A little bit ago I posted on buying books on eBay and some of the
problems. This is kinda a continuation of this post. And, while I'm
thinking of it, don't copy this whole post if you're going to reply.
It's likely to be a bit long, and you just don't need to post it all
again. If you don't know how to snip, then learn.
The seller I feel is unethical in his subject listings had a couple
of books I was interested in. The first, at first glance was about
building model steam boats. Upon looking deeper into the description, I
fially figured out the actual book title, which turned out to be Model
Marine Steam. I've been interested in steam for way over 30 years, and
thought it would be neat to see how these boats were made.
I got a copy of the book from one of the n-line booksellers, for
about half what the eBay guy was asking for initial bid, my price
included shipping. Turned out, the book had absolutely nothing about
actually building boats. It did have about 3 pictures of some nice
boats, and a sketch or two of boats, but nothing useful on building one.
However, it did have a treasure of plans for making different types of
steam engines, accessories, and even a reversing transmission. To me
it's more than worth the cost I paid, even if it's just for
entertainment value.
The second book supposedly was about making a working miniature
steam roller. Again, finally sorted out the actual title, Steam &
Stirling Engines You Can Build Book 2. Researched the contents as well
as I could, was interested, so again bot a copy for about half,
including postage, from an on-line seller, than what the eBay guy was
asking for an opening bid.
This one does have some info on making flywheels out of wood, but
even slicker, it has plans for a working "steam" engine, that is
actually designed to run on air rather than steam. So, for the "too
tight" people, there's your wood connection.
As for the model steam roller. Yes, it is in the book. But as far
as actual plans for making one, forget it. It does have a "plan" for a
steam engine that can be used in it - but it's not the one used in the
original. There are several photos of the steam roller, and a pretty
fair decription, but in no way a plan - if you want one, you've pretty
much got to wing it.
However, the book impressed me enough that I orderd a copy of the
first book, again from an on-line seller. Both of these used.
I'm very biased from the eBay seller, because I dealt with him once
before. Supposedly he was set up to take PayPal. Well, it didn't work.
Took me acouple of weeks to get payment out, and not by PayPal. Then
the item I got wsn't "quite" what I'd been led to expect. Then he
wouldn't reply to e-mails, then it was because of his assistant, and so
on. I feel the person is very unethical, and refuse to deal with him
again. I'd name him, but he could be reformed now - and pigs could
learn to fly if you dropped enough of them.
But the guy is still of some use, he does come up some stuff I'm
interested in - once I figure out what the actual title is anyway - but
at about twice the pric you can find it elsewhere.
If you're interested in model boats, you might want to track down a
copy of Model Marine Steam - a new paperback copy should be about $20,
post included. I own a copy, no other connection. It has zip on boats,
but a load of stuff on model marine steam, including engine plans,
reversing, making boilers, etc. One really neat thing about steam, you
can scale an engine down, or up, without much problem. You can make one
as simple, or as complex, as you want. Making a working internal
combustion engine, even one cylinder, is very comple and requires some
precise tools. You can make a simple working steam engine with just
hand tools. Neat.
Definitely be cool to make my own boat, with a complete steam plant
also made by me. None of this toy boat stuff, about 20' or so.
Hopefully one day.
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will
acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
- Johann Von Schiller
[email protected] (J T) wrote:
> If you're interested in model boats, you might want to track down a
> copy of Model Marine Steam - a new paperback copy should be about $20,
> post included. I own a copy, no other connection. It has zip on boats,
> but a load of stuff on model marine steam, including engine plans,
> reversing, making boilers, etc.
This sounds like it might be a MAP publication out of the UK and, for the
UK, accurately describes the book. They also had a number of Boat Building
books (models). It's that old "separated by a common language" bit again.
Sun, Feb 4, 2007, 3:44am (EST+5) [email protected]
(Lobby=A0Dosser) doth guesseth:
This sounds like it might be a MAP publication out of the UK and, for
the UK, accurately describes the book. They also had a number of Boat
Building books (models). It's that old "separated by a common language"
bit again.
Nope. I've got several of those fro years ago, and I think they're
great, but I think this is even better. I have no problem understanding
any of them. This is from Special Interest Model Books Ltd, in the
U.K.. Slick 8x10 1/2" paperback, with a nice color cover,
I've bought a number of books within the last week or so and I
don't recall who I bought this one from. All I know for sure is I went
thru one of the on-line seller links, probably this one, but as it was
more than 24 hours ago I can't guarantee that.
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will
acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
- Johann Von Schiller
[email protected] (J T) wrote:
> Nope. I've got several of those fro years ago, and I think they're
> great, but I think this is even better. I have no problem understanding
> any of them. This is from Special Interest Model Books Ltd, in the
> U.K.. Slick 8x10 1/2" paperback, with a nice color cover,
> http://www.specialinterestmodelbooks.co.uk
That outfit started as MAP.
Sun, Feb 4, 2007, 8:36am (EST+5) [email protected]
(Lobby=A0Dosser) doth sayeth:
That outfit started as MAP.
In that case, they've gotten even better.
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will
acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
- Johann Von Schiller