
has a bandsaw mill.

For some reason I've been lucky with cherry recently and I've got enough
for a couple projects. But I want to make some cabriole legs and can't
find any cherry that's 3 1/2 square and three or four feet long. So I'd
like to see how much I can get from this.

The log's not painted at the ends and it's been there about a year. I'll
paint it when I get to it and the guy with the saw, so far, will cut it
the way I want as long as I help him get his share cut up too. No

Except maybe I shouldn't do it. Or maybe I'll have him cut it up all
wrong. As far as I can figure out, I want these chunks from about midway
from middle, not too close to the sapwood but not too close to the
center either. It'll dry in the garage/woodshop, probably.

Should I even try this? Anything else I should watch out for? I've got a
copy of "Understanding Wood" and I'm reading it again, but I usually
miss the stuff I should have seen, especially first time.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.
