Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
2008 Democratic National Convention Schedule
7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning.
7:15 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations.
7:30 PM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:30 - 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship: Jessie Jackson and Al
8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:05 P.M Ceremonial tree hugging.
8:15- 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding: Barney Frank, presiding.
8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally: Cindy Sheehan, Susan Sarandon.
9:00 P.M. Keynote speech: "The Proper Etiquette for Surrender", French
President Jacques Chirac.
9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama Bin Laden Kidney Transplant Fund.
9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from Guantanamo Bay:
Sean Penn.
9:40 P.M. Why I hate and avoided the Military: A short talk by William
Jefferson Clinton.
9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
9:50 P.M. Dan Rather receives "Truth in Broadcasting" award, presented
by Michael Moore.
9:55 P.M., Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
10:00 P.M. Presentation: "How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brought down
the World Trade Center Towers", by Howard Dean.
10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton for President by Mahmud
11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents the Internet.
11:15 P.M. "Our Troops are War Criminals", presented by John Kerry.
11:30 P.M Coronation of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
12:00 AM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
12:05 A.M Bill asks Ted to drive Hillary home.
I can hardly wait!
On Dec 4, 11:22 am, "George" <[email protected]> wrote:
What pages did you copy that from? Oh wait. the pages are busy...
Don't move into a glass house, George.
LRod, I don't approve of OT messages, either (even if I agree with
them). However, in George's defense, he did say it was "OT" in the
title. Plus, I don't see you complining about the other OT's today. Do
you just pick the ones you don't like?
LRod wrote:
> On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:22:58 GMT, "George" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
> So, it's more important to you to pass on something you consider
> amusing to a bunch of people who may not, despite the fact that some
> of them, as fellow woodworkers, may have thought you a knowledgable
> fellow, with something worth sharing promised by your presence, than
> to exercise common prudence and leave such commonly understood
> volatile topics as religion and politics out of regular discourse
> among same.
> That tells me all I need to know about your character. That knowledge
> about your character colors anything, however founded in knowledge,
> practice, or experience, you might have to offer about woodworking.
> Yeah, I'm that judgemental. Hey, just like you!
> --
> LRod
> Master Woodbutcher and seasoned termite
> Shamelessly whoring my website since 1999
> http://www.woodbutcher.net
> Proud participant of rec.woodworking since February, 1997
> email addy de-spam-ified due to 1,000 spams per month.
> If you can't figure out how to use it, I probably wouldn't
> care to correspond with you anyway.
George wrote:
> Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
> 2008 Democratic National Convention Schedule
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning.
> 7:15 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations.
> 7:30 PM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 7:30 - 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship: Jessie Jackson and Al
> Sharpton.
> 8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 8:05 P.M Ceremonial tree hugging.
> 8:15- 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding: Barney Frank, presiding.
> 8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally: Cindy Sheehan, Susan Sarandon.
> 9:00 P.M. Keynote speech: "The Proper Etiquette for Surrender", French
> President Jacques Chirac.
> 9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama Bin Laden Kidney Transplant Fund.
> 9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from Guantanamo Bay:
> Sean Penn.
> 9:40 P.M. Why I hate and avoided the Military: A short talk by William
> Jefferson Clinton.
> 9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 9:50 P.M. Dan Rather receives "Truth in Broadcasting" award, presented
> by Michael Moore.
> 9:55 P.M., Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 10:00 P.M. Presentation: "How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brought down
> the World Trade Center Towers", by Howard Dean.
> 10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton for President by Mahmud
> Ahnadinejad.
> 11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents the Internet.
> 11:15 P.M. "Our Troops are War Criminals", presented by John Kerry.
> 11:30 P.M Coronation of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
> 12:00 AM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 12:05 A.M Bill asks Ted to drive Hillary home.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I can hardly wait!
George wrote:
> Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
> 2008 Democratic National Convention Schedule
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Funny I got this at the same time ;-)
2008 Republican National Convention Schedule
7:00 P.M. Opening constitution burning.
7:15 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance to Chevron.
7:30 PM. George W Bush proposes a toast.
7:30 - 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship: Rev Ted Haggard
8:00 P.M. George W Bush proposes a toast.
8:05 P.M Ceremonial oil spilling.
8:15- 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding: Mark Foley, presiding.
8:30 P.M. George W Bush proposes a toast.
9:00 P.M. Keynote speech: "The Proper Etiquette for Defeat",
Donald Rumsfeld
9:15 P.M. George W Bush proposes a toast.
9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Terry Schiavo Brain Transplant Fund.
9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to spy on US Citizens: Alberto Gonzales.
9:40 P.M. Why I hate and avoided the Military: A short talk by
George W Bush
9:45 P.M. George W Bush proposes a toast.
9:50 P.M. Fox News receives "Truth in Broadcasting" award,
by Ann Coulter.
9:55 P.M., George W Bush proposes a toast.
10:00 P.M. Presentation: "How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brought
the World Trade Center Towers", by Howard Dean.
10:30 P.M. Nomination of Condoleeza Rice for President by the House of
11:00 P.M. George W Bush proposes a toast.
11:05 P.M. Ted Stevens internet primer 'It's a Series of Tubes'
11:15 P.M. "Snapshots from Iraq", presented by Lyndie England.
11:30 P.M Coronation of Condoleeza Rice
12:00 AM. George W Bush proposes a toast.
12:05 A.M Hillary asks George to drive Bill home.
I about fell out of my chair laughing at that one. I still remember
spewing coffee on this blast:
Rob offers his apologies.
Messages 1 - 25 of 279 in topic - view as tree Newer =BB
From: Robatoy - view profile
Date: Mon, Oct 2 2006 9:06 pm
Email: "Robatoy" <[email protected]>
Groups: rec.woodworking
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I am sorry. This may not have been the platform to point out that
fuckwit Bush is the dirtiest/nastiest piece of shit to wander the face
of the planet....but I digress.
Surely George's OT post with an embedded apology isn't as offensive to
some as calling the President a fuckwit.... or the dirtiest/nastiest
piece of shit to wander the earth.
Are you getting ready to blast us again for his OT? I am no fan of
George, but surely he can put something up as benign as his post
without a thinly veiled warning/threat being posted.
Aren't Canadians supposed to be a gentle, intelligent, thoughtful
people? But I say too, blast away if you feel like it. It was marked
OT. So many times the prevailing logic around here has just been "if
you don't like it, don't read it."
Liked the glass house reference a lot though... got a good chuckle.
heh heh... he said fuckwit...
2008 Republican National Convention Schedule
6:00 PM Opening Prayer, led by the Rev. Jerry Falwell
6:30 PM Pledge of Allegiance
6:35 PM Burning of Bill of Rights (excluding 2nd amendment)
6:45 PM Salute to the Coalition of the Willing
6:46 PM Seminar #1: Getting your kid a military deferment
7:30 PM First Presidential Beer Bong
7:35 PM Serve Freedom Fries
7:40 PM EPA Address #1: Mercury, it's what's for dinner
8:00 PM Vote on which country to invade next
8:10 PM Call EMTs to revive Rush Limbaugh
8:15 PM John Ashcroft Lecture: The Homos are after your children
8:30 PM Roundtable discussion on reproductive rights (MEN only)
8:50 PM Seminar #2: Corporations: the government of the future
9:00 PM Condi Rice sings "I Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man"
9:05 PM Second Presidential Beer Bong
9:10 PM EPA Address #2 Trees: the real cause of forest fires
9:30 PM Break for secret meetings
10:00 PM Second prayer, led by Cal Thomas
10:15 PM Lecture by Karl Rove: Doublespeak made easy
10:30 PM Rumsfeld demonstration: How to squint and talk macho
10:35 PM Bush demonstration of trademark deer-in-headlights stare
10:40 PM John Ashcroft demonstrates new mandatory Kevlar chastity belt
10:45 PM Clarence Thomas reads list of black Republicans
10:46 PM Third Presidential Beer Bong
10:50 PM Seminar #3: Education: a drain on our nation's economy
11:10 PM Hilary Clinton Pinata
11:20 PM Second John Ashcroft Lecture: Evolutionists: the dangerous new
11:30 PM Call EMTs to revive Rush Limbaugh again
11:35 PM Blame Clinton
11:40 PM Laura serves milk and cookies
11:50 PM Closing Prayer, led by Jesus Himself
12:00 AM Nomination of George W. Bush as Holy Supreme Planetary Overlord
C'mon guys... this thread is falling apart. The longest, most well
followed and venemous threads this group EVER has anymore are the ones
that delve into politics.
Where is the hate? Where is the vitriol? Where is the screaming of
quoted/misquoated/skewed facts that prove the most pedantic of points?
Where is the self righteous indignation? You know both sides here have
taken uncalled for liberties with each other's cherished and (most
importantly) >correct< political beliefs. You can't let those jerkwads
that don't agree with you get away with that kind of crap, can you?
No name calling, humiliation, snubbing (for the beginners, not the
pros) or threats of violence? Has this group lost its way? I'm not
sure any of the regular quitters (some here have said tearful farewells
to this cruel group at least twice because of undue cruelty) are even
in this.... maybe they won't even quit again....
I have seen more hate expressed over Home Depot having the wrong kind
of employees or lack of quality wood. Even Norm and his brad gun used
to get more burning hate than this thread is showing now.
What's going on? FIGHT! FIGHT ! FIGHT! Think Monty Python here....
"Come on, you pansies!"
I am hoping if this thread picks up some steam and really hits the ball
over the fence in the next few days, and then maybe it will be peaceful
around here at Christmas (yes, I used Christ in a word, so that's OK)
Elrond Hubbard wrote:
> Mark, Juanita, and Doug Miller are off-line tonight.
Well, damn.
But you know in the past so many have quickly stepped up to bare their
souls and carry the flag for their respective camps. Those mentioned
above can't be the only standard bearers for all things righteous and
I KNOW there is a lot more frustrated anger and hate here in this group
than is coming out. Too many here are way to thin skinned to let this
kind of thread go away. But so far the only foul language we even have
here so far is on an old quote from a thread six weeks or so ago.
I know some of you guys are itching to let it out... you guys know who
you are... you can do it... roll out the cannons and start beating the
crap out of each other.
C'mon.... do it for the newbies. They may not have seen how this works
here. Someone needs to do us all proud, and teach the new guys the
ropes of participation.
Robatoy wrote:
> Threadjack!!
> Back to woodworking:
> I'm going to cut me down a nice tree for christmas. I'll use my
> favourite ax. The republican ax. You know the kind... the two-faced
> one?
> Bwahahahahahaha..
> *groan*
> I'm trying, nailshooter..really trying...btw, are jerkwads anything
> like fuckwits?
Boooooo! An almost stealth attempt to go another direction...
You did get me with the first 4 sentences.... then a bad political
Sigh... I want some blood, people with veins in their teeth, not just
bad jokes.
> I'm trying, nailshooter..really trying...btw, are jerkwads anything
> like fuckwits?
Don't know what you are trying, but help me out here if it pertains to
this subject as this thread is losing steam fast. We won't get out
most if the venom before Christmas if we don't start now.
As for the second part - a jerkwad is actually self explanatory. Not
sure about a fuckwit - must be derogatory since it has "fuck" in it,
but I am unsure of its actual meaning. In context, it sounds kinda
ugly, though.
OT here...
BTW, did you see the post I put up on the small circular saws you
commented on earlier?
On Dec 4, 9:43 pm, [email protected] wrote:
> BTW, did you see the post I put up on the small circular saws you
> commented on earlier?
I did.. thank you. I'll have me one of those Morris saws. You know this
will now always be referred to as a Morris saw. I wonder what kind of
blades I can get for it.
In another forum where I get my yuks, there's a type of person called
asstard. Go figgur.
Jerkwad, fuckwit, asstard.
What will they think of next.
Morris Dovey wrote:
[snipped for brevity]
Live and learn. Why does it always have to do so much damage?
> And our biggest problem - that of being the last superpower standing -
> we haven't even begun to deal with.
Superpower? On what front? Bombs and cruise missles?
Superpower on the global economic front?
Superpower on the global energy front?
There are some very powerful global chess moves being made by Russia
and China while the world is busy watching the crazyness in The Middle
Rome used to be a superpower. Now you can't get parts for a Fiat.
Morris Dovey wrote:
> Slow down, nailshooter, or you'll get left behind. Dig out a copy of
> "Turn, Turn, Turn" and take a listen.
Actually, for me it is The Youngbloods, "Let's Get Together".
> We've had enough polarization - and IMO, it's time to acknowledge that
> allowing the politicians (of any and all persuasions) to abandon the
> middle ground was a mistake worth laughing at. It may be the most
> healthy thing we can do.
I agree. But if you laugh at an issue and someone hears you that is on
the other side, they no longer see the humor. It's time to get it on.
Rarely is this seen more often than in American politics. And what
bewilders me more than any other aspect of that is how vigorous and
blindly both sides of the political system (sorry, it boils down to
Dems and Reps, like it or not, so no screaming from alternative parties
- your time hasn't come) defend their pointless rhetoric. And in this
group that defense has gone from simple sticking out of each other's
tongues, to snotty and sarcasic commentary, to threats. People use
language and tone to bash each other here that they would never use if
faced in person with the individual they are burning alive over their
diffences. I work in an all male industry... remarks made here from
the safety and anonyminity of a monitor and keyboard would result in a
loss of teeth... not because of disagreement on issues, but on the
completely disrespectful tone used.
To me it is more than profoundly stupid to defend any of the mongrels
we have in politics today. Both parties carry the stench of greed,
lies, and self serving agendas wherever they go and whatever they do.
They don't care about any of us; and it is amazing to me that anyone
thinks their respective "representatives" might. How childishly naive
can they be? There is no difference in the parties we have at all.
Not one bit; anyone that keeps up with the news at all can say that one
group is worse or better than the other. Politicians (except of couse,
the one you like) dont' care about any of us unless it is time for
fundraising, reelection or face time with the press.
And worse, to use our system of news reporting a source of factual data
is a bigger joke still. Where do we get out "facts"? What makes your
source of facts, the ones used for the frequent acid bath administered
here by those that disagree with each other, the "correct source"? The
worlds's news system is a joke, manipulated by the owners and editors
of that media to sell papers, air time and commercial space. (Still
though, my favorite from Homer , " But Marge... I saw it on the
internet, that means it has to be true..." or with Homer *sobbing*,
"But TV wouldn't lie to me... would it?") But any "fact" that is
convenient is pulled out and used as needed when is taken for
undisputed truth if it serves the cause of angry dispute.
And even worse still, is the fact that all the ugly political threads
here are just running, hateful commentaries populated by playground
style one-upsmanship. Both sides carry the arrogant lack of humility
that has become requisite to particiapation here. Yet, while these
indignant warriors carry their banner highly as long as it is in front
of the computer with a cup of coffee or chatting with their like minded
friends. I don't know (I could be mistaken) of any that go out and do
anything about their highly principled extreme positions. Not even
attending a city council meeting.
Sure it lots of fun to belittle each other here, though. You don't
know the guys here, you won't run into them at the grocery store, a
school function, etc., so you can be the badass you always thought you
were. Bury each other with pointless facts, clever rhetoric, and
sarcasitic sniping until it gets ugly because someone cuts too deep...
then it really starts. Why if you were just there in person, you might
even kick some ass!
What got me going here was the fact that a post was made that was
clearly marked OT, and had in the subject an apology, invoked a thinly
veiled threat. So how thin skinned are we going to get? Are we only
allowed to post a silly throw away attempt at humor if the group
guardians approve it? I do not agree with some of the things posted
here, but how much further does one need to go than to mark it upfront
to keep from getting personally attacked for an attempt at humor? I
don't agree with the many of the OTs posted here, but thankfully they
are marked "OT", and if the content offends me I just don't go back. I
don't feel any need to control this group.
The deviseness of which you speak is no more apparent anywhere than it
is here. My personal posts were to help the normal process of
hysterical screaming and hate mongering along to an immediate crescendo
and thusly (hopefully) a quicker end. In a not to subtle manner, I was
really trying to encourage (or in a perfect world, discourage) another
long, nasty thread. Along the way I was hoping that some of the more
vitriolic of this group would get the hint. So little time is spent on
woodworking here compared to any subject that deals in any negative
So Morris, I'm OK. I agree with you. I am sick of all the fighting.
I'm right there with you on "Turn, Turn, Turn". But sir, we are few
and far between. The art of gentle disagreement is lost. The respect
for another's opinion has been replaced by "I'm right, and since you
dont' agree with me, screw you". No political party will make a
change, it has to come from the people; but that should be for another
I am about as far right conservative on some issues as one can get, and
pretty damn far left on others. Most of my friends are the same way.
We respect each other's opinons and we like to hear updates on matters
that interest us. We have been friends in some cases for more than 30
years, and we choose to honor (or just tolerate) each others opinions
and not speak to harshly on hot topics as we know we never really have
the truth as it is presented.
I'm OK Morris, really. But the hijinks here, essentially a
"woodworking" group, get under my skin on occasion.
"LRod" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:22:58 GMT, "George" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
> So, it's more important to you to pass on something you consider
> amusing to a bunch of people who may not, despite the fact that some
> of them, as fellow woodworkers, may have thought you a knowledgable
> fellow, with something worth sharing promised by your presence, than
> to exercise common prudence and leave such commonly understood
> volatile topics as religion and politics out of regular discourse
> among same.
> That tells me all I need to know about your character. That knowledge
> about your character colors anything, however founded in knowledge,
> practice, or experience, you might have to offer about woodworking.
> Yeah, I'm that judgemental. Hey, just like you!
It was funny. Regardless if you are a repub or dem.
John Flatley wrote:
> Cliché: Many a truth has been disguised as humor.
> Rule 1 of political discourse: If you disagree with
> someone's position, attack his logic!
> Rule 2 of political discourse: If you can't attack his
> logic, attack his facts!
> Rule 3 of political discourse: If you can't dispute
> his facts or find flaws in his logic, attack him and
> his character!
> John Flatley
> Jacksonville, Florida
Or just skip to Rule 3...
[email protected] wrote:
> 2008 Republican National Convention Schedule
As a member of one of the two parties involved, I found the demo-bashing
version and the repub-bashing version equally funny. Anybody who was
offended by either really needs to get out to the shop and see if they
can build themselves a sense of humor.
Robatoy wrote:
> On Dec 4, 9:43 pm, [email protected] wrote:
>> BTW, did you see the post I put up on the small circular saws you
>> commented on earlier?
> I did.. thank you. I'll have me one of those Morris saws. You know this
> will now always be referred to as a Morris saw. I wonder what kind of
> blades I can get for it.
> In another forum where I get my yuks, there's a type of person called
> asstard. Go figgur.
> Jerkwad, fuckwit, asstard.
> What will they think of next.
> r
Pus for brains.
Not as scatological as the usual terms, but sufficiently evocative to
sound derogatory. Should also fly under the FCC radar.
Morris Dovey wrote:
> Seize the day!
Just be careful which end you grab.
I ran into an observation regarding political correctness the other day
that I think has wider use. It's a little vulgar, but I think that helps
the illustration so I'll relay the vulgarity, too.
It was stated that PC is based on the assumption that you can throw a
turd by the clean end. (or words to that net effect).
Arguments about politics seem to me to make a similar error in assuming
that politics is the source of the answers to our problems when the
historical evidence might suggest that it is, instead, the source of the
problems themselves.
Just food for thought and my perspective on the whole plate of
spaghetti. The topic is, of course, open for debate, but I won't join in it.
Henry St.Pierre wrote:
> Why don't you try to be clever, at least a little bit?
He did. This is what he came up with.
We should all be obliged to appear before a board every five years and
justify our existence...on pain of liquidation.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0655-1, 12/08/2006
Tested on: 12/11/2006 12:24:59 AM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2006 ALWIL Software.
Funny, the rest of the country seemed to think that the Democrats had
something to offer this country that the Republicans didn't.
No apologies to anyone.
Old Guy
"George" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
> 2008 Democratic National Convention Schedule
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning.
> 7:15 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations.
> 7:30 PM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 7:30 - 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship: Jessie Jackson and Al
> Sharpton.
> 8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 8:05 P.M Ceremonial tree hugging.
> 8:15- 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding: Barney Frank, presiding.
> 8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally: Cindy Sheehan, Susan Sarandon.
> 9:00 P.M. Keynote speech: "The Proper Etiquette for Surrender", French
> President Jacques Chirac.
> 9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama Bin Laden Kidney Transplant Fund.
> 9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from Guantanamo
> Bay: Sean Penn.
> 9:40 P.M. Why I hate and avoided the Military: A short talk by William
> Jefferson Clinton.
> 9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 9:50 P.M. Dan Rather receives "Truth in Broadcasting" award, presented
> by Michael Moore.
> 9:55 P.M., Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 10:00 P.M. Presentation: "How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brought
> down the World Trade Center Towers", by Howard Dean.
> 10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton for President by Mahmud
> Ahnadinejad.
> 11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents the Internet.
> 11:15 P.M. "Our Troops are War Criminals", presented by John Kerry.
> 11:30 P.M Coronation of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
> 12:00 AM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 12:05 A.M Bill asks Ted to drive Hillary home.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I can hardly wait!
"Old guy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Funny, the rest of the country seemed to think that the Democrats had
> something to offer this country that the Republicans didn't.
> No apologies to anyone.
> Old Guy
You mean the same people who thought Republicans offered something Democrats
didn't a couple of years ago?
[email protected] (in
[email protected]) said:
| I know some of you guys are itching to let it out... you guys know
| who you are... you can do it... roll out the cannons and start
| beating the crap out of each other.
| C'mon.... do it for the newbies. They may not have seen how this
| works here. Someone needs to do us all proud, and teach the new
| guys the ropes of participation.
Slow down, nailshooter, or you'll get left behind. Dig out a copy of
"Turn, Turn, Turn" and take a listen.
The "time to tear down" is turning into a "time to build up" - with a
considerable amount of uncertainty because we aren't quite sure how to
go about doing that...
It /is/ the American way, you know, to publicly confess our mistakes
in humorous terms. I think it's through laughter that we recover from
some of the most grim situations we face in life - as if the laughter
helps to restore our sense of balance.
We've had enough polarization - and IMO, it's time to acknowledge that
allowing the politicians (of any and all persuasions) to abandon the
middle ground was a mistake worth laughing at. It may be the most
healthy thing we can do.
The problems we've been given - and the problems we've created - won't
be solved this month. It'll take quite a while just to catalog.
And our biggest problem - that of being the last superpower standing -
we haven't even begun to deal with.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
Robatoy (in [email protected])
| Morris Dovey wrote:
| [snipped for brevity]
| Live and learn. Why does it always have to do so much damage?
Good question. Perhaps because we're (we being humans) so reluctant to
admit to making mistakes; and so don't learn from them - and perhaps
because we too often do something that we recognize as a mistake when
done by someone else; but expect that the results will be different
/this/ time...
|| And our biggest problem - that of being the last superpower
|| standing - we haven't even begun to deal with.
| Superpower? On what front? Bombs and cruise missles?
Yes. Whether we like it or not, they're real and present - but don't
limit yourself to them. The US has produced military technology that
allows its armed forces to be deployed more efficiently and
effectively (by far) than any other. I'm of the opinion that this, all
by itself, is a problem for us.
| Superpower on the global economic front?
Yes, this too (still); and we're all aware that, once again, our
greatest strengths can also be our greatest weaknesses.
| Superpower on the global energy front?
Yes, although this is a bit more difficult to see. Our complacency
with regard to supply is lamentable; but our history of successes in
dealing with energy issues actually /is/ significant. Are there
problems to be solved? Of course there are! Will we produce solutions?
I believe we are and will continue to do so. (I'm working on several
pieces of it myself!)
| There are some very powerful global chess moves being made by Russia
| and China while the world is busy watching the crazyness in The
| Middle east.
Well yes - the more things change, the more they're the same. IMO,
it'd help a lot if fewer people slept through history class. The
politicians (everywhere) need to recognize that if one plays
"win/lose" long enough, the end result is inevitably one's loss - and
that if we only play "win/win" then the end result is inevitably
better than a loss. Regrettably, politicians seem to be universally
slow learners...
| Rome used to be a superpower. Now you can't get parts for a Fiat.
I hear you - and yet, by strange coincidence, the sweatshirt that I'm
wearing this morning has two words on the front: "Carpe Diem" - and I
have brand new software for the 'Bot to cut a precision template for a
clamping caul - using a 5 HP industrial spindle without measurable
runout that was manufactured in Milano - because that was the best I
could afford.
As a young lad I visited Italy (traffic was mostly bicycles, Vespas,
and Apes then) and was impressed by how much of ancient Rome remained
for us to learn from. They got a lot of things right - and they got a
lot of things wrong; but I think that, right or wrong, they provided a
lot for those of us who came after to consider in the context and
perspectives of our own time.
Seize the day!
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
[email protected] (in
[email protected]) said:
| Morris Dovey wrote:
|| Slow down, nailshooter, or you'll get left behind. Dig out a copy
|| of "Turn, Turn, Turn" and take a listen.
| Actually, for me it is The Youngbloods, "Let's Get Together".
|| We've had enough polarization - and IMO, it's time to acknowledge
|| that allowing the politicians (of any and all persuasions) to
|| abandon the middle ground was a mistake worth laughing at. It may
|| be the most healthy thing we can do.
| I agree. But if you laugh at an issue and someone hears you that
| is on the other side, they no longer see the humor. It's time to
| get it on.
I guess I'm just getting old - my hide seems to have thickened over
time (dermal sclerosis?) and lacking the energy to fight /all/
battles, I feel the need to remain as accepting of differences of
opinion as I can; and save my energy for the battles where I'm capable
of affecting the outcome.
| Rarely is this seen more often than in American politics. And what
| bewilders me more than any other aspect of that is how vigorous and
| blindly both sides of the political system (sorry, it boils down to
| Dems and Reps, like it or not, so no screaming from alternative
| parties - your time hasn't come) defend their pointless rhetoric.
| And in this group that defense has gone from simple sticking out of
| each other's tongues, to snotty and sarcasic commentary, to
| threats. People use language and tone to bash each other here that
| they would never use if faced in person with the individual they
| are burning alive over their diffences. I work in an all male
| industry... remarks made here from the safety and anonyminity of a
| monitor and keyboard would result in a loss of teeth... not because
| of disagreement on issues, but on the completely disrespectful tone
| used.
Anonymity allows cowards to speak brave words. I think it's as true
for usenet as it was for CB radio. On the other hand, usenet is also a
medium in which a certain amount of respect is afforded those who show
respect for others and accept that many things can be seen in more
than one way.
| To me it is more than profoundly stupid to defend any of the
| mongrels we have in politics today. Both parties carry the stench
| of greed, lies, and self serving agendas wherever they go and
| whatever they do. They don't care about any of us; and it is
| amazing to me that anyone thinks their respective "representatives"
| might. How childishly naive can they be? There is no difference
| in the parties we have at all. Not one bit; anyone that keeps up
| with the news at all can say that one group is worse or better than
| the other. Politicians (except of couse, the one you like) dont'
| care about any of us unless it is time for fundraising, reelection
| or face time with the press.
I'm inclined to agree; but feel compelled to assert that there are
good people with solid principles and high ideals on both sides of the
A few years back I was invited to accompany newly-elected Governor Tom
Vilsak in walking presidential candidate Bill Bradley through the Iowa
State Fair (I'm still not sure how that came about since I was
registered as an independent) - and came away from the experience with
tired feet and a profound respect and liking for both men.
| And worse, to use our system of news reporting a source of factual
| data is a bigger joke still. Where do we get out "facts"? What
| makes your source of facts, the ones used for the frequent acid
| bath administered here by those that disagree with each other, the
| "correct source"? The worlds's news system is a joke, manipulated
| by the owners and editors of that media to sell papers, air time
| and commercial space. (Still though, my favorite from Homer , "
| But Marge... I saw it on the internet, that means it has to be
| true..." or with Homer *sobbing*, "But TV wouldn't lie to me...
| would it?") But any "fact" that is convenient is pulled out and
| used as needed when is taken for undisputed truth if it serves the
| cause of angry dispute.
Truth is sometimes a slippery critter. I suspect that when it became a
commercial commodity, it became a bit "bendy". Still, there has ever
been a need for the receiver to listen critically. I don't recall that
dispassionate objectivity has /ever/ been in oversupply...
Although it's sometimes pretty tiresome, disagreement is one of the
signs that different people are looking at different aspects of a
problem (or looking differently at the same aspects) and arriving at
different conclusions. I see this as a fundamentally healthy sign. The
passion with which people speak is simply an indicator of how much of
themselves they've invested in the issue.
I agree that little purpose is served when civil discussion devolves
into attacks on the participants...
| And even worse still, is the fact that all the ugly political
| threads here are just running, hateful commentaries populated by
| playground style one-upsmanship. Both sides carry the arrogant
| lack of humility that has become requisite to particiapation here.
| Yet, while these indignant warriors carry their banner highly as
| long as it is in front of the computer with a cup of coffee or
| chatting with their like minded friends. I don't know (I could be
| mistaken) of any that go out and do anything about their highly
| principled extreme positions. Not even attending a city council
| meeting.
I'll agree that there are varying degrees of maturity brought to any
(all?) threads on usenet - but I think you might be at least a little
surprised at the number of people who quietly act on their
| Sure it lots of fun to belittle each other here, though. You don't
| know the guys here, you won't run into them at the grocery store, a
| school function, etc., so you can be the badass you always thought
| you were. Bury each other with pointless facts, clever rhetoric,
| and sarcasitic sniping until it gets ugly because someone cuts too
| deep... then it really starts. Why if you were just there in
| person, you might even kick some ass!
Well, it's that anonymity problem again. Still, after reading here for
a while, I've begun to feel that I'm developing a sense of who/what
many of the regulars are really like as individuals.
| What got me going here was the fact that a post was made that was
| clearly marked OT, and had in the subject an apology, invoked a
| thinly veiled threat. So how thin skinned are we going to get?
| Are we only allowed to post a silly throw away attempt at humor if
| the group guardians approve it? I do not agree with some of the
| things posted here, but how much further does one need to go than
| to mark it upfront to keep from getting personally attacked for an
| attempt at humor? I don't agree with the many of the OTs posted
| here, but thankfully they are marked "OT", and if the content
| offends me I just don't go back. I don't feel any need to control
| this group.
Good - the group doesn't need controlling; and it's not of primary
importance that it be under control. Usenet being what it is, it's
only necessary to grow a thicker skin. :-)
| The deviseness of which you speak is no more apparent anywhere than
| it is here. My personal posts were to help the normal process of
| hysterical screaming and hate mongering along to an immediate
| crescendo and thusly (hopefully) a quicker end. In a not to subtle
| manner, I was really trying to encourage (or in a perfect world,
| discourage) another long, nasty thread. Along the way I was
| hoping that some of the more vitriolic of this group would get the
| hint. So little time is spent on woodworking here compared to any
| subject that deals in any negative aspect.
I recognized your attempt <vbg> - and I also recognized how important
it is to recognize mistakes and make those things the object of humor,
so that some degree of balance can be restored (so we can move on to
more pleasant thoughts like beer and woodworking). This takes a bit of
time and effort; and resists hastening. In a typically usenet fashion,
the group is working toward some degree of consensus (IOW
rediscovering common ground). Thus my comment that if you didn't slow
down you might be left behind...
| So Morris, I'm OK. I agree with you. I am sick of all the
| fighting. I'm right there with you on "Turn, Turn, Turn". But sir,
| we are few and far between. The art of gentle disagreement is
| lost. The respect for another's opinion has been replaced by "I'm
| right, and since you dont' agree with me, screw you". No political
| party will make a change, it has to come from the people; but that
| should be for another topic.
I don't see it as quite so black and white. Sometimes (frequently?)
gentle disagreement (and sometimes agreement) is expressed in silence.
| I am about as far right conservative on some issues as one can get,
| and pretty damn far left on others. Most of my friends are the
| same way. We respect each other's opinons and we like to hear
| updates on matters that interest us. We have been friends in some
| cases for more than 30 years, and we choose to honor (or just
| tolerate) each others opinions and not speak to harshly on hot
| topics as we know we never really have the truth as it is presented.
| I'm OK Morris, really. But the hijinks here, essentially a
| "woodworking" group, get under my skin on occasion.
Sounds fairly normal to me. I've found that there are times when my
tolerance is at low ebb - and at those times I either don't read
usenet or read but don't reply.
I already knew you were OK - or I wouldn't have posted.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
Bill in Detroit (in [email protected]) said:
| Morris Dovey wrote:
|| Seize the day!
| Just be careful which end you grab.
| I ran into an observation regarding political correctness the other
| day that I think has wider use. It's a little vulgar, but I think
| that helps the illustration so I'll relay the vulgarity, too.
| It was stated that PC is based on the assumption that you can throw
| a
| turd by the clean end. (or words to that net effect).
| Arguments about politics seem to me to make a similar error in
| assuming that politics is the source of the answers to our problems
| when the historical evidence might suggest that it is, instead, the
| source of the problems themselves.
| Just food for thought and my perspective on the whole plate of
| spaghetti. The topic is, of course, open for debate, but I won't
| join in it.
Did I just see you grab that one by the clean end? <vbg>
Out here in farm country excrement is a normal fact of everyday life.
We move small amounts with shovels, larger amounts with specialized
machinery, and we even have contests at the state fair to see who can
throw a "cow pie" farthest. Not PC to mention it; but agriculture is
all about turning excrement into the food we all eat.
Interestingly, PC becomes less important as one travels deeper into
farm country - perhaps because the times between harvest and planting
allow a bit of time to consider issues in greater depth than
seasonless 9-5 jobs permit. Here, PC takes a back seat to respect for
the individual and "yabbut does it /work/?" kinds of issues.
My view is that politics is _both_ the source of problems and the
source of solutions.
Soil and water are important here, too. During the last election
campaign, someone quipped that: "He who throws mud, loses ground," and
that's pretty much the way the vote here played out.
Advice to politicians: whatever you find in your hand - don't throw
Since I mentioned soil and water, I might as well put in a plug for
the third important element - the sun. I build the "machinery" to
harvest its warmth.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
"George" <[email protected]> wrote
Even a fool appears wise when they remain silent.
"LRod" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:22:58 GMT, "George" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
> LRod
> Master Woodbutcher and seasoned termite
Understand Ted has another place in the back seat for that ride home.
Love ya!
"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
Mon, Dec 4, 2006, 4:22pm (EST+5) [email protected] (George) did poareth:
Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass
2008 Democratic National Convention Schedule <anip>
The part about nominating Hillary Clinton scares the crap out of
me, even joking. The rest was fairly humerous..
The Republican one was humerous, the Democratic one was scary but more
honest one. I think out of respect to Teddy not all his toasts were
mentioned. ;~)
Mon, Dec 4, 2006, 4:22pm (EST+5) [email protected] (George) did poareth:
Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass
=A0=A02008 Democratic National Convention Schedule <anip>
The part about nominating Hillary Clinton scares the crap out of
me, even joking. The rest was fairly humerous..
I am, therefore I think.
On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:22:58 GMT, "George" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
So, it's more important to you to pass on something you consider
amusing to a bunch of people who may not, despite the fact that some
of them, as fellow woodworkers, may have thought you a knowledgable
fellow, with something worth sharing promised by your presence, than
to exercise common prudence and leave such commonly understood
volatile topics as religion and politics out of regular discourse
among same.
That tells me all I need to know about your character. That knowledge
about your character colors anything, however founded in knowledge,
practice, or experience, you might have to offer about woodworking.
Yeah, I'm that judgemental. Hey, just like you!
Master Woodbutcher and seasoned termite
Shamelessly whoring my website since 1999
Proud participant of rec.woodworking since February, 1997
email addy de-spam-ified due to 1,000 spams per month.
If you can't figure out how to use it, I probably wouldn't
care to correspond with you anyway.
AHH I remember Hilary holding up the book that contained our national health
insurance. What's she gonna hold when she runs for pres.???
"Stoutman" <.@.> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> Hey, the list does not have the event we have all been waiting for since
>> 2000. Al Gore showing off his "LOCK BOX" filled with what the Democrats
>> are going to allow us for our retirement income.
> I think George is spending our retirement income liberating Iraq.
"Bill in Detroit" wrote
> Lee wrote:
>> AHH I remember Hilary holding up the book that contained our national
>> health insurance. What's she gonna hold when she runs for pres.???
> A page?
A Hillary joke is that she wrote in her book that she had no idea that slick
willy was cheating on her. And this qualifies her to be president.
Cliché: Many a truth has been disguised as humor.
Rule 1 of political discourse: If you disagree with
someone's position, attack his logic!
Rule 2 of political discourse: If you can't attack his
logic, attack his facts!
Rule 3 of political discourse: If you can't dispute
his facts or find flaws in his logic, attack him and
his character!
John Flatley
Jacksonville, Florida
"LRod" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
| On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:22:58 GMT, "George"
<[email protected]> wrote:
| >Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too
funny not to pass on.
| So, it's more important to you to pass on something
you consider
| amusing to a bunch of people who may not, despite the
fact that some
| of them, as fellow woodworkers, may have thought you
a knowledgable
| fellow, with something worth sharing promised by your
presence, than
| to exercise common prudence and leave such commonly
| volatile topics as religion and politics out of
regular discourse
| among same.
| That tells me all I need to know about your
character. That knowledge
| about your character colors anything, however founded
in knowledge,
| practice, or experience, you might have to offer
about woodworking.
| Yeah, I'm that judgemental. Hey, just like you!
| --
| LRod
| Master Woodbutcher and seasoned termite
| Shamelessly whoring my website since 1999
| http://www.woodbutcher.net
| Proud participant of rec.woodworking since February,
| email addy de-spam-ified due to 1,000 spams per
| If you can't figure out how to use it, I probably
| care to correspond with you anyway.
"Old guy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Funny, the rest of the country seemed to think that the Democrats had
> something to offer this country that the Republicans didn't.
> No apologies to anyone.
> Old Guy
I was listening to a talk show host that was commenting that the Democrats
have not provided a solution.
Basically he said that what the Democrats have to offer is.... they are not
Sounds like another Jimmy Carter style change could happen. Good thing
Elmer Fudd did not run Democrat in 1976.
[email protected] wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> C'mon guys... this thread is falling apart. The longest, most well
> followed and venemous threads this group EVER has anymore are the ones
> that delve into politics.
> Where is the hate? Where is the vitriol? Where is the screaming of
> quoted/misquoated/skewed facts that prove the most pedantic of points?
> Where is the self righteous indignation? You know both sides here
> have taken uncalled for liberties with each other's cherished and
> (most importantly) >correct< political beliefs. You can't let those
> jerkwads that don't agree with you get away with that kind of crap,
> can you?
> No name calling, humiliation, snubbing (for the beginners, not the
> pros) or threats of violence? Has this group lost its way? I'm not
> sure any of the regular quitters (some here have said tearful
> farewells to this cruel group at least twice because of undue cruelty)
> are even in this.... maybe they won't even quit again....
> I have seen more hate expressed over Home Depot having the wrong kind
> of employees or lack of quality wood. Even Norm and his brad gun used
> to get more burning hate than this thread is showing now.
> What's going on? FIGHT! FIGHT ! FIGHT! Think Monty Python here....
> "Come on, you pansies!"
> I am hoping if this thread picks up some steam and really hits the
> ball over the fence in the next few days, and then maybe it will be
> peaceful around here at Christmas (yes, I used Christ in a word, so
> that's OK) time.
Mark, Juanita, and Doug Miller are off-line tonight.
"Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in news:1165250060.083295.77020@
> On Dec 4, 11:22 am, "George" <[email protected]> wrote:
> [snip]
> What pages did you copy that from? Oh wait. the pages are busy...
> sorry.
> Don't move into a glass house, George.
This is definitely not new and not a Canadian thing. I don't think you
guys would like Nancy, Teddy, John K., Harry from Nevada, how about
Kaschunich (sp?) etc. But then, maybe you would (I wouldn't wish them on
you, I'd rather give Canada the clap):).
"Lee" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> AHH I remember Hilary holding up the book that contained our national
> health insurance. What's she gonna hold when she runs for pres.???
> "Stoutman" <.@.> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>> Hey, the list does not have the event we have all been waiting for
>>> since 2000. Al Gore showing off his "LOCK BOX" filled with what
>>> the Democrats are going to allow us for our retirement income.
>> I think George is spending our retirement income liberating Iraq.
Certainly won't be Bills swantz.
[email protected] wrote in news:1165277301.275569.106570
> 2008 Republican National Convention Schedule
> 6:00 PM Opening Prayer, led by the Rev. Jerry Falwell
> 6:30 PM Pledge of Allegiance
> 6:35 PM Burning of Bill of Rights (excluding 2nd amendment)
> 6:45 PM Salute to the Coalition of the Willing
> 6:46 PM Seminar #1: Getting your kid a military deferment
> 7:30 PM First Presidential Beer Bong
> 7:35 PM Serve Freedom Fries
> 7:40 PM EPA Address #1: Mercury, it's what's for dinner
> 8:00 PM Vote on which country to invade next
> 8:10 PM Call EMTs to revive Rush Limbaugh
> 8:15 PM John Ashcroft Lecture: The Homos are after your children
> 8:30 PM Roundtable discussion on reproductive rights (MEN only)
> 8:50 PM Seminar #2: Corporations: the government of the future
> 9:00 PM Condi Rice sings "I Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man"
> 9:05 PM Second Presidential Beer Bong
> 9:10 PM EPA Address #2 Trees: the real cause of forest fires
> 9:30 PM Break for secret meetings
> 10:00 PM Second prayer, led by Cal Thomas
> 10:15 PM Lecture by Karl Rove: Doublespeak made easy
> 10:30 PM Rumsfeld demonstration: How to squint and talk macho
> 10:35 PM Bush demonstration of trademark deer-in-headlights stare
> 10:40 PM John Ashcroft demonstrates new mandatory Kevlar chastity belt
> 10:45 PM Clarence Thomas reads list of black Republicans
> 10:46 PM Third Presidential Beer Bong
> 10:50 PM Seminar #3: Education: a drain on our nation's economy
> 11:10 PM Hilary Clinton Pinata
> 11:20 PM Second John Ashcroft Lecture: Evolutionists: the dangerous new
> cult
> 11:30 PM Call EMTs to revive Rush Limbaugh again
> 11:35 PM Blame Clinton
> 11:40 PM Laura serves milk and cookies
> 11:50 PM Closing Prayer, led by Jesus Himself
> 12:00 AM Nomination of George W. Bush as Holy Supreme Planetary
Why don't you try to be clever, at least a little bit?
"George" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass
> on.
> 2008 Democratic National Convention Schedule
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning.
> 7:15 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations.
> 7:30 PM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 7:30 - 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship: Jessie Jackson
> and Al
> Sharpton.
> 8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 8:05 P.M Ceremonial tree hugging.
> 8:15- 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding: Barney Frank, presiding.
> 8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally: Cindy Sheehan, Susan Sarandon.
> 9:00 P.M. Keynote speech: "The Proper Etiquette for Surrender",
> French
> President Jacques Chirac.
> 9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama Bin Laden Kidney Transplant
> Fund.
> 9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from
> Guantanamo Bay:
> Sean Penn.
> 9:40 P.M. Why I hate and avoided the Military: A short talk by
> William
> Jefferson Clinton.
> 9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 9:50 P.M. Dan Rather receives "Truth in Broadcasting" award,
> presented
> by Michael Moore.
> 9:55 P.M., Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 10:00 P.M. Presentation: "How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld
> brought down
> the World Trade Center Towers", by Howard Dean.
> 10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton for President by
> Mahmud
> Ahnadinejad.
> 11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents the Internet.
> 11:15 P.M. "Our Troops are War Criminals", presented by John Kerry.
> 11:30 P.M Coronation of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
> 12:00 AM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 12:05 A.M Bill asks Ted to drive Hillary home.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I can hardly wait!
What hath thou wroth? You are going to bring all the assholes that
reside in the woodwork out into the open. There will be many that have
never posted before.
I have no recollection of that at this time.
"Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey, the list does not have the event we have all been waiting for since
> 2000. Al Gore showing off his "LOCK BOX" filled with what the Democrats
> are going to allow us for our retirement income.
It is quite clever, though.
Fortunately we have a whole new set of promises every election to give us
hope and make us forget the old positions and promises.
Leon <[email protected]> wrote:
> I was listening to a talk show host that was commenting that the Democrats
> have not provided a solution.
Sadly, neither did the Republicans. Which is why the Democrats won the
> Basically he said that what the Democrats have to offer is.... they are not
> Republican.
True. Its not much, but at least its something.
Frank Stutzman
On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 09:45:01 -0600, Morris Dovey wrote:
> Robatoy (in [email protected])
> said:
> | Morris Dovey wrote:
> | [snipped for brevity]
> |
> | Live and learn. Why does it always have to do so much damage?
> Good question. Perhaps because we're (we being humans) so reluctant to
> admit to making mistakes; and so don't learn from them - and perhaps
> because we too often do something that we recognize as a mistake when
> done by someone else; but expect that the results will be different
> /this/ time...
> || And our biggest problem - that of being the last superpower
> || standing - we haven't even begun to deal with.
> ||
> | Superpower? On what front? Bombs and cruise missles?
> Yes. Whether we like it or not, they're real and present - but don't
> limit yourself to them. The US has produced military technology that
> allows its armed forces to be deployed more efficiently and
> effectively (by far) than any other. I'm of the opinion that this, all
> by itself, is a problem for us.
> | Superpower on the global economic front?
> Yes, this too (still); and we're all aware that, once again, our
> greatest strengths can also be our greatest weaknesses.
> | Superpower on the global energy front?
> Yes, although this is a bit more difficult to see. Our complacency
> with regard to supply is lamentable; but our history of successes in
> dealing with energy issues actually /is/ significant. Are there
> problems to be solved? Of course there are! Will we produce solutions?
> I believe we are and will continue to do so. (I'm working on several
> pieces of it myself!)
> | There are some very powerful global chess moves being made by Russia
> | and China while the world is busy watching the crazyness in The
> | Middle east.
> Well yes - the more things change, the more they're the same. IMO,
> it'd help a lot if fewer people slept through history class. The
> politicians (everywhere) need to recognize that if one plays
> "win/lose" long enough, the end result is inevitably one's loss - and
> that if we only play "win/win" then the end result is inevitably
> better than a loss. Regrettably, politicians seem to be universally
> slow learners...
> | Rome used to be a superpower. Now you can't get parts for a Fiat.
> I hear you - and yet, by strange coincidence, the sweatshirt that I'm
> wearing this morning has two words on the front: "Carpe Diem" - and I
> have brand new software for the 'Bot to cut a precision template for a
> clamping caul - using a 5 HP industrial spindle without measurable
> runout that was manufactured in Milano - because that was the best I
> could afford.
> As a young lad I visited Italy (traffic was mostly bicycles, Vespas,
> and Apes then) and was impressed by how much of ancient Rome remained
> for us to learn from. They got a lot of things right - and they got a
> lot of things wrong; but I think that, right or wrong, they provided a
> lot for those of us who came after to consider in the context and
> perspectives of our own time.
And one thing I see among my contemporaries is that they don't recognize
the parallels between the US and Rome--they see the technological
differences and think that they are so overwhelming that the social and
political similarities don't matter. Simple fact, Rome spent on the order
of a thousand years dealing with recalcitrant and troublesome barbarians,
many of them in the Middle East, and some of the descendants of those
barbarians were still calling themselve "Roman" a thousand years after the
end of the Empire. Maybe there are some lessons to be learned from them.
> Seize the day!
Leon <[email protected]> wrote:
: The Republican one was humerous, the Democratic one was scary but more
: honest one.
How so? They both were caricartures.
-- Andy Barss
On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 17:25:41 +0000, LRod <[email protected]>
>On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:22:58 GMT, "George" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
>So, it's more important to you to pass on something you consider
>amusing to a bunch of people who may not
It *was* labeled "off topic."
On 4 Dec 2006 09:58:20 -0800, "Never Enough Money"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>LRod, I don't approve of OT messages, either (even if I agree with
>them). However, in George's defense, he did say it was "OT" in the
>title. Plus, I don't see you complining about the other OT's today. Do
>you just pick the ones you don't like?
I wasn't complaining that it was an OT message. My complaint was that
it fell into the category of taboo subjects as described in my
There are tons of what can reasonably be argued as legitimate off
topic subjects in a special interest forum. Religion and politics are
almost universally not included in them unless the groups are
religious or political in the first place. There's a reason for it,
and you'll be seeing several examples of it in this thread.
Master Woodbutcher and seasoned termite
Shamelessly whoring my website since 1999
Proud participant of rec.woodworking since February, 1997
email addy de-spam-ified due to 1,000 spams per month.
If you can't figure out how to use it, I probably wouldn't
care to correspond with you anyway.
Hey, the list does not have the event we have all been waiting for since
2000. Al Gore showing off his "LOCK BOX" filled with what the Democrats
are going to allow us for our retirement income.
"George" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
> 2008 Democratic National Convention Schedule
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning.
> 7:15 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations.
> 7:30 PM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 7:30 - 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship: Jessie Jackson and Al
> Sharpton.
> 8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 8:05 P.M Ceremonial tree hugging.
> 8:15- 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding: Barney Frank, presiding.
> 8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally: Cindy Sheehan, Susan Sarandon.
> 9:00 P.M. Keynote speech: "The Proper Etiquette for Surrender", French
> President Jacques Chirac.
> 9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama Bin Laden Kidney Transplant Fund.
> 9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from Guantanamo
> Bay: Sean Penn.
> 9:40 P.M. Why I hate and avoided the Military: A short talk by William
> Jefferson Clinton.
> 9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 9:50 P.M. Dan Rather receives "Truth in Broadcasting" award, presented
> by Michael Moore.
> 9:55 P.M., Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 10:00 P.M. Presentation: "How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brought
> down the World Trade Center Towers", by Howard Dean.
> 10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton for President by Mahmud
> Ahnadinejad.
> 11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents the Internet.
> 11:15 P.M. "Our Troops are War Criminals", presented by John Kerry.
> 11:30 P.M Coronation of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
> 12:00 AM. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
> 12:05 A.M Bill asks Ted to drive Hillary home.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I can hardly wait!
George Max wrote:
> On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 17:25:41 +0000, LRod <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:22:58 GMT, "George" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Just picked this up from a friend, and it's just too funny not to pass on.
>> So, it's more important to you to pass on something you consider
>> amusing to a bunch of people who may not
> It *was* labeled "off topic."
AND "Apologies to those who disagree".
"Our beer goes through thousands of quality Czechs every day."
(From a Shiner Bock billboard I saw in Austin some years ago)
To reply, eat the taco.
On 05 Dec 2006 02:03:52 GMT, Elrond Hubbard <[email protected]>
>For those of you just joining this thread, it's Democrats 2, Republicans 1.
Maybe, if you don't count whether any of these are humorous. From that
perspective I count it Democrats 0, Republicans 0.
Truth in advertising: this comment coming from someone who sees irony
in the statement "Fox News: Fair and Balanced".
"Lee" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> AHH I remember Hilary holding up the book that contained our national
> health insurance. What's she gonna hold when she runs for pres.???
Bill's Bal_'s.
Let's you and him fight???
Old Guy
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> C'mon guys... this thread is falling apart. The longest, most well
> followed and venemous threads this group EVER has anymore are the ones
> that delve into politics.
> Where is the hate? Where is the vitriol? Where is the screaming of
> quoted/misquoated/skewed facts that prove the most pedantic of points?
> Where is the self righteous indignation? You know both sides here have
> taken uncalled for liberties with each other's cherished and (most
> importantly) >correct< political beliefs. You can't let those jerkwads
> that don't agree with you get away with that kind of crap, can you?
> No name calling, humiliation, snubbing (for the beginners, not the
> pros) or threats of violence? Has this group lost its way? I'm not
> sure any of the regular quitters (some here have said tearful farewells
> to this cruel group at least twice because of undue cruelty) are even
> in this.... maybe they won't even quit again....
> I have seen more hate expressed over Home Depot having the wrong kind
> of employees or lack of quality wood. Even Norm and his brad gun used
> to get more burning hate than this thread is showing now.
> What's going on? FIGHT! FIGHT ! FIGHT! Think Monty Python here....
> "Come on, you pansies!"
> I am hoping if this thread picks up some steam and really hits the ball
> over the fence in the next few days, and then maybe it will be peaceful
> around here at Christmas (yes, I used Christ in a word, so that's OK)
> time.
> Robert