
dave in fairfax

30/06/2004 12:58 PM

#55 w/ 4 boxes of cutters

You mentioned, a while back, that you were looking for one of
these. Hope this helps.

http://www.workingtools.biz/#Planes -- metallic

3783.Stanley #55 combination plane. Type 11 or 12 (1910-1920). All
complete and correct, including 4 boxes of cutters that look as
though they've never been used. Not surprising considering what a
pain in the butt these things are to set up. However, if you're a
restorer, one of these things is a lot cheaper than having a bunch
of custom router bits cut. With original instruction book.
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners

This topic has 1 replies


dave in fairfax

in reply to dave in fairfax on 30/06/2004 12:58 PM

30/06/2004 2:51 PM

dave in fairfax wrote:
> You mentioned, a while back, that you were looking for one of
> these. Hope this helps.
> Dave
> http://www.workingtools.biz/#Planes -- metallic
> 3783.Stanley #55 combination plane. Type 11 or 12 (1910-1920). All
> complete and correct, including 4 boxes of cutters that look as
> though they've never been used. Not surprising considering what a
> pain in the butt these things are to set up. However, if you're a
> restorer, one of these things is a lot cheaper than having a bunch
> of custom router bits cut. With original instruction book.
> Fine

Sorry about that, It was a mistake, I didn't change the addy.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners

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