The misses wanted some bookcases made up so with the "new project new tool"
rule in mind I carefully explained how this project could be well done with
plywood and dado joints & a rabbet or two. My wife (a keeper) says sounds
good lets get the material and whatever tool you need to do it:)... My
table saw (Rockwell/Delta 9") rips a nice 2 x 4 but its not up for a dado
blade, underpowered & too much vibration. Since I have no room for a new
table saw I went for a router,got a bosch 2.25 hp w/ speed control and 2
bases and some basic bits. We went home and cut some dados and she starts
sneezing from the dust and suggests I do something about it. I have up till
now used a broom and dust pan for my DC efforts, putting off the real thing
until I build a shop, but now I have the OK so after some online searching
I'm thinking I'll get a Jet w/canister 2hp. Well I go into my local hardware
for a router bit and find a ShopFox 1.5 hp DC sitting there ...It leaves
with me($179 later) I get it home plug it in and it works great. To make it
work better I got a filter canister from Wynn environmental and got rid of
the 30 micron bags. The filter kit works great took about 10 min to install
and the company was great to deal with. The bookcases are coming together
nicely and the shop is cleaner then ever.
Anyway I thought this was a skill full application of new project new tool
and worth repeating.