"John Gilham/Patsy Scott"

13/02/2005 6:52 PM

New shop soon

Well, a little while ago, I mentioned that we were returning to the US of A.
In 1 1/2 weeks we go to the consulate here in New Zealand to get the visas
for swmbo and son...really not a big deal...just expensive. We have our
home already in Granite Falls NC (Just outside Hickory) and will be arriving
home mid-march. I am anxiiosly awaiting placing my orders for all new
gear.....Delta x5 Unisaw with beis fence. Delta 14 inch bandsaw (1 1/2 hp
model) thicknesser, tools tools tools......... Man I am drooling already!!!!

Swmbo told me that I was looking (more like staring) at the tool pictures
like I used to look at her.....

Maybe she is right!!!!!



The Toymaker
Quality Puzzles & Wooden Toys