Lon Ponschock

01/03/2004 1:21 PM

Monthly posting seeking DIY speakerbuilders in Wisconsin

This is a repost for any who missed my earlier message seeking
those interested in speaker DIY in Wisconsin. Since the forums fill
up very fast I am going to repost once a month for a few months.

I have compiled a mailing list from those who have already shown
interest in having some contact with other hobbyists nearby.

To prevent any misunderstanding: No events or meet-ups are currently scheduled in
this area. The DIY Wisconsin list is made for the purpose of communication with other
hobbyists in Wisconsin and environs.

Just send a mail to [email protected] and I will add your name.

Here is a list of the places I am posting this message:

No doubt I have missed some important ones. Please feel free to
mail me with additional locations either for speakerbuilding or
Wisconsin to catch areas I may have missed.

Audio Asylum - High Efficiency, General and Events Forums

AudioRoundtable hosted by Wayne Parham

Full Range Driver Forum hosted by James Melhuish

Parts Express Tech Talk


Northeastern Wisconsin Woodworkers Guild

[[email protected]] [www.geocities.com/newguild/index.html

Wisconsin Woodworker's Guild


Usenet News:
