On Oct 16, 5:24=A0am, "Rod & Betty Jo" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Robatoid wrote:
> > Mark, Tim, Rod and a few other right wingers:
> >http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3D6L0JbnnSAsA
> One should not when sober ever listen to Keith Olbermann......although he=
> quite typical of many on the left....truth be damned let me screech at yo=
> until you crumble from exhaustion. I can honestly say I've never heard hi=
> say anything worth listening to.....Since my cable package dropped MSNBC =
> now say I never listen to him....with the exception of your linked video =
> which proves my original point.
> Concerning the topic of your video..... as I mentioned in a earlier post =
> I may quote myself
> http://www.timesleader.com/news/breakingnews/Secret_Service_says_Kill...
> Even worse....it was either the over active imagination or a outright
> invention/lie from the original reporter. The numerous on the scene secre=
> service agents whom respond to "kill chants" very seriously did not hear =
> nor did anyone else that was interviewed. When certain large segments of =
> media forgo any semblance of ethical standards in support of electing the=
> guy ....many so called news stories are simply bunk. =A0Rod
Nice little talking point from O'Reilly?
Robatoid wrote:
> Mark, Tim, Rod and a few other right wingers:
> http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6L0JbnnSAsA
One should not when sober ever listen to Keith Olbermann......although he is
quite typical of many on the left....truth be damned let me screech at you
until you crumble from exhaustion. I can honestly say I've never heard him
say anything worth listening to.....Since my cable package dropped MSNBC I
now say I never listen to him....with the exception of your linked video of
which proves my original point.
Concerning the topic of your video..... as I mentioned in a earlier post if
I may quote myself
Even worse....it was either the over active imagination or a outright
invention/lie from the original reporter. The numerous on the scene secret
service agents whom respond to "kill chants" very seriously did not hear it
nor did anyone else that was interviewed. When certain large segments of the
media forgo any semblance of ethical standards in support of electing their
guy ....many so called news stories are simply bunk. Rod
Rod & Betty Jo wrote:
> Robatoid wrote:
>> Mark, Tim, Rod and a few other right wingers:
>> http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6L0JbnnSAsA
> One should not when sober ever listen to Keith Olbermann......although he is
> quite typical of many on the left....truth be damned let me screech at you
> until you crumble from exhaustion. I can honestly say I've never heard him
> say anything worth listening to.....Since my cable package dropped MSNBC I
> now say I never listen to him....with the exception of your linked video of
> which proves my original point.
> Concerning the topic of your video..... as I mentioned in a earlier post if
> I may quote myself
> http://www.timesleader.com/news/breakingnews/Secret_Service_says_Kill_him_allegation_unfounded_.html
> Even worse....it was either the over active imagination or a outright
> invention/lie from the original reporter. The numerous on the scene secret
> service agents whom respond to "kill chants" very seriously did not hear it
> nor did anyone else that was interviewed. When certain large segments of the
> media forgo any semblance of ethical standards in support of electing their
> guy ....many so called news stories are simply bunk. Rod
One should not when sober ever listen to O'Reilly or Hannity
......although they are quite typical of many on the right....truth be
damned let me screech at you until you crumble from exhaustion. I can
honestly say I've never heard them say anything worth listening
to.....Since anyone with a brain dropped FOX I now say I never listen to
them....with the exception of any video of which proves my original point.