"Clint Neufeld"

25/08/2003 3:28 PM

Will the GI 50-185 table saw run on a 15 amp circuit?

Or am I just asking for trouble? General claims it's a 15 amp saw (will
that actually run on a 15 amp circuit?), and one of the reseller's in my
area (Edmonton, AB) says it's an 18 amp saw. I've got e-mails in to both of

My issue is that my circuit breaker panel is full, and a new sub-panel will
run me about as much as the saw will. And since we don't plan on being in
our house for more than another year, I don't see the point in putting that
kind of money in for something I can't play with (and can't see improving
the value of the house, really). In the NEW shop/house, it'll be wired for
220! :)
