"David F. Eisan"

21/08/2004 7:07 PM

Some Random Kitchen Porgress Pics...

Good afternoon everyone,

Here are some random pictures from the last week or so as I work on my
parents kitchen,

Installing the tall corner cabinet that the LVT closet slider goes into,


(insert closet joke here...)

The conditions my Mom has been cooking in for the last little bit,


The other corner before and after lowering the top centre cabinet,


Notice I dropped the centre upper 1" just like the other corner.


My GF thought it was hilarious when I was upside down in the cabinet laying
out for the lazy susan and snapped this photo,


How the kitchen stands right now,



Plumber is going to be here today and I will be installing all the lowers
today and tomorrow if necessary. I have to get the lowers in by Sunday as
the countertop people will be here Monday to make a template for the granite



This topic has 4 replies


"Greg Millen"

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 21/08/2004 7:07 PM

22/08/2004 8:53 AM

"Edwin Pawlowski" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> You have a winner here, Davis. It is so difficult to find things in the
> clutter that usually gets under the sink. Your style eliminates the
> searching and makes thing easy to find. I think I'm going to duplicate it
> in my house.

I have to agree with Ed. In particular, the lamp under the sink is sheer
genius ;-)

Serious comments on abpf.




in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 21/08/2004 7:07 PM

21/08/2004 8:48 PM

David, whenya get her all done, I'm a bettin your momma is gonna wanna kiss
you right square on the lips..

Picture that. ;~)


Larry Jaques

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 21/08/2004 7:07 PM

21/08/2004 7:09 PM

On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 19:07:04 GMT, "David F. Eisan"
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>Good afternoon everyone,
>Here are some random pictures from the last week or so as I work on my
>parents kitchen,
>Installing the tall corner cabinet that the LVT closet slider goes into,
>(insert closet joke here...)

Crikey, it's not bad enough boxing up your parents, now you're
doing the girlfriend, too? You oughta be ashamed... ;)

>Plumber is going to be here today and I will be installing all the lowers
>today and tomorrow if necessary. I have to get the lowers in by Sunday as
>the countertop people will be here Monday to make a template for the granite

You have a -lot- of money tied up in that kitchen, David.
So, when are you going to paint it? <bseg>

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"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 21/08/2004 7:07 PM

21/08/2004 8:25 PM

"David F. Eisan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> How the kitchen stands right now,
> http://www.federatedtool.com/david/img/rhside.jpg

You have a winner here, Davis. It is so difficult to find things in the
clutter that usually gets under the sink. Your style eliminates the
searching and makes thing easy to find. I think I'm going to duplicate it
in my house.

I'll report back as soon as my wife sees her new cabinet style.
[email protected]

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