LOVE Europe HATE the EU

02/11/2008 3:24 PM

Global White Population Set to Drop from 17% to 9%. Are You ready for Change?

As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will
plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water mark of
27.98% in 1950.

Using 2010 as the base reference, the big gainer in the population
derby will be blacks or sub-Sahara Africans. This group will expand
almost 133% to 2.7 billion by 2060. By the middle of this century
blacks will represent 25.38% of world population, which is up
dramatically from the 8.97% they recorded in 1950.

The big population story of the 21st Century is shaping up to be the
status reversal of whites and blacks and the Indian baby boom. A side
bar will be the single digit minority role that whites will assume. Of
the 7 population groups studied, only whites are projected to sustain
an absolute decline in numbers.

In 1950 whites and blacks were respectively 27.98% and 8.97% of world
population. By 2060 these figures will almost reverse as blacks surge
to 25.38% and whites shrink to 9.76%. From 2010 the white population
will decline while blacks will add 1.2 billion to their numbers. In
this time frame the the Indian subcontinent will gain 1.2 billion
people. These groups and their governments will be looking for elbow
room, and the diminished presence of whites in Europe, and especially
in the relatively wide open spaces North America, will provide such an
opportunity. Specifically, countries like Canada, the United States,
Argentina, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia can expect to be
pressured to accept collectively hundreds of millions of refugees from
India, and sub-Sahara Africa.

