"Mike S."

24/07/2004 10:11 AM

OT Warning the bin laden suicide link is a virus

I read the following at CNN's site a few min. ago.

SEATTLE, Washington (Reuters) -- A virus purporting to show images of Osama
Bin Laden's suicide has popped up on the Internet, designed to entice
recipients to open a file that unleashes malicious software code, security
experts said.

The virus was attached to a message that was posted on over 30,000 usenet
newsgroups and is not being spread via e-mail, said Web security vendor
Sophos on Friday.

Chris Kraft, senior security analyst at Sophos, said the message and virus
was designed to lure unsuspecting readers into opening a file, similar to
the Anna Kournikova virus that enticed readers to open a file that unleashed
malicious software code.

"If you don't know the person or the origin of a message, you shouldn't be
opening it," Kraft said.

The fake Bin Laden suicide file, when opened, unleashes a program called a
Trojan horse that makes it possible for attackers to take over infected
personal computers running Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system.

Kraft said the virus itself had already appeared on the Internet before, but
the virus writer had apparently repackaged it by saying it contained Bin
Laden's suicide photos.

Mike S.
[email protected]

This topic has 4 replies


Dave Hinz

in reply to "Mike S." on 24/07/2004 10:11 AM

25/07/2004 2:08 AM

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 23:30:26 GMT, Tim and Stephanie <[email protected]> wrote:
> lists McAfee for as little as $6.50, and Norton for as
> little as $8.99.
> Antivirus is cheap.

That's _significantly_ below retail, and I'd be wary of those
vendors. By the way, pricewatch just indexes sellers' websites,
it doesn't sell anything itself.

> Stupid, well, that can be very expensive.

You bet. If you choose to run Windows with all of it's vulnerabilities,
buy an antivirus, use it, keep it up to date, and run the windows
updates. Almost all of these exploits attack things which have
already been fixed, but people are behind on doing the updates
so they get them.


[email protected] (Fred the Red Shirt)

in reply to "Mike S." on 24/07/2004 10:11 AM

27/07/2004 10:34 PM

Uh huh.

'Naked pictures of Brittany Spears' is a virus too.




[email protected] (Fred the Red Shirt)

in reply to "Mike S." on 24/07/2004 10:11 AM

27/07/2004 11:05 PM

Uh huh.

'Naked pictures of Brittany Spears' is a virus too.




"Tim and Stephanie"

in reply to "Mike S." on 24/07/2004 10:11 AM

24/07/2004 11:30 PM

Well, Duh!

Anyone who:

a) doesn't have antivirus protection


b) opens _anything_ from an unknown or unreputable source

gets what they deserve. lists McAfee for as little as $6.50, and Norton for as
little as $8.99.
Antivirus is cheap.

Stupid, well, that can be very expensive.

"Mike S." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I read the following at CNN's site a few min. ago.
> SEATTLE, Washington (Reuters) -- A virus purporting to show images of
> Bin Laden's suicide has popped up on the Internet, designed to entice
> recipients to open a file that unleashes malicious software code, security
> experts said.

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