23/07/2004 8:20 PM



Another place off my vacation list. I prefer places with trees that
are only dangerous if they fall on you.

Every thing that happens stays happened.
- Death waxes philosophical

This topic has 4 replies


Kevin Craig

in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 23/07/2004 8:20 PM

24/07/2004 3:35 AM

In article <[email protected]>, J T
<[email protected]> wrote:

> http://www.gotostcroix.com/flora/trees.htm
> Another place off my vacation list. I prefer places with trees that
> are only dangerous if they fall on you.

How about the trees of Oklahoma?

"TULSA - Blake Champlin, a Tulsa lawyer and environmental activist,
died Monday at his home when a tree supporting a hammock fell and
crushed him."




in reply to Kevin Craig on 24/07/2004 3:35 AM

24/07/2004 12:41 AM

Sat, Jul 24, 2004, 3:35am (EDT+4) [email protected] (Kevin=A0Craig)
How about the trees of Oklahoma?
"TULSA - Blake Champlin, a Tulsa lawyer and environmental activist, died
Monday at his home when a tree supporting a hammock fell and crushed

Do you think the tree knew he was a lawyer?

Do you know the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?

One's a bottom dwelling scum sucker.

And, the other one's a fish.

Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
- Bazooka Joe


"J. Clarke"

in reply to Kevin Craig on 24/07/2004 3:35 AM

24/07/2004 10:24 AM

J T wrote:

> Sat, Jul 24, 2004, 3:35am (EDT+4) [email protected] (Kevin Craig)
> asks:
> How about the trees of Oklahoma?
> "TULSA - Blake Champlin, a Tulsa lawyer and environmental activist, died
> Monday at his home when a tree supporting a hammock fell and crushed
> him."
> Do you think the tree knew he was a lawyer?
> Do you know the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?
> One's a bottom dwelling scum sucker.
> And, the other one's a fish.

A fitting end for an environmental activist lawyer IMO. Not quite as good
as being eaten by a mountain lion, but it will do.

> Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
> - Bazooka Joe

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)


in reply to Kevin Craig on 24/07/2004 3:35 AM

29/07/2004 1:19 PM

Blake Champlin led a life we all can envy. He was a terrific husband,
father and grandfather. He led the city's astromony club, enjoyed
basketball, and scuba. He made his own beer and was about to take up
sky diving. Blake was an intellectual without trying to seem one.
He was a voracious reader and was also a man's man. He was a lawyer
with the highest ethics. He took cases with merit and advocated for
his clients in a reasonable and civil tone. He was respected by his
adversaries as much as his clients.

Blake's funeral was a celebration of a life well spent. Blake lived
the American dream and, being Blake, would have laughed with you at
the Tulsa World headline.

Having lost a good friend and grieved with a devastated family, I'm
not feeling quite so charitable.

"J. Clarke" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> J T wrote:
> > Sat, Jul 24, 2004, 3:35am (EDT+4) [email protected] (Kevin Craig)
> > asks:
> > How about the trees of Oklahoma?
> > "TULSA - Blake Champlin, a Tulsa lawyer and environmental activist, died
> > Monday at his home when a tree supporting a hammock fell and crushed
> > him."
> >
> > Do you think the tree knew he was a lawyer?
> >
> > Do you know the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?
> >
> > One's a bottom dwelling scum sucker.
> >
> > And, the other one's a fish.
> A fitting end for an environmental activist lawyer IMO. Not quite as good
> as being eaten by a mountain lion, but it will do.
> > JOAT
> > Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
> > - Bazooka Joe

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