
mac davis

31/10/2004 8:19 PM

HF Dust collector??

Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..

I have a garage shop with 2 shop vacs and no real dust control other
than an open garage door and a window fan..

Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
from Harbor Freight?

I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
from no system to one of these do me any good?

(their number on it is 45378)


This topic has 49 replies


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

09/11/2004 7:32 AM

On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 14:29:36 -0800, Tim Douglass
<[email protected]> wrote:

>On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 06:32:15 GMT, mac davis <[email protected]>
>>Just "restarting" my woodwoorking, I see that I have a lot of
>>equipment to collect, but I know it's not reasonable to get it all
>>I had a another talk with the wife tonight, after we read the posts...
>>I think the plan now is to get the HF system and use it "as is" for
>>now, while designing and building a filter system for the shop..
>The only thing I would suggest adding is a "garbage can cyclone" thing
>to catch the big chips so you don't have to mess with the bag on the
>DC as often.
>Tim Douglass

thanks Tim.. I have one planned, but probably for the next shop...
I don't generate enough chips or shavings yet to need one yet, not
having a planer or jointer...

Maybe when I get a planer.. *g*



in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

03/11/2004 5:58 AM

"Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> I've got conflicting information on the size of the HF dust inlets.
> Wynn says if I take the Y off I get a single 5" line. I see JET has a
> 6" and 4" adapter available for their 2hp unit, and I suspect I could
> attach that to the harbor freight impeller section.

I suspect HF is overrated and does not have the same capacity as the Jet,
even though they both claim 2hp. One rough comparison is to look at impeller
size. I believe the Jet 2hp uses a 12 inch impeller.



"Patrick Fitzgerald"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

31/10/2004 1:08 PM

Do a google search for previous posts.

There is also a good website discussing this dust collector:

I picked up one of these yesterday for $139 at the retail store ($159,
price match the website $149, $10 off coupon). I haven't unpacked it
yet so I can't say if it's any good.
Patrick Fitzgerald,


"Greg O"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

31/10/2004 4:09 PM

"mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
> I have a garage shop with 2 shop vacs and no real dust control other
> than an open garage door and a window fan..
> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
> from Harbor Freight?
> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
> from no system to one of these do me any good?
> (their number on it is 45378)
> thanks,
> mac

I have one, as do many others. for the $159 on sale price it is a good deal.
Many people recommend better bags, but I have been satisfied with the stock
Check this link out!


"Greg O"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

02/11/2004 7:44 PM

"Tim Douglass" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 1 Nov 2004 11:52:03 -0800, [email protected] ([email protected])
> wrote:
> >Which does bring up a topic: it throws a 15 amp breaker pretty
> >regulary for me. I had to move it to a 20 amp circuit.
> 2 HP should be about 16 amps IIRC. Probably pulls 18-20 on startup. If
> you have more than 50' of wire from the panel to the motor it pretty
> much guarantees that it will blow a 15A breaker. If the motor can be
> converted to 240 that is the way I would go.

I run mine on 110 volt, 20 amp breaker, no trips, ever. Can't have anything
else on the same breaker though!


"Greg O"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

03/11/2004 9:15 PM

"Bob" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Alan W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > I've got conflicting information on the size of the HF dust inlets.
> > Wynn says if I take the Y off I get a single 5" line. I see JET has a
> > 6" and 4" adapter available for their 2hp unit, and I suspect I could
> > attach that to the harbor freight impeller section.
> I suspect HF is overrated and does not have the same capacity as the Jet,
> even though they both claim 2hp. One rough comparison is to look at
> size. I believe the Jet 2hp uses a 12 inch impeller.
> Bob

I would rate the HF unit at 1-1/2 HP, more closely relates to Jets 1-1/2 HP
unit, the DC1100A which Amazon has for $330!
Is the Jet better? Probably! Is it worth over twice the price? I don't
believe so. At least not for the hobby wood dorker. You can get the HF unit
for $159 pretty much any time. Plus the often run coupons for $10 on
puchaces over $100 to get the out the door price to $149. Better bags can be
had cheap enough so it is still a good deal.


"Greg O"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

03/11/2004 9:20 PM

"James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message >
> While it sounds like this unit will pick up the big stuff, I doubt
> it'll get the really fine dust. The stuff that will clog up your
> lungs. If you really want to get ALL of the dust as you say, check
> out this site for some info:
> Cheers,
> cc

Like the fine dust produced from sanding? Which you probably will not be
able to make use of your dust collector while doing?!
If you want to get all the fine dust it takes quite a commitment, connect
all your tools, overarm collector for your tablesaw, downdraft sanding
table, and on and on! Way out of range for most hobbyists!


"Greg O"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

07/11/2004 4:57 PM

"mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 15:31:45 GMT, A Womack <[email protected]>
> >
> ok, now you've got me worried (again)
> I started this post and was surprised at how many people in the wreck
> use the HF collector...
> now, it seems that a lot of folks are saying that it needs a better
> bag??

Seems so, but I run mone with the bags it came with.
I use mine to keep the shop clean, collect chips from my TS, planer, and
jointer. I have a air filter to get the "dust".


Morris Dovey

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

24/11/2004 2:35 PM

mac davis wrote:

> I've been playing with mine quite a bit, waiting for the damn hose and
> gate kit that's back ordered from HF and the stuff I bought on ebay...
> just have 2 dryer hoses and a home made cyclone..


Would you please post pix of your home made cyclone to a.b.p.w?

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Bob Peterson"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

31/10/2004 6:09 PM

I have been tempted several times. Up close it looks like a real decent

"mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
> I have a garage shop with 2 shop vacs and no real dust control other
> than an open garage door and a window fan..
> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
> from Harbor Freight?
> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
> from no system to one of these do me any good?
> (their number on it is 45378)
> thanks,
> mac


Peter De Smidt

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

02/11/2004 2:12 PM

Tim Douglass wrote:
> If the motor can be
> converted to 240 that is the way I would go.

That's a good question. I downloaded the manual, and it doesn't say.
Could someone who has one check it out? If the motor can be re-wired to
240v, I'll get one.


Peter De Smidt

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

02/11/2004 8:50 PM

Alan W wrote:
> I bought on on Friday night last week for the internet price of
> $149.99 at the local store. It is quite heavy, ended up sliding it
> onto my mechanics creeper to move it around in the box.
> Yesterday I ordered the Wynn cartridge conversion after reading Bill
> Pentz's site, I figured I would spend $40 getting new bags at least,
> and the filter kit with plastic catch bags and the cartridge was about
> $103.00. Being in the diesal truck industry, I appreciate how well
> those big canisters work.
> Wynn indicated I could just blow it out with compressed air from the
> outside in, so I expect the cartridge to last me a LONG time.
> I've got conflicting information on the size of the HF dust inlets.
> Wynn says if I take the Y off I get a single 5" line. I see JET has a
> 6" and 4" adapter available for their 2hp unit, and I suspect I could
> attach that to the harbor freight impeller section.
> Also considering moving the motor off the bottom of the cart onto a
> small chest of drawers and giving the motor to bags hose a straight
> shot. Perhaps reducing it from square to round right at the bags
> instead of right out of the impellar housing.
> Hope to get rid of ALL the dust in my garage shop. Trying to figure
> out how to move the jointer to be closer to the orientation of the
> hoses. don't want to have to step over them!
> Alan


Thanks for the nice write-up. Which cartridge fitler did you buy?
Please let us know how hard it was to adapt to the dust collector. I'm
thinking of doing exactly what you have in mind.



David Dube

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

04/11/2004 2:28 PM

Unfortunately it can't... at least that's what I've found from prior
posts... if someone knows a way... :-)

I just added a seperate 20A 110V circuit just for that.


Tim Douglass wrote:

> On 1 Nov 2004 11:52:03 -0800, [email protected] ([email protected])
> wrote:
>>Which does bring up a topic: it throws a 15 amp breaker pretty
>>regulary for me. I had to move it to a 20 amp circuit.
> 2 HP should be about 16 amps IIRC. Probably pulls 18-20 on startup. If
> you have more than 50' of wire from the panel to the motor it pretty
> much guarantees that it will blow a 15A breaker. If the motor can be
> converted to 240 that is the way I would go.
> Tim Douglass


[email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson)

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

03/11/2004 5:39 AM

[email protected] (Alan W) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Hope to get rid of ALL the dust in my garage shop. Trying to figure
> out how to move the jointer to be closer to the orientation of the
> hoses. don't want to have to step over them!
> Alan

While it sounds like this unit will pick up the big stuff, I doubt
it'll get the really fine dust. The stuff that will clog up your
lungs. If you really want to get ALL of the dust as you say, check
out this site for some info:



mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

03/11/2004 3:21 PM

On 3 Nov 2004 05:39:51 -0800, [email protected] (James Cubby
Culbertson) wrote:

>[email protected] (Alan W) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
>> Hope to get rid of ALL the dust in my garage shop. Trying to figure
>> out how to move the jointer to be closer to the orientation of the
>> hoses. don't want to have to step over them!
>> Alan
>While it sounds like this unit will pick up the big stuff, I doubt
>it'll get the really fine dust. The stuff that will clog up your
>lungs. If you really want to get ALL of the dust as you say, check
>out this site for some info:

Very interesting site!
my education continues... *g*


Morris Dovey

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

31/10/2004 7:03 PM

mac davis wrote:

> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust
> collector from Harbor Freight?
> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going
> would going from no system to one of these do me any good?

At you can see
how I've used the HF dust collector (in conjunction with two
cyclone separators) to capture dust from a CNC router - which
produces a /lot/ of dust!

I've been happy with the entire system.

Morris Dovey
DeSoto, Iowa USA



in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

23/11/2004 5:56 PM

I just got one, have looked into lots of different makes and was really
hesitant about the HF one, but after reading all these posts decided to try
it and I must say that it works well, clears all the waste from the table
saw, even the fine dust coming up through the top. Has HF changed the paint?
it now matches my Grizzly saw instead on that off green color.

"mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
> I have a garage shop with 2 shop vacs and no real dust control other
> than an open garage door and a window fan..
> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
> from Harbor Freight?
> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
> from no system to one of these do me any good?
> (their number on it is 45378)
> thanks,
> mac


in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

07/11/2004 4:12 PM

I purchased my HF unit about a year ago, and it is clearly marked as a
20 amp motor. I couldn't believe it. It certainly sounds and sucks
like a 20 amp as well. I don't believe that they mean peak amps
either. I've never seen a motor marked as such. I've even wondered
if mine was a mistake i.e. they mounted the wrong motor!! I too have
been very pleased with mine. I've filled the bag up multiple times,
and the motor continues to purr. I recommend this unit to anyone who
will listen to me drone on.

Tim Douglass <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> On 1 Nov 2004 11:52:03 -0800, [email protected] ([email protected])
> wrote:
> >Which does bring up a topic: it throws a 15 amp breaker pretty
> >regulary for me. I had to move it to a 20 amp circuit.
> 2 HP should be about 16 amps IIRC. Probably pulls 18-20 on startup. If
> you have more than 50' of wire from the panel to the motor it pretty
> much guarantees that it will blow a 15A breaker. If the motor can be
> converted to 240 that is the way I would go.
> Tim Douglass


[email protected] (David Hall)

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

02/11/2004 1:24 PM

mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> On 1 Nov 2004 11:52:03 -0800, [email protected] ([email protected])
> wrote:
> >mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> >> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
> >>
> >> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
> >> from Harbor Freight?
> >>
> >> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
> >> from no system to one of these do me any good?
> >
> >
> >I've got one and it's a great piece for the money. I put a Grizzly .3
> >micron bag on top, and a plastic bag on the bottom. I use a 30 gallon
> >steel trash can and a Grizzly separator lid. I mounted the dust
> >collector unit on a shelf with the separator can underneath the shelf,
> >tucked the whole thing in the corner next to the garage door track,
> >and it works wonderfully. A decent, small footprint, and - so far -
> >reliable DC system for around $200 total.
> >
> >As for suction, I have no means of measuring it. Though the first time
> >I turned it on... it threw a breaker... ok, so the SECOND time I
> >turned it on, I put my hand in from of the intake to see how the
> >suction was... Whoomp. Sucked my hand right in. I'm lucky I didn't get
> >clipped by impeller blades.
> >
> >Which does bring up a topic: it throws a 15 amp breaker pretty
> >regulary for me. I had to move it to a 20 amp circuit.
> Well, I have 40 amp circuits in the shop (the old 220v plug, converted
> to 2 110v circuits), so I don't think I'd have that problem...
> I'm pleasantly surprised at the many positive responses to this post,
> and have added the DC to my HF "wish list"..
> Thanks to all that have replied....

Just to add to the posts, my brother just received his a couple of
days ago and he is quite pleased so far.

Dave Hall


[email protected] (David Hall)

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

03/11/2004 8:27 AM

mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> On 2 Nov 2004 18:35:44 -0800, [email protected] (Alan W)
> wrote:
> I'll have to wait until I can afford to get one, look at it, then
> re-read your post... (I print a lot of this NG out)
> I got lost on the cartridge conversion and quit reading somewhere
> around taking the Y off and the 4" and 6" inch thing... like trying to
> understand someone talking about a car when you've never seen one..
> I was noticing tonight that almost an hour after sanding a couple of
> boards with the palm sander, I could see dust in the air when my wife
> came in the driveway with the lights on... HAS to be bad for me,
> breathing in that crap every evening..

Unfortunately, the dust collector will do very little to help that (I
have yet to see a palm sander connected to a dust collector). What you
need for the fine floating dust is a dust filtration unit. Lots of old
posts on this and the argument between those who recommend buying a
commercial unit and those who (like me) built theirs from a furnace
blower and some good filters. So now not only are you hearing about a
car without seeing one, we've thrown in motorcycles ;)

Dave Hall


in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

02/11/2004 8:57 PM

On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 14:12:46 -0600, Peter De Smidt
<pdesmidt*no*spam*@tds.*net*> wrote:

>Tim Douglass wrote:
>> If the motor can be
>> converted to 240 that is the way I would go.
>That's a good question. I downloaded the manual, and it doesn't say.
>Could someone who has one check it out? If the motor can be re-wired to
>240v, I'll get one.

110v only



in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

01/11/2004 2:05 AM

On Sun 31 Oct 2004 02:19:11p, mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
> I have a garage shop with 2 shop vacs and no real dust control other
> than an open garage door and a window fan..
> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
> from Harbor Freight?
> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
> from no system to one of these do me any good?

I bought it last Christmastime for about $140. Sucks pretty good. :-)

Like Greg, I plan to put a better bag on it someday, and set up a chip
separator, but it suits my needs just fine right now. I ductaped a hood
in the bottom of the tablesaw, set it up with a piece of flexible dryer
conduit that sticks out of the saw at a convenient spot, and put a 20'
flexible hose on the DC. It works just great. Easy to hook up, lots of
suction. You can watch it suck the dust from the top of the saw. When I
get the new bag, I might go whole hog and do that two-bag manifold

I didn't do as much woodworking this summer as I wanted. Bathroom
remodel. But I did fill the bottom bag up. Once.

I should note that the shop vac is still the best choice for the band saw
and SCMS. When I drop the hose size to fit those outlets, suction drops
so much that the shop vac's is better. I'm gonna cut a four-inch hole in
the bandsaw one of these days.




in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

04/11/2004 2:50 AM

On Sun 31 Oct 2004 11:52:12p, "Bob" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:


That looks fantastic. Thanks Bob, I heard something about addon filters a
little while ago and was going to ask. Then I forgot. Thanks for bringing
it up. Probably won't be able to get it till tax time but I'm glad that's
out there.



patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

06/11/2004 6:34 PM

[email protected] (Alan W) wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> I took the housing apart tonight and measured the actual diameter of
> the impellar to be 10", photo here:

404 Error on that link, and iterations of the URL:


A Womack

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

06/11/2004 9:20 PM

patriarch <<patriarch>[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> [email protected] (Alan W) wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> I took the housing apart tonight and measured the actual diameter of
>> the impellar to be 10", photo here:
> 404 Error on that link, and iterations of the URL:

missed the s on images when I typed it in:


A Womack

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

07/11/2004 3:31 PM

mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> You're not even going to try it as it comes from HF, so you can see
> the improvement with the adapter and cartridge?

Nope, those 30 micron bags give me the jeebies. I still have quite a
bit of work to do even after I get the cartridge and assemble it onto
the DC. My local hose supplier was out of 5" DC hose and had none on
order. There was another local source.

Since I have moved my jointer and the tablesaw to be in a T arrangement,
the amount of hose I need is quite a bit less. Going to figure out how
to run some line down to my router insert on the tablesaw without having
it all over the floor, or ugly ugly up on the ceiling.



patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

07/11/2004 11:04 PM

mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> ok, now you've got me worried (again)
> I started this post and was surprised at how many people in the wreck
> use the HF collector...
> now, it seems that a lot of folks are saying that it needs a better
> bag??
No, we (they) are saying that 30 microns isn't sufficient on any collector
to get the stuff that worries the experts. It isn't just Harbor Freight.

However, catching the table saw and router table dust down to .3 microns
doesn't do much, if you then run your random orbit sander without some
means of dust collection.

The truly dedicated will get a mask, a ceiling filter, and a cyclone
collector with good filters. Some of the others will move to hand tools,
or working outside. For the truly paranoid, there's usually a game on

Do what you think is reasonable, in connection with your hobby, and the
rest of your life and health habits.



in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

01/11/2004 11:52 AM

mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
> from Harbor Freight?
> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
> from no system to one of these do me any good?

I've got one and it's a great piece for the money. I put a Grizzly .3
micron bag on top, and a plastic bag on the bottom. I use a 30 gallon
steel trash can and a Grizzly separator lid. I mounted the dust
collector unit on a shelf with the separator can underneath the shelf,
tucked the whole thing in the corner next to the garage door track,
and it works wonderfully. A decent, small footprint, and - so far -
reliable DC system for around $200 total.

As for suction, I have no means of measuring it. Though the first time
I turned it on... it threw a breaker... ok, so the SECOND time I
turned it on, I put my hand in from of the intake to see how the
suction was... Whoomp. Sucked my hand right in. I'm lucky I didn't get
clipped by impeller blades.

Which does bring up a topic: it throws a 15 amp breaker pretty
regulary for me. I had to move it to a 20 amp circuit.


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

07/11/2004 4:30 PM

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 15:31:45 GMT, A Womack <[email protected]>

>mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in
>news:[email protected]:
>> You're not even going to try it as it comes from HF, so you can see
>> the improvement with the adapter and cartridge?
>Nope, those 30 micron bags give me the jeebies. I still have quite a
>bit of work to do even after I get the cartridge and assemble it onto
>the DC. My local hose supplier was out of 5" DC hose and had none on
>order. There was another local source.
>Since I have moved my jointer and the tablesaw to be in a T arrangement,
>the amount of hose I need is quite a bit less. Going to figure out how
>to run some line down to my router insert on the tablesaw without having
>it all over the floor, or ugly ugly up on the ceiling.

ok, now you've got me worried (again)
I started this post and was surprised at how many people in the wreck
use the HF collector...
now, it seems that a lot of folks are saying that it needs a better


Tim Douglass

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

02/11/2004 11:19 AM

On 1 Nov 2004 11:52:03 -0800, [email protected] ([email protected])

>Which does bring up a topic: it throws a 15 amp breaker pretty
>regulary for me. I had to move it to a 20 amp circuit.

2 HP should be about 16 amps IIRC. Probably pulls 18-20 on startup. If
you have more than 50' of wire from the panel to the motor it pretty
much guarantees that it will blow a 15A breaker. If the motor can be
converted to 240 that is the way I would go.

Tim Douglass


in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

02/11/2004 6:35 PM

I bought on on Friday night last week for the internet price of
$149.99 at the local store. It is quite heavy, ended up sliding it
onto my mechanics creeper to move it around in the box.

Yesterday I ordered the Wynn cartridge conversion after reading Bill
Pentz's site, I figured I would spend $40 getting new bags at least,
and the filter kit with plastic catch bags and the cartridge was about
$103.00. Being in the diesal truck industry, I appreciate how well
those big canisters work.

Wynn indicated I could just blow it out with compressed air from the
outside in, so I expect the cartridge to last me a LONG time.

I've got conflicting information on the size of the HF dust inlets.
Wynn says if I take the Y off I get a single 5" line. I see JET has a
6" and 4" adapter available for their 2hp unit, and I suspect I could
attach that to the harbor freight impeller section.

Also considering moving the motor off the bottom of the cart onto a
small chest of drawers and giving the motor to bags hose a straight
shot. Perhaps reducing it from square to round right at the bags
instead of right out of the impellar housing.

Hope to get rid of ALL the dust in my garage shop. Trying to figure
out how to move the jointer to be closer to the orientation of the
hoses. don't want to have to step over them!



in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

05/11/2004 10:58 PM

[email protected] (Alan W) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...

The dust collector is assembled and awaiting the cartridge. I am
going to try 5" line from the single port on the impellar housing

I took the housing apart tonight and measured the actual diameter of
the impellar to be 10", photo here:

Jet is supposed to be 11", but short of measuring one. The cavity in
the housing would certainly take a larger impellar.



Tim Douglass

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

05/11/2004 10:01 AM

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 14:28:36 -0500, David Dube <[email protected]>

>Unfortunately it can't... at least that's what I've found from prior
>posts... if someone knows a way... :-)
>I just added a seperate 20A 110V circuit just for that.

If the motor can't be converted that is probably your best option. One
of my criteria for stationary tools anymore is that they be able to
run on 240, of course most only have switches for 120...

Tim Douglass


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

25/11/2004 5:25 AM

On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:35:54 -0600, Morris Dovey <[email protected]>

>mac davis wrote:
>> I've been playing with mine quite a bit, waiting for the damn hose and
>> gate kit that's back ordered from HF and the stuff I bought on ebay...
>> just have 2 dryer hoses and a home made cyclone..
>Would you please post pix of your home made cyclone to a.b.p.w?

well, it's embarrassingly ugly, but I'll shoot a few this weekend, if
I have a sober moment.. *g*

basically, I bought 2 prepackaged "screw on" dryer connection kits at
lowes for $15 each.. they came with a metal hose and 2 elbows each..

I ran one hose from the DC to an elbow stuck in a hole in the top of a
plastic garbage can lid, put the other elbow inside the lid, sticking
through the hole and clamped the other hose on..
the inside elbow seems to create the cyclone..
I'll try to get some pics posted this weekend..



in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

01/11/2004 5:52 AM

"Dan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Like Greg, I plan to put a better bag on it someday, and set up a chip
> separator, but it suits my needs just fine right now.

Wynn Environmental sells a large cartridge conversion kit (like used by Jet
and Delta) that should turn the Harbor Freight into a much, much better
collector in terms of containing the dust and drastically reducing the
maintenance required.

Its $118 at



mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

25/11/2004 4:24 PM

On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 05:25:17 GMT, mac davis <[email protected]>

wow.. replying to my own post again.. weird!

I took a few and put them up on ABPW this morning before the family
got here...
let the eating and drinking begin... bow to the football gods and life
will be good..

>On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:35:54 -0600, Morris Dovey <[email protected]>
>>mac davis wrote:
>>> I've been playing with mine quite a bit, waiting for the damn hose and
>>> gate kit that's back ordered from HF and the stuff I bought on ebay...
>>> just have 2 dryer hoses and a home made cyclone..
>>Would you please post pix of your home made cyclone to a.b.p.w?
>well, it's embarrassingly ugly, but I'll shoot a few this weekend, if
>I have a sober moment.. *g*
>basically, I bought 2 prepackaged "screw on" dryer connection kits at
>lowes for $15 each.. they came with a metal hose and 2 elbows each..
>I ran one hose from the DC to an elbow stuck in a hole in the top of a
>plastic garbage can lid, put the other elbow inside the lid, sticking
>through the hole and clamped the other hose on..
>the inside elbow seems to create the cyclone..
>I'll try to get some pics posted this weekend..


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

07/11/2004 3:50 AM

On 5 Nov 2004 22:58:58 -0800, [email protected] (Alan W)

>[email protected] (Alan W) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
>The dust collector is assembled and awaiting the cartridge. I am
>going to try 5" line from the single port on the impellar housing
>I took the housing apart tonight and measured the actual diameter of
>the impellar to be 10", photo here:
>Jet is supposed to be 11", but short of measuring one. The cavity in
>the housing would certainly take a larger impellar.

Wow! beefier than I expected at that price... but I've never seen or
priced one before, either...

You're not even going to try it as it comes from HF, so you can see
the improvement with the adapter and cartridge?


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

04/11/2004 4:09 PM

On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 21:20:24 -0600, "Greg O" <[email protected]>

>"James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message >
>> While it sounds like this unit will pick up the big stuff, I doubt
>> it'll get the really fine dust. The stuff that will clog up your
>> lungs. If you really want to get ALL of the dust as you say, check
>> out this site for some info:
>> Cheers,
>> cc
>Like the fine dust produced from sanding? Which you probably will not be
>able to make use of your dust collector while doing?!
>If you want to get all the fine dust it takes quite a commitment, connect
>all your tools, overarm collector for your tablesaw, downdraft sanding
>table, and on and on! Way out of range for most hobbyists!
I'm also building a sanding table that I got from Ken's site... Every
bit of dust I prevent helps...


"Paul in MN"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

01/11/2004 12:46 AM

"mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
> I have a garage shop with 2 shop vacs and no real dust control other
> than an open garage door and a window fan..
> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
> from Harbor Freight?
> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
> from no system to one of these do me any good?
> (their number on it is 45378)
> thanks,
> mac

I've got one, and think it works great. Having said that it is the first
one I've owned. I am in the process of hooking up some 4" pipe runs to my
equipment. If you do a Google search there is also a modification to these
that makes them work apparently a lot better.




"Peter Bogiatzidis"

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

03/11/2004 9:16 PM


Here's another link that has some more info on the subject. I'm trying to
learn about this as well. As far as actually breathing in the dust goes, I
think that I'd be wearing a dust mask.


"David Hall" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> > On 2 Nov 2004 18:35:44 -0800, [email protected] (Alan W)
> > wrote:
> >
> > I'll have to wait until I can afford to get one, look at it, then
> > re-read your post... (I print a lot of this NG out)
> > I got lost on the cartridge conversion and quit reading somewhere
> > around taking the Y off and the 4" and 6" inch thing... like trying to
> > understand someone talking about a car when you've never seen one..
> >
> > I was noticing tonight that almost an hour after sanding a couple of
> > boards with the palm sander, I could see dust in the air when my wife
> > came in the driveway with the lights on... HAS to be bad for me,
> > breathing in that crap every evening..
> Unfortunately, the dust collector will do very little to help that (I
> have yet to see a palm sander connected to a dust collector). What you
> need for the fine floating dust is a dust filtration unit. Lots of old
> posts on this and the argument between those who recommend buying a
> commercial unit and those who (like me) built theirs from a furnace
> blower and some good filters. So now not only are you hearing about a
> car without seeing one, we've thrown in motorcycles ;)
> Dave Hall


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

02/11/2004 4:01 PM

On 1 Nov 2004 11:52:03 -0800, [email protected] ([email protected])

>mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
>> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
>> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
>> from Harbor Freight?
>> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
>> from no system to one of these do me any good?
>I've got one and it's a great piece for the money. I put a Grizzly .3
>micron bag on top, and a plastic bag on the bottom. I use a 30 gallon
>steel trash can and a Grizzly separator lid. I mounted the dust
>collector unit on a shelf with the separator can underneath the shelf,
>tucked the whole thing in the corner next to the garage door track,
>and it works wonderfully. A decent, small footprint, and - so far -
>reliable DC system for around $200 total.
>As for suction, I have no means of measuring it. Though the first time
>I turned it on... it threw a breaker... ok, so the SECOND time I
>turned it on, I put my hand in from of the intake to see how the
>suction was... Whoomp. Sucked my hand right in. I'm lucky I didn't get
>clipped by impeller blades.
>Which does bring up a topic: it throws a 15 amp breaker pretty
>regulary for me. I had to move it to a 20 amp circuit.

Well, I have 40 amp circuits in the shop (the old 220v plug, converted
to 2 110v circuits), so I don't think I'd have that problem...

I'm pleasantly surprised at the many positive responses to this post,
and have added the DC to my HF "wish list"..

Thanks to all that have replied....


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

24/11/2004 6:09 PM

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 17:56:06 -0500, "steve" <[email protected]>

>I just got one, have looked into lots of different makes and was really
>hesitant about the HF one, but after reading all these posts decided to try
>it and I must say that it works well, clears all the waste from the table
>saw, even the fine dust coming up through the top. Has HF changed the paint?
>it now matches my Grizzly saw instead on that off green color.
PAINT?? yours has paint?? I got ripped off.. lol
I've been playing with mine quite a bit, waiting for the damn hose and
gate kit that's back ordered from HF and the stuff I bought on ebay...
just have 2 dryer hoses and a home made cyclone..

I haven't seen ANY dust come through the bag... used it on RAS, sander
box, (overkill, going back to vac there), on the shop floor and in the
driveway for my neighbors pesky shedding tree dropping tons of tiny
leaves.. (hey, I'm testing it, and it was closer than the leaf blower)
So far, I can't feel anything in either bag.. it all seems to go into
the cyclone... what a great invention! I'm making a smaller one for
the shop vac!!


Tim Douglass

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

08/11/2004 2:29 PM

On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 06:32:15 GMT, mac davis <[email protected]>

>Just "restarting" my woodwoorking, I see that I have a lot of
>equipment to collect, but I know it's not reasonable to get it all
>I had a another talk with the wife tonight, after we read the posts...
>I think the plan now is to get the HF system and use it "as is" for
>now, while designing and building a filter system for the shop..

The only thing I would suggest adding is a "garbage can cyclone" thing
to catch the big chips so you don't have to mess with the bag on the
DC as often.

Tim Douglass


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

03/11/2004 6:30 AM

On 2 Nov 2004 18:35:44 -0800, [email protected] (Alan W)

I'll have to wait until I can afford to get one, look at it, then
re-read your post... (I print a lot of this NG out)
I got lost on the cartridge conversion and quit reading somewhere
around taking the Y off and the 4" and 6" inch thing... like trying to
understand someone talking about a car when you've never seen one..

I was noticing tonight that almost an hour after sanding a couple of
boards with the palm sander, I could see dust in the air when my wife
came in the driveway with the lights on... HAS to be bad for me,
breathing in that crap every evening..

>I bought on on Friday night last week for the internet price of
>$149.99 at the local store. It is quite heavy, ended up sliding it
>onto my mechanics creeper to move it around in the box.
>Yesterday I ordered the Wynn cartridge conversion after reading Bill
>Pentz's site, I figured I would spend $40 getting new bags at least,
>and the filter kit with plastic catch bags and the cartridge was about
>$103.00. Being in the diesal truck industry, I appreciate how well
>those big canisters work.
>Wynn indicated I could just blow it out with compressed air from the
>outside in, so I expect the cartridge to last me a LONG time.
>I've got conflicting information on the size of the HF dust inlets.
>Wynn says if I take the Y off I get a single 5" line. I see JET has a
>6" and 4" adapter available for their 2hp unit, and I suspect I could
>attach that to the harbor freight impeller section.
>Also considering moving the motor off the bottom of the cart onto a
>small chest of drawers and giving the motor to bags hose a straight
>shot. Perhaps reducing it from square to round right at the bags
>instead of right out of the impellar housing.
>Hope to get rid of ALL the dust in my garage shop. Trying to figure
>out how to move the jointer to be closer to the orientation of the
>hoses. don't want to have to step over them!


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

04/11/2004 2:59 AM

On 3 Nov 2004 08:27:45 -0800, [email protected] (David Hall) wrote:

>mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
>> On 2 Nov 2004 18:35:44 -0800, [email protected] (Alan W)
>> wrote:
>> I'll have to wait until I can afford to get one, look at it, then
>> re-read your post... (I print a lot of this NG out)
>> I got lost on the cartridge conversion and quit reading somewhere
>> around taking the Y off and the 4" and 6" inch thing... like trying to
>> understand someone talking about a car when you've never seen one..
>> I was noticing tonight that almost an hour after sanding a couple of
>> boards with the palm sander, I could see dust in the air when my wife
>> came in the driveway with the lights on... HAS to be bad for me,
>> breathing in that crap every evening..
>Unfortunately, the dust collector will do very little to help that (I
>have yet to see a palm sander connected to a dust collector). What you
>need for the fine floating dust is a dust filtration unit. Lots of old
>posts on this and the argument between those who recommend buying a
>commercial unit and those who (like me) built theirs from a furnace
>blower and some good filters. So now not only are you hearing about a
>car without seeing one, we've thrown in motorcycles ;)
>Dave Hall

I actually understand that one and agree, Dave...
I'll probably copy Ken Vaughn's system, as it seems very efficient and
looks like the construction is within my skill level..

I had forgotten the a dust collector doesn't filter dust unless it's
fed into it... I might need the filter system more than the DC!


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

08/11/2004 6:25 AM

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:57:26 -0600, "Greg O" <[email protected]>

>"mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 15:31:45 GMT, A Womack <[email protected]>
>> >
>> ok, now you've got me worried (again)
>> I started this post and was surprised at how many people in the wreck
>> use the HF collector...
>> now, it seems that a lot of folks are saying that it needs a better
>> bag??
>Seems so, but I run mone with the bags it came with.
>I use mine to keep the shop clean, collect chips from my TS, planer, and
>jointer. I have a air filter to get the "dust".
thanks, Greg, I feel better now.. *g*
like I said in the original post, it has to be an improvement on what
I'm using now... 2 shop vacs and an open garage door..


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

31/10/2004 11:18 PM

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 16:09:14 -0600, "Greg O" <[email protected]>

>"mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Ok.. I've put my flame retardant suit on for this one..
>> I have a garage shop with 2 shop vacs and no real dust control other
>> than an open garage door and a window fan..
>> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust collector
>> from Harbor Freight?
>> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going would going
>> from no system to one of these do me any good?
>> (their number on it is 45378)
>> thanks,
>> mac
>I have one, as do many others. for the $159 on sale price it is a good deal.
>Many people recommend better bags, but I have been satisfied with the stock
>Check this link out!

Great link!
thanks, Greg..


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

01/11/2004 3:26 PM

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 19:03:10 -0600, Morris Dovey <[email protected]>

>mac davis wrote:
>> Has anyone ever tried the 2 hp (sounds very low power) dust
>> collector from Harbor Freight?
>> I know it's not going to be a GOOD dust system, but going
>> would going from no system to one of these do me any good?
>At you can see
>how I've used the HF dust collector (in conjunction with two
>cyclone separators) to capture dust from a CNC router - which
>produces a /lot/ of dust!
>I've been happy with the entire system.


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/10/2004 8:19 PM

08/11/2004 6:32 AM

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 23:04:47 GMT, patriarch
<<patriarch>[email protected]> wrote:

>mac davis <[email protected]> wrote in
>news:[email protected]:
>> ok, now you've got me worried (again)
>> I started this post and was surprised at how many people in the wreck
>> use the HF collector...
>> now, it seems that a lot of folks are saying that it needs a better
>> bag??
>No, we (they) are saying that 30 microns isn't sufficient on any collector
>to get the stuff that worries the experts. It isn't just Harbor Freight.
>However, catching the table saw and router table dust down to .3 microns
>doesn't do much, if you then run your random orbit sander without some
>means of dust collection.
>The truly dedicated will get a mask, a ceiling filter, and a cyclone
>collector with good filters. Some of the others will move to hand tools,
>or working outside. For the truly paranoid, there's usually a game on
>Do what you think is reasonable, in connection with your hobby, and the
>rest of your life and health habits.

Thanks... I love your attitude.. have we closed a bar together
before?? *g*

Just "restarting" my woodwoorking, I see that I have a lot of
equipment to collect, but I know it's not reasonable to get it all
I had a another talk with the wife tonight, after we read the posts...
I think the plan now is to get the HF system and use it "as is" for
now, while designing and building a filter system for the shop..

We're hoping to be buying a bigger place next year and building a shop
if the place doesn't have a good "out building" (my wife is from N.
Dakota) that can be used as one...
It seems like I'm better not getting much more stuff for the garage
and waiting to see how much space the next shop has and what I can put
in before I move my tools in..

Maybe my wife will win the lotto and I'll have on built like Toms!

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