
patriarch <[email protected]>

13/11/2004 12:07 AM

Rubbing Waterlox

OK, experts. It's not on the can, or if it is, the type is smaller than I
can read anymore. Four coats of Waterlox Original, Medium sheen, brushed
and padded onto filled, stained red oak. Looks pretty decent, seeing as it
isn't cherry, or maple, or walnut, or mahogany, or honey locust.

How long do I wait before waxing with Briwax or similar? Or is there
another qualifier/test this should pass, if not time? The table is sitting
in my den, because I'm rearranging the garage/shop/studio/garbage dump.

By the way, I'll use this Waterlox stuff again. It seems to be exactly the
proper finishing method for the easily distracted woodworker. ;-)


This topic has 2 replies



in reply to patriarch <[email protected]> on 13/11/2004 12:07 AM

13/11/2004 7:43 AM

Great stuff, isn't it. Wait a week.


"patriarch [email protected]>" <<patriarch> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> OK, experts. It's not on the can, or if it is, the type is smaller than I
> can read anymore. Four coats of Waterlox Original, Medium sheen, brushed
> and padded onto filled, stained red oak. Looks pretty decent, seeing as
> isn't cherry, or maple, or walnut, or mahogany, or honey locust.
> How long do I wait before waxing with Briwax or similar? Or is there
> another qualifier/test this should pass, if not time? The table is
> in my den, because I'm rearranging the garage/shop/studio/garbage dump.
> By the way, I'll use this Waterlox stuff again. It seems to be exactly
> proper finishing method for the easily distracted woodworker. ;-)
> Patriarch


Larry Jaques

in reply to patriarch <[email protected]> on 13/11/2004 12:07 AM

13/11/2004 6:40 AM

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 00:07:18 GMT, patriarch
<<patriarch>[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>OK, experts. It's not on the can, or if it is, the type is smaller than I
>can read anymore. Four coats of Waterlox Original, Medium sheen, brushed
>and padded onto filled, stained red oak. Looks pretty decent, seeing as it
>isn't cherry, or maple, or walnut, or mahogany, or honey locust.

Paint would have been just as easy. It'd have covered that stain, too.
BTW, HF has magnifier headsets for $5, Gramps. DAMHIKT

And don't forget the hardcapped knee pads for $3.49, the 16" aloonimum
dustpan for $6.99, the headlamps at $1.27 each (GET TEN! They're
really, really handy.)

>How long do I wait before waxing with Briwax or similar? Or is there
>another qualifier/test this should pass, if not time? The table is sitting
>in my den, because I'm rearranging the garage/shop/studio/garbage dump.

I'd wait at least a week. Take it in the house after 24-36 hours, use
it after another 24, wax it a week later. The warmer home will help it
finish hardening. I degloss and wax (Johnson's paste) at the same time
with Liberon 0000 steel wool. (Another great product.)

>By the way, I'll use this Waterlox stuff again. It seems to be exactly the
>proper finishing method for the easily distracted woodworker. ;-)

Right, the stuff is easy to apply (rag on, Grasshoppah), easy to level
or denib (2 swipes with 320/400 grit, 2 with a clean towel), and easy
to degloss/wax (1 minute with-grain strokes on, 1 minute WGS off,
Grasshoppah). A note of caution if brushing: It dries quickly so warm
the can of finish in the sink in a bowl of hot water to make sure it's
thin (I wouldn't thin it directly) and warm the wood it goes on so it
stays thing. Apply like that poly crap: don't overbrush. (or it'll
leave non-leveling ridges. DAMHIKT (I _always_ rag on now.)

The stuff is absolutely amazing. It goes on as easily as straight oil,
pops the grain like nothing else, hardens against moisture like that
P-word stuff, and touches up so easily. What more could you ask for?
2-3 coats leaves the wood feeling like WOOD: warm and inviting.

Try this with the P-word stuff: Shake vigorously, then apply at once.
No bubbles!

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