fam wrote:
> I am using the mitre slide thingy with a a larger timber backiing
> screwed onto it and I want to cut the ends of timber square but each
> time I pass it through it is not square. Sometimes I turn the wood over=
> and pass it through again and it seems a lot more square.
> What is wrong - how do I fix?
> Mike
have a look at:
You should join the bt3K forum...
1 Try gluing some sandpaper on the sliding miter table arm. It will hold =
the wood steady.
2 The Miter tables sits a bit high of the cutting area -- to reduce=20
friction -- so do not tilt the wood into the saw.
3 Make sure there is no slop in the miter table when you wiggle it, If=20
there is -- follow the procedure for tightening up the table -- be=20
gentle the eccentric does not require significant pressure -- just that=20
everything is firm and still slides freely.
Slow steady pressure on the cut. Exert downward pressure on the niter tab=
If it is a long 2X4 an extension table is nice (and an out feed...) --=20
see my web site and look at the shop.
Will R.
Jewel Boxes and Wood Art
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those=20
who have not got it.=94 George Bernard Shaw