In Dickinson, Tx. A date has been posted for this auction, tomorrow Jan 24=
th, 10 AM. When the site first listed it, there was no date posted for the=
pending sale. A few nice tools for someone looking.
I hadn't paid attention to this site, recently, because of having the flu. =
With relatives in Clear Lake, to visit, also, I had thought to attend. I =
was particularly interested in the dust collector and Leigh jig.
For anyone interested, you might phone the auctioneer to find out if there =
is a reserve (minimum starting bid) on the items. Some large items may (us=
ually)have a reserve, the smaller items not. Also, being held mid week, th=
ere may not be very many buyers attending.
On 1/23/2013 9:43 AM, Sonny wrote:
> In Dickinson, Tx. A date has been posted for this auction, tomorrow Jan 24th, 10 AM. When the site first listed it, there was no date posted for the pending sale. A few nice tools for someone looking.
> I hadn't paid attention to this site, recently, because of having the flu. With relatives in Clear Lake, to visit, also, I had thought to attend. I was particularly interested in the dust collector and Leigh jig.
> For anyone interested, you might phone the auctioneer to find out if there is a reserve (minimum starting bid) on the items. Some large items may (usually)have a reserve, the smaller items not. Also, being held mid week, there may not be very many buyers attending.
> Sonny
There's some nice tools there.
Jet 18" band saw,
Leigh dovetail jig
Some big clips for an automatic.
lots of ammo for driving those nails home ;-)
Original fein multimaster looks to be before the tool less version.
I'll take the Jet 18" and leigh jig.