Yes it's a great old Cole Porter tune (check out the Billie Holiday
version - ya won't regret it) but, in the regard of wooddorking it can
only mean that tools are being disposed of.
Some dude drove all the way down from Connecticut yesterday to buy my
Delta Line Borer. I guess I priced that thing too low.
I've been listing the tools for sale, one at a time, on Woodweb. I
guess because I'm more of a "death by a thousand cuts' fan, than a
"why don't I rip my heart out all at once" sorta fella.
Now I face a tossup between selling the Grizz 8" jointer (with the
spiffy HTC mobile base), or the Delta 14" Bandsaur ( with riser block
and it's own spiffy HTC mobile base), or the Jet 1236 Lathe (this one
has a Jet mobile base - so it's color coordinated).
Sophie's Choice?
Nah. Just part of my continuing migration to the Elysian Fields of
Ya'll have an opportunity to grab this good stuff before it hits the
hongry maw of Woodweb.
But ya don't have long.
Till 'bout Wednesday, I figger.
Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 01:55:27 GMT, "Mike Hide" <[email protected]>
>Hey that must be some soup,brand new ones are $87.....mjh
Yeah but this one comes with a can of Progresso Chicken Noodle.
Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
Will you be selling the workbench? I suspect not. How about the table saw? I
am just around the corner from you.
"Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yes it's a great old Cole Porter tune (check out the Billie Holiday
> version - ya won't regret it) but, in the regard of wooddorking it can
> only mean that tools are being disposed of.
> Some dude drove all the way down from Connecticut yesterday to buy my
> Delta Line Borer. I guess I priced that thing too low.
> I've been listing the tools for sale, one at a time, on Woodweb. I
> guess because I'm more of a "death by a thousand cuts' fan, than a
> "why don't I rip my heart out all at once" sorta fella.
> Now I face a tossup between selling the Grizz 8" jointer (with the
> spiffy HTC mobile base), or the Delta 14" Bandsaur ( with riser block
> and it's own spiffy HTC mobile base), or the Jet 1236 Lathe (this one
> has a Jet mobile base - so it's color coordinated).
> Sophie's Choice?
> Nah. Just part of my continuing migration to the Elysian Fields of
> NeanderBubbaism.
> Ya'll have an opportunity to grab this good stuff before it hits the
> hongry maw of Woodweb.
> But ya don't have long.
> Till 'bout Wednesday, I figger.
> Regards,
> Tom.
> Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
> tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
O.K, Tommy boy,
I'll bite. One cheap-skate to another . . . how much for the Grizz 8 incher?
And don't give me that 'Stormy Weather' routine, either.
It should go well with my still-in-the-box 'portable' planer.
More importantly, what's the real reason for the 'disposable sale' ? When I
hear the word 'migration' combined with 'retired', in these circumstances, I
get the feeling that a relocation is in the near future. {'Bubba' Watson
?? - Nah !!}
Drop me a note, off-line. Sounds like we better get together for that
delayed shooting & sailing time we've been talking about.
Ron Magen
Backyard Boatshop
"Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yes it's a great old Cole Porter tune (check out the Billie Holiday
> version - ya won't regret it) but, in the regard of wooddorking it can
> only mean that tools are being disposed of.
> Now I face a tossup between selling the Grizz 8" jointer (with the
> spiffy HTC mobile base)
> Nah. Just part of my continuing migration to the Elysian Fields of
> NeanderBubbaism.
> Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
> tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
How about an one of your electric gluepots. bin up to the northlands of late
twice to Charlotte [ever had crabcake eggs benedict] and once to Rockport
mass. People really do talk funny up there ...regards from Dixie.....mjh
"Brikp" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Will you be selling the workbench? I suspect not. How about the table saw?
> am just around the corner from you.
> Thanks
> "Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Yes it's a great old Cole Porter tune (check out the Billie Holiday
> > version - ya won't regret it) but, in the regard of wooddorking it can
> > only mean that tools are being disposed of.
> >
> > Some dude drove all the way down from Connecticut yesterday to buy my
> > Delta Line Borer. I guess I priced that thing too low.
> >
> > I've been listing the tools for sale, one at a time, on Woodweb. I
> > guess because I'm more of a "death by a thousand cuts' fan, than a
> > "why don't I rip my heart out all at once" sorta fella.
> >
> > Now I face a tossup between selling the Grizz 8" jointer (with the
> > spiffy HTC mobile base), or the Delta 14" Bandsaur ( with riser block
> > and it's own spiffy HTC mobile base), or the Jet 1236 Lathe (this one
> > has a Jet mobile base - so it's color coordinated).
> >
> > Sophie's Choice?
> >
> > Nah. Just part of my continuing migration to the Elysian Fields of
> > NeanderBubbaism.
> >
> > Ya'll have an opportunity to grab this good stuff before it hits the
> > hongry maw of Woodweb.
> >
> > But ya don't have long.
> >
> > Till 'bout Wednesday, I figger.
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Tom.
> >
> > Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
> > tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
> >
"Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Now I face a tossup between selling the Grizz 8" jointer (with the
> spiffy HTC mobile base), or the Delta 14" Bandsaur ( with riser block
> and it's own spiffy HTC mobile base), or the Jet 1236 Lathe (this one
> has a Jet mobile base - so it's color coordinated).
Great! Now you tell us about the Delta 14" Bandsaur! Grandson is here today
to help me finish assembling the G0555 Griz I picked up in Williamsport on
Friday.(Including riser kit & Shop Fox mobile base)
'S alright though Tom. It's wonderful to be able to have a "brand new" toy
along with all the used stuff.
The law of intelligent tinkering: save all the parts.
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Hey that must be some soup,brand new ones are $87.....mjh
"Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 19:02:02 GMT, "Mike Hide" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> >How about an one of your electric gluepots. bin up to the northlands of
> >twice to Charlotte [ever had crabcake eggs benedict] and once to Rockport
> >mass. People really do talk funny up there ...regards from Dixie.....mjh
> Got an electric glue pot for sale for $80.00.
> Heats up soup good in the shop, too.
> Regards,
> Tom.
> Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
> tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 19:02:02 GMT, "Mike Hide" <[email protected]>
>How about an one of your electric gluepots. bin up to the northlands of late
>twice to Charlotte [ever had crabcake eggs benedict] and once to Rockport
>mass. People really do talk funny up there ...regards from Dixie.....mjh
Got an electric glue pot for sale for $80.00.
Heats up soup good in the shop, too.
Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 01:02:25 GMT, "Ron Magen" <[email protected]> wrote:
>O.K, Tommy boy,
>I'll bite. One cheap-skate to another . . . how much for the Grizz 8 incher?
>And don't give me that 'Stormy Weather' routine, either.
$525.00, with the mobile base and an unused set of replacement knives.
The manuals and other docs are included.
Pick up only.
You might be interested in some clamps, too. I haven't gotten that
far along yet but I'll be getting rid of at least half of them.
Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
Tom Watson writes:
>You might be interested in some clamps, too. I haven't gotten that
>far along yet but I'll be getting rid of at least half of them.
Don't DO that! I've just gotten to the stage where I am in sore need for a
clamp storage system. But first, I need a wood storage system. But before that,
I need to finish moving into the shop.
Of course, the latter would be easier if I didn't have plywood and oak and
cherry all around the shop, where I am also tripping over clamps.
Charlie Self
"It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from
H. L. Mencken