There was a recent post by MJ Wallace, recommending the show at the Sonoma
County Museum, in Santa Rosa, CA. Put on by the Sonoma County Woodworkers
Association, this is the 16th year the show has been held.
My generous wife allows me to see a few of these shows during the year, as
long as we stop at any quilt shows or stores in the area. And she likes
the shows, learns quite a bit, and asks questions of me ("Why don't you
build us something out of that nice bubinga, dear?") So these outings are
generally good days....
My quick review: I've been spoiled. That's all I can say. When I come
away from a show, with really great pieces, from really great woodworkers,
and want to see more, then I'm spoiled. Rotten.
Michael Cullen, who regularly writes articles for Woodwork magazine. David
Hirsch, who is/was an apprentice in Cullen's shop, and showed the workbench
he built for the article in Aug 2004 Woodwork. Greg Zall, a College of the
Redwoods graduate, who is a world-class marquetry artist. Bruce Johnson,
whose wood sculpture reveals much greater depth of insight than the DIY
woodworking show ever did. David Marks. John Keller. And many, many
others. Some make their living as woodworkers. Others are talented
woodworkers, supporting themselves by other means.
And spoiled me, I left, wanting to see more.
If you're in the SF Bay Area this month, go spend $5 and 2 hours. Recharge
your artistic batteries.
who found that 4/4 quilted bubinga is only $9/bd ft, wholesale. Time to
design something really special....
On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 05:58:44 GMT, patriarch
<<patriarch>[email protected]> calmly ranted:
>My quick review: I've been spoiled. That's all I can say. When I come
>away from a show, with really great pieces, from really great woodworkers,
>and want to see more, then I'm spoiled. Rotten.
It's addictive, isn't it?
>Michael Cullen, who regularly writes articles for Woodwork magazine. David
Always. I didn't recall seeing "Woodwork" mag anywhere before so
IDAGS on it and found this interesting page on home-built kilns.
(Alas, it's the 'spensive (2.5 crowbars) Brit import.)
> Bruce Johnson,
>whose wood sculpture reveals much greater depth of insight than the DIY
I should hope so, but he's not as annoying as Blob Villa.
Got a URL for his sculpture?
>If you're in the SF Bay Area this month, go spend $5 and 2 hours. Recharge
>your artistic batteries.
Arrrrrgh! I wasn't half an hour away from there on the 2nd.
(Family lives in Vallejo)
>who found that 4/4 quilted bubinga is only $9/bd ft, wholesale. Time to
>design something really special....
You suck. URL for pics, please?
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